View Full Version : Vu Duo2 and Open ATV 6.3 -network mounts not working

23-12-20, 16:25
I have 3 Vu+Duo2's in my house -1 as server and the other 2 connects to server with Remote channel stream converter. I mount each hdd from each tuner so that I can access every hdd from every tuner.
Yesterday after upgrading each tuner to one of the latest versions of OpenATV 6.3 -12212020, I am unable to access my network mounts.
In other words, unable to access successfully created network mounts from the Movie Center.

I tried a clean install on all tuners too but didn't help.I get a message that says "directory/media/autofs/Harddisk/duo2 does not exist" when trying to access mounts from the Movie Center.
All my mounts are "green" and show ok but they just don't work.
Usually mounting goes like a dream -using AUTOFS.
Mount type -CIFS -always works well but not anymore.
Any help wwill be greatly appreciated.

23-12-20, 16:43
maybe install openvix and see what that gives or ask the question on openatv board :)

abu baniaz
23-12-20, 17:12
Are you sure it is 6.3 and not 6.4?
6.4 requires a network password to be set for network functions.

23-12-20, 18:47
Why are you using Remote channel stream converter.??? And not client server mode ?
OK just read the rest -you are using ATV.

.... RCSC is kind of basic, you should look at better alternatives