View Full Version : Bouquet now looks wierd

23-12-20, 12:18
Guys help. My bouquet has changed and looks like attached. I’m sure this is not the default setting. Can anyone shed light to what I need to do, to get it back to default. Cheers.

Openvix 5.4.003

23-12-20, 12:30
Press menu when on the screen you've attached, then Configuration, you can then change the number of lines displayed.

Text also toggles the format, probably how you got there in the first place.

abu baniaz
23-12-20, 15:15
The option is called "Show two lines per entry".

23-12-20, 18:32
Thanks guys. Changed Show two lines per entry". to none. And now back to normal again.

Family all happy now ;) Cheers all

abu baniaz
23-12-20, 20:07
You can add picons if you want.

23-12-20, 20:57
Cool. What’s the easiest way. Cheers

abu baniaz
23-12-20, 21:08
See this guide

There are Ocram picons on the download server, but a few months old. You can download ipk from


I use

There are other picon sets from other makers available too.