View Full Version : Sateliite Server Setup - such a thing?

21-12-20, 16:14
Forgive me if this has been asked before

Is there a solution out there whereby in your home you would have one STB box acting as a Server. In other words its running IPTV, OScam, connected to various satellites such as Hotbird 13, Astra 19/28 and Terrestial
And then in the other rooms around your house you have another STB type box which connects back to the main Server by IP and can access all the channels that the Server has access to

Or does anyone bother with such a setup?
Hope I have explained it properly!

21-12-20, 16:18
for satelite you have fall back tuner n slave boxes trough ethernet/LAN connection.Do not know if that is working for IPTV.

23-12-20, 10:11
A box in client mode will receive every channel including iptv available on the main box.

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