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View Full Version : Helloooo!!!!

22-05-10, 18:55
Hi all,
Snapperoonie signing on:wave:, thanks for letting me in, been into the satellite scene since the days of analogue, luxcrypt, d2mac etc.
Know naff all about linux and am here to learn so please be gentle with me if i appear thick and ask stupid questions:D:D:D

22-05-10, 19:25
Hello and welcome Snapperoonie.
i'm sure your not gonna appear thick, so just relax and enjoy the linux stuff :)

22-05-10, 19:32
Hi Snapperoonie and welcome
D2mac days you must be as old as me lol
have fun m8

22-05-10, 19:37
relax and enjoy
Thats what i say to all the girls:D:D:D

23-05-10, 08:10
Hello Snapperoonie :welcome: to the forums, great to have you here :)