View Full Version : Permanent Timeshift not working

13-02-11, 23:39
I have upgraded to vix 2. I have enabled permanent timeshift and the little red light has come on. However if i hit rewind i get a hand at the top telling me, it can not do it. If i hit pause, it will pause. I just can not seem to get it to rewind. My hardisk is mounted to /dev/sda1

Anyone got a idea

13-02-11, 23:40
bug has been found and fix will be available in next update

13-02-11, 23:42
Its a PLI thing
Pause > Play >Rewind

14-02-11, 05:45
yes it is a pli issue and a fix by vix team coder andyblac has been implimented it is just being tested to make sure it works properly b4 it is released