View Full Version : Scanning 12322 V & 12369 V.

16-11-20, 16:47
I have a problem on 5.4 with scanning transponders, for example 4.8E 12322 V & 12369 V.

abu baniaz
16-11-20, 16:51
I have moved your post into its own thread. It has nothing to do with the x265 package not updating

29-11-20, 11:27
At OpenATV 6.4 the same problem on my Vu+ Solo2, when I do a full scan 4.8E 12322 V and 12360 V = 12322 V. There are no such problems at OpenPli 7.3.

29-11-20, 12:07
At OpenATV 6.4 the same problem on my Vu+ Solo2, when I do a full scan 4.8E 12322 V and 12360 V = 12322 V. There are no such problems at OpenPli 7.3.

And the problem is what?
What are you trying to show with the equal sign above?

29-11-20, 14:01
Ok, I'll try to show...

1. Example on the image Black Hole 3.1.0 and also on OpenPli 7.3, Animal Planet Europe - 12322, Animal Planet Poland HD - 12360.
60970 60971

2. On OpenViX 5.4 & OpenATV 6.4 after scanning 4.8E, the same channels Animal Planet Europe - 12321, Animal Planet Poland HD - 12321.
60972 60973 60974

3. Manual scanning 12360, now Animal Planet Europe - 12360 and Animal Planet Poland HD - 12360... the same on 0.8W.
60975 60976 60977

29-11-20, 21:52
I see now.
Thats really weird.

abu baniaz
30-11-20, 17:31
I saw your post on PLi. You really must stop posting in existing threads so that your issue gets the correct attention!


I still don't understand what the problem is. Can you rephrase it?

You are mentioning two different satellites and two different frequencies but not in a manner that is explicit and clear. When you mention scanning frequency, you are not mentioning which satellite.

There is a mechanism where identical IDs across different satellites are worked around to avoid issue.That could be the issue.


But without really understanding what you mean, it is hard to say. It may be an idea to converse with Dimitrij in what I presume is language common to both of you as he has a good understanding of enigma2.

30-11-20, 19:30
I saw your post on PLi. You really must stop posting in existing threads so that your issue gets the correct attention!


I have duplicated it, since testing is in progress 8.0 RC where did the same problem repeat itself or is it prohibited?

P.S. No problem, you can close it, if there is no problem, then there is nothing to discuss. Thanks for your help and goodbye.

abu baniaz
30-11-20, 19:40
There was no need to close your account. You have encountered a problem, people need to be able to understand the problem and preferably be able to reproduce it in order to fix it.

I have also asked on our slack group if someone can try and reproduce the problem so we can fix it. Come back with more details.