View Full Version : [GiGaBlue UHD QUAD 4K] Is 5.4.002 Stable??

11-11-20, 12:57
Is there any reason not to update from 5.3.039 to 5.4.002??
Can't see any issues being raised here??

11-11-20, 14:11
Not one crash with 5.4 on zgemma h7s and running for over a month. I suppose that could be called stable.

11-11-20, 20:27
Yes 100% agreed, this level of stability not found on other images, and I forget, especially using the slyk skin, that its even an enigma 2 box :-)

14-11-20, 09:14
Great. And backup manager will do the business with all my current settings across the change??

14-11-20, 09:31
Use Image Manager to download the image. Then when you flash the new Image it will do a settings and plugins backup for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

14-11-20, 16:31
Yes 100% agreed, this level of stability not found on other images, and I forget, especially using the slyk skin, that its even an enigma 2 box :-)

Out of interest which Slyk skin are you using as I thought most did not work with the newer VIX images?

abu baniaz
14-11-20, 16:36
Out of interest which Slyk skin are you using as I thought most did not work with the newer VIX images?
The one on the plugn server.

The only thing that does not work is the tabbed bouquets, where it shows the list of bouquets before you press right or left. You have always been able to change bouquets in the Grid EPG

15-11-20, 15:00
Use Image Manager to download the image. Then when you flash the new Image it will do a settings and plugins backup for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was following the guide and using a USB stick?? Assume image manager is downloading from www??

15-11-20, 15:19
Using the image manager you can also make a full backup of your current setup. You can download the latest image from the web and flash it to your receiver. When doing this the image manager will make a backup of your settings and you will be given the option of restoring them when booting up on the new image. There is generally no need for a usb stick when a receiver is bootable and connected to the internet.

15-11-20, 15:20
Try here..... https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?63400-OpenViX-5-4-released

15-11-20, 15:40
Read the release. Using IM from www and have choice of 3 slots - 1 has .039, 2 and 3 empty. So installed into 2. I suppose somewhere I get a choice of what image to use??

15-11-20, 16:06
It will reboot automatically into slot 2 after flashing and it will stay booting from that slot until you instruct otherwise. Go to MENU->STANDBY & RESTART->MULTIBOOT IMAGE SELECTOR if you want to boot from a different slot.

15-11-20, 17:02
It never rains, it pours.

I used to use a long press on Guide to refresh CrossEPG. I'd like to do the same with whatever EPG is now loaded.
"See EPG Refresh setup guide HERE" in release info, and no document at the link?? Where is it please???

And when in GridEPG, I'd like to change EPG Search to New Search. EPG Search just shows a list of programmes. Another yellow press to get to new search??

15-11-20, 17:21
Is this the link you're referring to.....?


abu baniaz
15-11-20, 17:28
hmm, i'll have to re-upload it

abu baniaz
15-11-20, 17:45
For an immediate EPG ( synopsis) acquisition uisng CrossEPG downloader, that is available on blue button.

It is not advisable to use two methods of data acquisition for one provider.

17-11-20, 19:34
Whatever is in 5.4.003 is fine.
But there is a small conflict when setting timers. The Green button is variously "OK" or "Save" when "Save" would be more appropriate all the time. There are 2 "OK"s - the Green button or the central silver "OK".
Grateful if it could be tidied up at next release.
Or where do I need to edit??

abu baniaz
17-11-20, 20:44
Is the purpose of thread fulfilled now? Best to have threads specific to the topic. helps people searching for solution.