View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Updates showing even while on latest image

08-11-20, 22:18
Dear all

On 6 November I saw a new release on my screen and did the update. One day later there was another one, with the same release number but no release note and today, 8 November I got number 3 - again with the same release number.

So far I always got a new release number on every update.

Did I miss anything?


08-11-20, 22:22
Software update on my 5.4.002 Ultimo4k says nothing to upgrade.

abu baniaz
08-11-20, 22:56
did you have Kodi installed?

08-11-20, 23:13
I also had the same update but only twice, so Saturday I get promoted to update, no details when I viewed but upgraded, this morning I get another update notification to upgrade, upgraded and ended up at the same .002 release.

08-11-20, 23:20
Its possibly picon updates or similar - not the image itself

08-11-20, 23:30
I don’t have any picon packages installed, would a plug-in update result in an update message?

abu baniaz
08-11-20, 23:31
The only way to find this out is by command line.

opkg update && opkg list-upgradable

The kodi update from 18.8 to 18.9 meant one of the dependencies had to be updated. Looks like there was an issue and it never updates. A flash and restore will overcome issue. Updating by command line will throw up the following error:

Not selecting libx264-161 r2970+git0+4121277b40 as installing it would break existing dependencies.

08-11-20, 23:31
These are the updates showing on mine.

60861 60862

09-11-20, 09:49
.... are you not running your own build?

09-11-20, 10:34
I only build images for my Dinobot and a couple of other unsupported receivers.
My 'build' for newbies is just a settings backup including third party skins and plugins to help them get up and running when they first get an E2 box.
I prefer plain ViX at home with Simple Ten Eighty. The images were from a test box.

09-11-20, 10:39
Cheers, that last image you posted is for a commit 2 days ago, for

09-11-20, 15:19
Am getting promoted to update again this morning, same description as yesterday.


09-11-20, 16:14
The only way to find this out is by command line.

opkg update && opkg list-upgradable

No takers, so here's what I see (with no kodi plugin) when no updates are being reported in software update...


root@et10000:~# opkg update && opkg list-upgradable
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/all/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-all'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/et10000/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-et10000'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/et10000_3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-et10000_3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/mips32el/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-mips32el'.
libudfread0 - 1.0.0+git98+d091bf5-r0 - 1.0.0+git103+34d762c-r0
enigma2-locale-nb - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-toolkit - 5.4+git6855+3bec400-r0 - 5.4+git6857+a2c5a09-r0
enigma2-locale-nl - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-no - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-mediascanner - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-pl - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-pt - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-pictureplayer - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-openvix-vix-common - 5.4+git2396+649bdc1-r4 - 5.4+git2412+722b271-r4
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-networkbrowser - 5.4+git6855+3bec400-r0 - 5.4+git6857+a2c5a09-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-multitranscodingsetup - 5.4+git2628+74fd9c6-r1 - 5.4+git2629+91f6c42-r1
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-mphelp - 5.4+git6855+3bec400-r0 - 5.4+git6857+a2c5a09-r0
enigma2-locale-ro - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-font-wqy-microhei - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-ru - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-vix-core - 5.4+git2021+d55e12a-r3 - 5.4+git2044+2d3e474-r3
enigma2-plugin-skins-openvix-youvix-common - 5.4+git2396+649bdc1-r4 - 5.4+git2412+722b271-r4
enigma2-locale-sk - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-openvix-simple-ten-eighty - 5.4+git2396+649bdc1-r4 - 5.4+git2412+722b271-r4
enigma2-locale-sl - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-openvix-vix-night-hd - 5.4+git2396+649bdc1-r4 - 5.4+git2412+722b271-r4
enigma2-locale-sr - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-sv - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-hotplug - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-th - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-tr - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-uk - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
openvix-version-info - 5.4-001 - 5.4-002
enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch - 5.4+git6855+3bec400-r0 - 5.4+git6857+a2c5a09-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-wirelesslan - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-pt-br - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgrefresh - 5.4+git6855+3bec400-r0 - 5.4+git6857+a2c5a09-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-openvix-vix-day-hd - 5.4+git2396+649bdc1-r4 - 5.4+git2412+722b271-r4
enigma2-plugin-extensions-imdb - 5.4+git6855+3bec400-r0 - 5.4+git6857+a2c5a09-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-openwebif - 1.3.9+git3561+fbc4107-r0 - 1.3.9+git3619+e2db283-r0
enigma2-locale-en-gb - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-positionersetup - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-openvix-magic-fhd - 5.4+git2396+649bdc1-r4 - 5.4+git2412+722b271-r4
enigma2-fonts - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer - 5.4+git6855+3bec400-r0 - 5.4+git6857+a2c5a09-r0
enigma2-locale-ar - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-commoninterfaceassignment - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-bg - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autobouquetsmaker - 3.1+git807+5981e78-r0 - 3.1+git808+c78ee4e-r0
enigma2-locale-ca - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
tuxbox-common - 1.0+git659+799830b-r0 - 1.0+git662+741307f-r0
enigma2-locale-cs - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-da - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-de - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-oe-alliance-plugins - 5.4+git2628+74fd9c6-r1 - 5.4+git2629+91f6c42-r1
enigma2-locale-el - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-en - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2 - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-es - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-et - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-fa - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-networkwizard - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-fi - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-fr - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-fy - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
oe-alliance-branding - 5.4+git903+9b1573f-001-et10000 - 5.4+git905+b2f279c-002-et10000
enigma2-locale-he - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-hr - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-hu - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-hdmicec - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-fancontrol - 5.4+git2628+74fd9c6-r1 - 5.4+git2629+91f6c42-r1
enigma2-locale-is - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-it - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-skins-openvix-youvix-blue - 5.4+git2396+649bdc1-r4 - 5.4+git2412+722b271-r4
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-xmlupdate - 5.4+git2628+74fd9c6-r1 - 5.4+git2629+91f6c42-r1
enigma2-locale-ku - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-satfinder - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-lt - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0
enigma2-locale-lv - 5.4+git23730+c0a6a70-r0 - 5.4+git23787+e28d01b-r0

Followed by flashing to 5.4.002

root@et10000:~# opkg update && opkg list-upgradable
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/all/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-all'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/et10000/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-et10000'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/et10000_3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-et10000_3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/mips32el/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-mips32el'.

09-11-20, 16:17
Am getting promoted to update again this morning, same description as yesterday
I'm seeing the same on Vu+Duo2, OpenViX 5.4.002...

root@vuduo2:~# opkg update && opkg list-upgradable
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuduo2/3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuduo2/all/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-all'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuduo2/mips32el/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-mips32el'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuduo2/vuduo2/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-vuduo2'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuduo2/vuduo2_3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-vuduo2_3rdparty'.
Not selecting libx264-161 r2970+git0+4121277b40 as installing it would break existing dependencies.

abu baniaz
09-11-20, 17:03
alphacabbage, you need to flash 5.4 002 and restore plugins and settings

09-11-20, 17:48
flash 5.4 002 and restore plugins and settings
'No updates found'. Thanks again!

09-11-20, 22:04
I get

root@et10000:~# opkg update && opkg list-upgradable
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/all/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-all'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/et10000/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-et10000'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/et10000_3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-et10000_3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/mips32el/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-mips32el'.
Not selecting libx264-161 r2970+git0+4121277b40 as installing it would break existing dependencies.

09-11-20, 22:06
Nope - but maybe it is the E2iPlayer or the MediaPortal

09-11-20, 22:06
I get

Not selecting libx264-161 r2970+git0+4121277b40 as installing it would break existing dependencies.
... so you need to follow post #15.

09-11-20, 22:10
Another update announced today.
These are the changes

06/11/20 20.53:46 Henry Schrapel - Revert enale USB-DVD drivers just for gbm200

03/11/20 21:05:50 Henry Schrapel - enable USB-DVD-drivers

I'll wait for your advice.

09-11-20, 22:15
... so you need to follow post #15.

Yes, looked back and saw the exact same output, will update later tonight.

09-11-20, 22:16
Another update announced today.
These are the changes

06/11/20 20.53:46 Henry Schrapel - Revert enale USB-DVD drivers just for gbm200

03/11/20 21:05:50 Henry Schrapel - enable USB-DVD-drivers

I'll wait for your advice.

That’s exactly what I had, advice is to look at post #15 and do an install of .002 followed by restore settings and plugins.

10-11-20, 11:50
Another update announced today.
These are the changes

06/11/20 20.53:46 Henry Schrapel - Revert enale USB-DVD drivers just for gbm200

03/11/20 21:05:50 Henry Schrapel - enable USB-DVD-drivers

I'll wait for your advice.

Those commits are not OE-A-Core, there are similar commits in OE-A-Core, but the author is henrylicious.

Also, one refers to gbmv200, not gbm200.

10-11-20, 13:13
just did an update of my 2 duo2's but no update visible for the octagon SF8008.

abu baniaz
10-11-20, 13:59
Looking at the GitHub logs using receiver is pointless. There are several pages. Unless a Release image is run, those changes won't be on the server that the box updates from.

If you had Kodi on 5.4 001, you will be stuck in this state of being unable to update that package.

Performing an update won't resolve the issue. You are wasting your time.

You have to flash/install 5.4 002 and then restore settings and plugins. Will take less than 5 minutes.

10-11-20, 14:58
Did a couch flash of .002 and then restored settings and plugins and no more update notification.

10-11-20, 17:27
If you had Kodi on 5.4 001, you will be stuck in this state of being unable to update that package.
In case it's useful... Kodi hasn't been on my box, there may have been remnants of E2iPlayer -- I uninstalled it 'a while back' and remember being asked if I wanted to remove dependencies and said 'yes'.

14-11-20, 00:30
Getting prompted for another update which has nothing listed

When I run the pkg command I get

root@et10000:~# opkg update && opkg list-upgradable
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/all/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-all'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/et10000/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-et10000'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/et10000_3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-et10000_3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/et10000/mips32el/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-mips32el'.
Not selecting libx264-161 r2970+git0+4121277b40 as installing it would break existing dependencies.


abu baniaz
14-11-20, 01:07
The picture is git log for oe core. Press right or left to see the other updates. However that does not apply to you. We will have to look at the
libx264 package as that is what is causing the issue.

There is no need to show a screenshot of the git log pages. You have only shown one of them, you can press right/left to see the other pages. The command line log is useful and only way of showing the problem.

abu baniaz
14-11-20, 12:50
@iamateaf, which packages do you have installed? I think it should be:

opkg list-installed

14-11-20, 20:04
The only additional stuff I have installed are ServiceApp and XStreamity.


14-11-20, 20:44
I finally got rid of the update message by USB flash and restoring of old settings. Unfortunately my router had just an out during the restore. So I had to reset the router first and do the flash and restore again. To make things worse, the network settings were no more the same as the box got a new IP. At last everything is running again and I can use Filezila from my PC to the box.

14-11-20, 21:22
I’ve already reflashed using the .002 and then restored settings, did that to get rid of the previous continual prompt to upgrade.

abu baniaz
14-11-20, 21:38
I have asked one of the OE-A developers. However, he need logs from the build server. I don't have access to it.

Until issue is fixed, whenever the x265 package is updated, it won't update on ViX during an image update. You will have to install/update with "force" option or flash and restore.

abu baniaz
07-01-22, 18:15
This issue is back on 6.0 006. Affected users may need to flash and restore.

root@vuduo4k:~# opkg list-upgradable
Not selecting libx264-164 r2970+git0+19856cc41a as installing it would break existing dependencies.