View Full Version : Desperate EPG prob, pls help

13-02-11, 16:13
Hi guys.

Am using vix 1.3 at the moment, and have a problem.
I currently save my epg.dat to USB, but each time the box reboots, I lose it all.
I have set the save path to media/usb after mounting the USB but still no luck.
Each time I then have to scan the epg for my providers, and it takes ages.
It appears that after a box reboot, the USB is not picked up again!!!
Do I need some type of script I wonder??
I noticed that the epg.dat is duplicated on the hard drive also.
If it helps I can attach my FSTAB

Pls can someone help me with this irritating problem?

Many thanks in advance.

13-02-11, 19:43
Check this: -

Blue button > VIX Menu > ViX Settings > Make sure epg location is set to USB Stick.

Also how are you rebooting your receiver?

13-02-11, 21:26
Hi mate.
Yes it is, and I wish it was that simple.
Also set my picon location to the usb, and is ok
Sometimes I have to hard hardboot, when i get the process busy symboly perm running.
Am wondering if i need to add a script of some kind, as it happens on my DM800 the same???
The drive is mapped to media/usb
I wonder if it's an image issue?
Am pulling my hair out over this

13-02-11, 22:42
First thing to remember it the UUID code changes everytime you format or initialize
your usb stick, so do this before carrying on with this little mini-tutorial.

Telnet into box.

Type command BLKID and press enter.

It should show you two devices mounted as sda1 and sdb1, where sda1 is your sata hdd and sdb1 is
your usb memory stick. Note down the uuid numbers for sdb1 very carefully and exit telnet.

Now ftp into box and download /etc/fstab file open it in an editor and put in these lines....
The alphanumeric string for the uuid you noted down earlier goes instead of xxxxxx

UUID=xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx /media/usb auto defaults 0 0

This will make sure your usb stick is always mounted correctly as /media/usb


In crossepg setup it will now see 2 usb devices 1=the name of the device eg. sandisk
the second will say usb stick make sure you set your epg location to usb stick or /media/usb
but never sandisk or the name of the device.

There is no need to do this for the internal hdd as it is always detected correctly.
This usb behaviour is happening in a lot of enigma2 images lately with latest kernals and drivers.

Hope this helps.



14-02-11, 12:35
Thank you so much my friend.
I'll try it later, and report.
I guessed it had someting to do with FSTAB also, but my Unix sucks :-)

14-02-11, 21:23
Sorry to be dumb mate, but when i open telnet in DCC it says blkid not found when i type it in.
My box is connected for sure
Have already formatted my usb as suggested.
Apologies again in bothering you

14-02-11, 23:50
works fine in vix2 image, sorry mate looks like the blkid command
isn't actually in vix1.3, I haven't seen any image yet that didn't have this.

But on your dm800s you should be able to ftp into
boxes and go to /dev/disk/uuid and that will show the uuid's of mounted disks..

15-02-11, 22:34
Hi mate.

Will look at this when i set up a dm800 soon.
In the meantime, i'll be installing vix 2.0
Will let you know soon

Thanks again.

15-02-11, 22:41
My VU+ Duo running VIX 1.3 just started freezing in the menus recently I can't refresh image using USB and Computor does not support null modem, so I can't FTP, any ideas has at the moment I have a useless bit of hardware.

15-02-11, 22:53
why can't you reflash using usb, have you all other usb devices plugged out at the back?

15-02-11, 23:02
Hi Judge not using other USB ports for some reason whenever I boot up it appears not to read USB on the front of box at least..After two days struggling with menus freezing and rebooting etc I decided to try changing batteries in remote guess what.........alls hunky dory do I feel like a right plonker rodney....

15-02-11, 23:09
Changing batteries fixed that problem? Now thats defo a strange one...

15-02-11, 23:19
Yep it wasn't the box freezing but the fact that the batteries had died in the remote too much zapping when I had a eureka moment and decided to put fresh ones in, the rest is history as they say, well two or three submissions back in this thread any hows.. Arwell pass the dunce cap and i'll make me way over too the corner of the room.

17-02-11, 23:19
My VU+ Duo running VIX 1.3 just started freezing in the menus recently I can't refresh image using USB and Computor does not support null modem, so I can't FTP, any ideas has at the moment I have a useless bit of hardware.

Make sure it's a USB image you are trying to flash.
In the image you will see vuplus, and duo folders in tree form.
That's how you identify a USB image that you have downloaded.
Hope this helps...

22-02-11, 19:12
I have vix 2.0 installed now and is great.
My epg works fine now.
I mapped it my usb, and is set to usb stick in cross epg.
In device manage the usb is mapped as media/usb
The only thing now is, my HDD ramps up when i change channels which is worrying.

Any ideas lads?

I can't see a picon save location, so maybe is that??
The epg.dat and picons are all on the HDD as i can see in ftp!!!

Only lost and found in USB, and nothing in sdb1

22-02-11, 19:14
You will need to move the PICONS otherwise it will go to the HDD each time you change channels.

22-02-11, 20:22
i downloaded them from the addons server, so i guess i'll move them to the usb??

22-02-11, 20:32
yeh put them in picon folder on usb

23-02-11, 12:17
I guess the same goes for epg.dat?

23-02-11, 12:40
yeh, when you go to setup, vix, settings, "Choose epg location" chose USB Stick and that will store it there. If you use CrossEPG then when you go CrossEPG Menu, click configure and chose "Storage Device" USB Stick

23-02-11, 14:07
Cheers m8.
Will report back...

23-02-11, 16:36
I have a similar problem with CrossEPG.
I have USB selected as download location.
CrossEPG downloads all titles and descriptions, parses them correctly etc. the CrossEPG folder with various .db files is created on media/usb correctly.
However the epg.dat gets saved to media/hdd for some reason so no EPG is loaded at all. If I manually copy the file back to media/usb and delete it from hdd I can do a force EPG reload in CrossEPG et voila, epg fully populated.
Even better, after doing this, the epg.dat gets moved back to media/hdd.
I have logged a bug with the CrossEPG team but I am wondering if someone found a workaround.


23-02-11, 16:49
I have a similar problem with CrossEPG.
I have USB selected as download location.
CrossEPG downloads all titles and descriptions, parses them correctly etc. the CrossEPG folder with various .db files is created on media/usb correctly.
However the epg.dat gets saved to media/hdd for some reason so no EPG is loaded at all. If I manually copy the file back to media/usb and delete it from hdd I can do a force EPG reload in CrossEPG et voila, epg fully populated.
Even better, after doing this, the epg.dat gets moved back to media/hdd.
I have logged a bug with the CrossEPG team but I am wondering if someone found a workaround.


if you go into menu,setup, vix, vix settings, make sure epg location is USB Stick and not hdd. try that and see if that is correct and that should sort it

23-02-11, 16:52
Unfortunately I had to swtich to BH 1.4.5 because of DVB-T issues with VIX 2.0.

23-02-11, 16:57
aaah ok no probz, well if you come back then least you know what to check for nex time :D

23-02-11, 17:13
That's the one mate.
Thank you so much:D

23-02-11, 17:15
nice one, glad it worked out :beer_toast:

23-02-11, 18:12
What threw me a bit was to set to usb in cross epg config, and ryvix settings, but all ok thanks to ur help my friend.
Cheers again:thumbsup: