View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] OpenWebif epg search returns no results

20-10-20, 13:04

OpenWebif EPG searches return no matches under the 'new' design, switching to the 'old' in the same session produces expected results. E.g,

"Lock" : no-matches v. Channel 4 'Locke', Thu 22.10.2020.
"The" : no-matches v. many results

On-box searches (via remote) are also fine. No sign of js errors...


24-11-20, 15:58
Note to self ;) The debug log shows the 'new design' searching "the description" (no hits) whereas the 'old style' works on "title" (multiple hits)...

< 14549.6845> 14:47:23.1946 [Task] job Components.Task.Job name=SoftcamCheck #tasks=1 completed with [] in None
< 14552.8689> 14:47:26.3790 [eEPGCache] nownext finished(1605883646)
< 14555.6213> 14:47:29.1314 [eEPGCache] lookup events with 'the' in the description (ignore case)
< 14575.8765> 14:47:49.3865 [eEPGCache] schedule finished(1605883669)
< 14583.2284> 14:47:56.7384 [eEPGCache] lookup events with 'the' in title (ignore case)
< 14584.3387> 14:47:57.8488 [eEPGCache] event 7c27 not found in epgcache
< 14584.3413> 14:47:57.8514 [eEPGCache] event 3f56 not found in epgcache
< 14584.3455> 14:47:57.8556 [eEPGCache] event bc23 not found in epgcache
< 14584.3482> 14:47:57.8583 [eEPGCache] event 3ffd not found in epgcache

I'm assuming that the search target isn't configurable under either design.
(EPG exclusively via UK terrestrial tuners).

24-11-20, 16:10
... you really need to report any OpenWebif issues to the authors on Github.

Maybe here...


(Never absolutely sure where some of these plugins actually live.)

24-11-20, 19:13

OpenWebif EPG searches return no matches under the 'new' design, switching to the 'old' in the same session produces expected results. E.g,

"Lock" : no-matches v. Channel 4 'Locke', Thu 22.10.2020.
"The" : no-matches v. many results

On-box searches (via remote) are also fine. No sign of js errors...


Seems to work for me, Vix 5.4.003, new (modern) Webif interface, Xtrend ET10K, Windows 10, 64 but
Search for Lock brings up many results - many like Six Oclock news
Seach for The brings up 100+ results - including The History Of Comedy, Star Trek: The Next Generation


24-11-20, 20:06
Works for me as well, never thought to try it !

Top right cog in OpenWebif allows you to change the search criteria, switching off include description ends up with no hits.

25-11-20, 15:14
Works for me as well, never thought to try it !
I mainly use it flicking between tabs to set ad hoc timers after browsing nextfilm.uk (sometimes replacing SD versions imported from ye olde Topfield).

switching off include description ends up with no hits.
Well, beggar me, I can't have looked very far! I've been unnecessarily switching between the old & new interfaces for months. I've occasionally tried to get my head around the lay of E2/openvix components - and even decompiled a couple of likely looking python files - but I knew I was blowing against the wind.

Anyway, just to confirm: on the OpenWebif 'modern' interface (only), if EPG Search "include description" is enabled, all searches fail. (If not, they don't).

Thanks for the replies. :)

25-11-20, 17:45
Anyway, just to confirm: on the OpenWebif 'modern' interface (only), if EPG Search "include description" is enabled, all searches fail. (If not, they don't).

Don't you mean disabled?

25-11-20, 19:48
Don't you mean disabled?

( extra words to hit the 10 char minimum ;) )

26-11-20, 12:39
Anyway, just to confirm: on the OpenWebif 'modern' interface (only), if EPG Search "include description" is enabled, all searches fail. (If not, they don't).

No, the other way around
Enabled and search works
Disabled and search doesn't

I'm assuming the setting below shows enabled


and when the dot turns black and is at the other end of the bar it is disabled. However, I do wish designers would provide completely unambigious control indicators - Microsoft users are used to the switch bars in the reverse direction and at least they also have the words on/off.

26-11-20, 13:21
when the dot turns black and is at the other end of the bar it is disabled.
Clearly ambiguous as I'm seeing it the other way round -- have a look at 'full remote' and 'use classic interface' for reference. ;)

26-11-20, 13:51
I fully agree as this toggle switch (or whatever it is called) causes me no end of grief as to whether it means an option is set or not. You see it all the time in those cookie preference popups. I think it's highly ambiguous. Whatever happened to the good old radio buttons or checkboxes :fart2:

27-11-20, 00:22
Clearly ambiguous as I'm seeing it the other way round -- have a look at 'full remote' and 'use classic interface' for reference. ;)

Yes - you are correct. Crap design of the interface :(