View Full Version : Help needed with HDD Initialization issue

13-02-11, 12:57
Hi guys,

After much deliberation (browsing these very forums for advice) a few weeks ago I finally decided to take the plunge and purchase a VU+ Duo. So far so good; I've been extremely impressed with the receiver.

At the time I decided against getting the HDD added when purchasing the machine as I thought it would be better to do it myself. I'd know what was inside and it would also save me some money. I'm kinda wishing I had the addon now.

My problem started today when I've tried to install the HDD. Got the hard drive into the box no problem. It's when I've come to initialize it where I've come unstuck.

Clicked on initialization as required.
Select HDD - ATA (Samsung HD103SJ) - Internal (1000.204GB) - Initialize

The following error message appeared:

"Error: could not stat/dev/sda1--- No such file or directory
The device apparently does not exist, did you specify it correctly?"

So I thought to myself, lets give it another go. This time I got the following error:

"Error: or by label, using -L label; or by uuid, using - u uuid
Other options: [-nfFrsvw][- o options][-p passwdfd]
For many more details, say man 8 mount"

I'm not really much of a techie; I've managed to get the receiver working by browsing these forums as they are extremely helpful providing really good walkthroughs but hardware issues are a completely different matter.

My wife has said that I'll need to get out the sly box again if I can't get this working. I'm hoping somebody will be able to help me out.

Many thanks in advance.

13-02-11, 13:04
What image are you currently using?

13-02-11, 13:07
I installed the new VIX 2.0 image a couple of nights ago. Fantastic job by the way.

13-02-11, 13:34
Are you initializing through Menu > Setup > Harddisk > Initialize? To progress press blue button and you will the initialize progress in extensions.

If you have problems try connecting to a pc, deleting all partions and trying again on the duo, alternatively flash official image, initilize then flash back VIX2.0.

13-02-11, 13:41
Cheers for the advice mate; yes that's how I was trying to initialize. Just tried again, same message.

I think I'll try your advice by flashing back to original image and then reflash back to 2.0. See if this works first before connecting it to a PC.

Thanks again.

13-02-11, 15:06
I had the same problem. I put it back in my PC and repartioned and reformatted it. I then put it back in the VU+ and initialised it. This time it appeared to work. The only thing I couldn't do was record using the red button or timer. (Timeshift and other functioned worked). The VU+ said a directory was missing. I added this directory and now everthing seems to work fine.

13-02-11, 15:55
Are you initializing through Menu > Setup > Harddisk > Initialize? To progress press blue button and you will the initialize progress in extensions.

If you have problems try connecting to a pc, deleting all partions and trying again on the duo, alternatively flash official image, initilize then flash back VIX2.0.

I did what you suggested mate and installed the official image - the initialization of the HDD worked ok then. I then flashed back to the VIX2.0 image. Many thanks again for your help. Loving this box!