View Full Version : [VU+ Duo4K] SMB1 issues

18-10-20, 22:20
Hello, just upgraded my Vu+ Duo4K to OpenVix 5.4.001. All operation went smoothly, all my settings was automatically restored, but now it seems that Samba1 feature does not work anymore (it worked properly in my previous OpenVix 5.3.039).
My problem: In my Windows 10 I like to configure network paths for an ease access to Vu+ HDD and main config folders to quickly copy/move/paste files (particularly recording files). Samba1 is needed for that.
When I attempt to set new network path in my computer, Vu+ is not detected in network device list, so I can not proceed.
Browsing image menu with my remote control: Menu > Setup > Network > Samba: pressing OK on Samba it asks me to install a new package.... must I proceed with this installation? Or what can I do?
Please help. Thank you.

18-10-20, 22:50
Hello, just upgraded my Vu+ Duo4K to OpenVix 5.4.001. All operation went smoothly, all my settings was automatically restored, but now it seems that Samba1 feature does not work anymore (it worked properly in my previous OpenVix 5.3.039).

Was it a wi-fi connection to your router rather than a wired connection to your router?

If wi-fi

See posts 5, 6, 8 and 10 in

If not wi-fi the same solution in the above link may still work for you

19-10-20, 10:05
Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately the problem is not solved yet. My box is connected via Ethernet cable, not wifi. I read that thread, tried to overwrite backup as suggested but nothing. Also, I reflashed my Duo4K with my old 5.3.039 backup, samba was back properly, then I downloaded again new 5.4.001 image but this issue was still there. Now I definitely installed the good old 5.3.039 because I need samba in my setup. I really hope the problem will be solved in next OpenVix release. Thank you again for your help.

19-10-20, 10:21
Samba can be temperamental, the next release is very unlikely to help.

Flash 5.4.001, don't restore anything, start up samba, and then restore your settings and plugins via backup manager.

19-10-20, 10:36
Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately the problem is not solved yet. My box is connected via Ethernet cable, not wifi. I read that thread, tried to overwrite backup as suggested but nothing. Also, I reflashed my Duo4K with my old 5.3.039 backup, samba was back properly, then I downloaded again new 5.4.001 image but this issue was still there. Now I definitely installed the good old 5.3.039 because I need samba in my setup. I really hope the problem will be solved in next OpenVix release. Thank you again for your help.

Samba can be a PITA with every upgrade, especially with one like this from 5.3 to 5.4. The usual problem is that it tells you it wants to install, pretends to do something, reboots the box and you are back where you started with SAMBA unable to start. I’ve seen this perhaps 3 or 4 times albeit with many years of regularly upgrading to most current images.

My two boxes have SAMBA working with 5.4.001.

The fix is to flash the image without a settings or plug-in restore. Set up your network connection to your router manually (of via the wizard) then go to network → utilities → Samba and try and auto-start it. This time it should install properly and reboot your machine. NOW restore your settings and plugins.
Also as a double check go back into network → utilities → Samba to make sure that it is running.

Also now for some Network utilities such as FTP you now need to set a password on the box (which you didn’t have to do before)
See post number 2

19-10-20, 11:27
I've just followed my instructions in post #4.

After flashing 5.4.001, a wired ethernet connection gets created automatically, there's no need to set it up manually or use the wizard.

Samba would not start until I'd issued an "opkg update" via a telnet session.

This has been mentioned before, but I've not needed it recently. :confused:

19-10-20, 14:19
Nothing, it does not work. Just tried as suggested: downloaded and installed fresh 5.4.001 image, did not restore nothing, configured only IP address and successfully connected the bocx (I tried to ping it and it was OK), but Samba did not work. Then I tried to install Samba service in Menu > Setup > Network > Utilities > Samba. The installation seems OK but after rebooting it does not work again, Windows does not detect the box in Network device screen. Very bad situation you know, now I reinstalled version 5.3.039 again. Thank you for your help.

19-10-20, 14:20
.... did you see post #6 ??

This is what opkg update currently does.....

root@vuultimo4k:~# opkg update
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuultimo4k/3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuultimo4k/all/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-all'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuultimo4k/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuultimo4k/vuultimo4k/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-vuultimo4k'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.4/vuultimo4k/vuultimo4k_3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-vuultimo4k_3rdparty'.

19-10-20, 16:40
Sorry but my linux knowledge is very poor. So, after installing 5.4.001 must I telnet that command? Is that correct? Before or after restoring settings? Thank you.

19-10-20, 16:43
Issue the telnet command opkg update when you have a network connection, before you've restored any settings or plugins.

Then start Samba.

Then restore settings and plugins using backup manager.

19-10-20, 16:45
You don't need any linux knowledge to do it. First set a password in the network menu (its mandatory now). Download a telnet client to your computer (putty is fine). Connect via telnet to your receiver's ip address. When prompted to log in use root as the username and the password that you have just created. Then type opkg update. You can do it after restoring your settings.

19-10-20, 17:51
Finally.... yes! Solved. Really THANKS to all of you, following your suggestion going on via telnet this problem was solved.
This is EXACTLY what I done step-by-step to update from 5.3.039 to 5.4.001.
1) Blue > Vix > Image manager > Yellow (Downloads).
2) After downloading, installing and rebooting, at Welcome message I restored my settings.
3) Having restored, network was just configured. So, from telnet (PUTTY) I choose my new Openvix password (mandatory, as you said, from this version), then I typed "opkg update", all packages was updated successfully.
4) Menu > Setup > Network > Utilities > Samba: I installed this service, too.
5) After reboot, again Menu > Setup > Network > Utilities > Samba, and I checked both options:
Autostart = Enabled, Current status = Running.
After all these steps Samba was running and the box was finally recognized from Windows like in previous Openvix versions.
Hope this could help other users. Thank you very much for all your support. I believe that support (not only image quality) is one of the strongest point of Openvix. Other images are good, but support is often so poor.... I just trashed more than one image for this. Here it is different: image is GREAT, and support is GREAT too. Thanks!

20-10-20, 05:23
Hi, FYI.
I did upgrade to 5.4.001, did a settings restore from 5.3.039 and haven't made any changes to anything after that and samba works without any problem with Windows 10 (SMB1).
I use LAN.

20-10-20, 07:11
Its been one of those strange things for a long time - some people have been able to install samba on a new image without problems, others have to use the "opkg update" command.

20-10-20, 08:32
Hi, FYI.
I did upgrade to 5.4.001, did a settings restore from 5.3.039 and haven't made any changes to anything after that and samba works without any problem with Windows 10 (SMB1).
I use LAN.

I have two boxes. The one connected to the router by cable and SAMBA worked after an upgrade and restore. The other connected via wi-fi and after an upgrade/restore SAMBA didn't work and I had to go through a few more stages. SAMBA working after an upgrade has been problematic for some considerable time but you could be lucky and it will work 50+ times after an upgrade until one day you also get the problem.

20-10-20, 09:00
In such situation, most important thing is having someone telling you what to do. These are the cases in which a good support is absolutely needed! Particularly if the user has poor linux knowledge like me. Obviously I can not imagine to type that command if no one had said that. For other users, I had this problem on my Vu+ Duo4K, I do not know what happens in other boxes. Thanks.