View Full Version : my tv does NOT work

14-10-20, 15:57
box arrived yesterday,for 4 hours mytv failed to log in,witj messages of try again,5 hours later logln success :confused::confused:but live tv not working,gives message,get live tv data failed,try again,vod gives error happened,try again later,24 hours later and many factory resets,still the same :mad: ticket raised yesterday but no responce.

Amiko UK
14-10-20, 17:23
Can't help with the ticket side of things I'm afraid, that's not me, but will sure try and help with the Amiko hardware/firmware if I can... Let's start with the basics before we go any further:

1) What firmware version are you on? You can find this by going into the menu Settings > Sys Information: The two bits of information we want are Application version and Default DB version.
2) How is the hardware connected to the Internet, via wired Ethernet cable or built in Wi-Fi?

Let me know the answers to the above first off and then we'll go from there.

14-10-20, 21:50
loader....V1.9.6.3 KERNAL2.6.27.55 APLICATION HARDWARE VER 6480 HARDWARE INFO 16MFLASH/128MSDRAM DEFAULTDB V1.2.2.0.UK BUILD TIME 2020-06-30 14:56:06 STB I 78000a000:021bd connection ethernet cable tried the upgrade by net but get failed to get upgrade info mytv login shows login success green button shows mac address only

Amiko UK
14-10-20, 22:26
tried the upgrade by net but get failed to get upgrade info
Yes the online upgrade facility was discontinued some time back in favour of USB only updates, so do not worry about this part, that's perfectly normal.


OK so this bit is fine, you are on the latest version firmware and the correct UK version.

connection ethernet cable
OK, so let's move on to the next thing to check...

Before we go into the MyTV side of things (which obviously is your main reason for posting), but before we do let's just confirm you have a local network and Internet connection getting through to the LX800.
So if you go to Settings > Network Setting

Is Device showing as Wired?
Is DHCP showing as On?
Do the other details (IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway and at least DNS1 show with some settings in there, i.e. not just all zeros?
Most important one, at the bottom does Status show as Connected! ?

That will confirm at very least if you have a local network connection or not... Then to test an actual Internet connection, easiest way, go back to the main menu and try either YouTube or YouTube Kids, does this load and are you able to play something back?

Based on answers to these things we can then get on to what is your main thing with MyTV - It's quite possibly just going to be a settings issue and/or type protocol you are trying to use with the type of connection you have, but let's not jump the gun just yet, let me know the answers on the above and then we'll move on to the next step.

14-10-20, 22:35
dhcp on wired onall settings apart from last line filled in,dns2 shows 0000000 u tube and utube kids work fine looks like my receiver mac address is no autherised onyour server :confused:

Amiko UK
14-10-20, 22:53
OK great so it's been narrowed right down, you've basically proved (more or less) that both the hardware and firmware are all good and that you've got an Internet connection.... So yes sounds like the issue then is looking like either a settings issue in MyTV (STB side) or an issue with your provider (provider server side). Can you send me a private message with your providers URL as they have given you (best not to post in public - send in private message) and let me quickly check this out to at least see if it looks like it should work, then we'll go from there...

15-10-20, 12:41
got new m3u download put on usb used info button display shows tvchanels_jos^^^^^^^_plus.m3u but then gives warn no info to get..sick of this box

Amiko UK
15-10-20, 12:55
No need to get sick of the box, it's probably the innocent party in all of this. Step, back, relax and please send me the details in private as requested and I think based on what you've said we'll soon have you up and running. At the moment sounds to me like you are trying to use MyTV to load an m3u file, that's not what MyTV does, MyTV in the case of the LX800 uses the Stalker (MAG) protocol where it's authorised by MAC address. If you have an m3u and/or username/password then this is a different type of method (generally using Xtream API) and so doesn't want to be used with MyTV, this is done using another built in application.... But send me the details you have via private message, all the details, whatever you have been given and I'll try to work it out for you on what you need to do to get this to work.

15-10-20, 13:43
have noticed tha the file downloads as music file is this right also noticed that the mac adderss in line all letters are capital my actual mac the lettes are all small,have reported this to line supplier but no reply ase yet

15-10-20, 13:47
should i try for a mag line also there is a line already instaled in box it logs in but does nothing

Amiko UK
15-10-20, 14:15
If you provide me with all the details you've been given (by private message) then I'll be able to both test this works and advise you and how to go about it. Without knowing these details I'm stuck to help a great deal more without it getting more confused than it already is. Let me have those details and we'll I'm fairly sure have you up and running fairly quickly. If you are concerned about giving details out then I understand but I am sure some of the guys on here can vouch for me that it's safe to do so.

15-10-20, 15:17
pm sent also my real mac is all small letters

15-10-20, 17:06
:Dthanks W OF SAT Customer service your instructions worked :D ;)

15-10-20, 17:10
amiko uk thanks for your help