View Full Version : Autotimer - default to daily

12-10-20, 12:12
I've been a user of OpenVix for several years and love it.
One little thing that's bothered me is the Autotimer default of limiting the recording to a day of the week.
Is it possible to change the default to record daily?

From my point of view, the default seems wrong.
If a program is on weeekly but the Autotimer defaults to daily, then no harm done! The user won't even know as their program will get recoreded.
However, if the program is on daily, then the user has to take action to change the Autotimer


12-10-20, 12:20
Wrong for you, but right for me. :)

You can change the default: Autotimers/menu/Edit new timer defaults/Restrict to days

EDIT: Having said that, I haven't been able to get it to work.

Looks like that option is meant to do something else, not sure what though. :confused:

12-10-20, 13:09
Looks like you can't do it......

This is one thing that you can't change the defaults for.
The Day-of-Week is a filter, and they are already all off in the default.
Possibly a mis-feature, but there is no filter entry for "day of base recording", so there isn't actually anything to turn off.

12-10-20, 14:22
I just untick the default option to record on a specific day. Works fine for daily (Mon-Fri) soaps or those which only broadcast (say) Mon Wed Fri. It's a one-off setting for an autotimer, so not too much of a hassle!

12-10-20, 15:06
I know it's not much hassle ... at least for me. But my parents have an OpenVix receiver and it's not so straight forward for them.

I still maintain it's a strange choice of default ... do you agree?
If the defaults was to set a timer EVERYDAY .... what's the worst that will happen for a show that's only on once per week????
But for a show that's repeated daily or more than once per week ... then the recording is missed.

12-10-20, 15:23
I set my autotimers to be as specific as they possibly can be, no point in looking for programmes that are not there 6 days out of 7.

I run autotimer quite regularly to pick up any programme schedule changes, so the more efficient it runs the better as far as I'm concerned.

EPG search gives me clues when a new programme is being broadcast.

If anything should change it should to be the ability to automatically set them to everyday it that's what you want.

12-10-20, 18:04
Thanks @ccs - I can see your point.

Is the processing of Autotimers that intensive on cpu/memory that we only want to process specific days by default? If yes ... then how the hell does processing an Autotimer that set for EVERYDAY work at all???? My guess is it's not intensive at all.
If it's not intensive .... then the default should change.
Even if you know that the show you're interested in is only broadcast on a Tuesday for example ... what harm is it doing if the Autotimer is set to EVERYDAY.

12-10-20, 18:20
Thanks @ccs - I can see your point.

Is the processing of Autotimers that intensive on cpu/memory that we only want to process specific days by default? If yes ... then how the hell does processing an Autotimer that set for EVERYDAY work at all???? My guess is it's not intensive at all.
If it's not intensive .... then the default should change.
Even if you know that the show you're interested in is only broadcast on a Tuesday for example ... what harm is it doing if the Autotimer is set to EVERYDAY.
Well I guess it's great if you want to record it again when it's repeated on Thursday afternoon. But most people don't.
It only takes three or four keypresses to change the setting when you create the Autotimer.

12-10-20, 18:27
set your default Autotimer settings as you want them on your box.

How do you do this?

12-10-20, 18:45
Wrong for you, but right for me. :)

You can change the default: Autotimers/menu/Edit new timer defaults/Restrict to days

EDIT: Having said that, I haven't been able to get it to work.

Looks like that option is meant to do something else, not sure what though. :confused:

Actually I, remember now, I think it's a kind of weird mixture of bits that don't work because they're easily changeable as you create the timer and other bits that do work.

12-10-20, 18:45
Thanks @ccs - I can see your point.

Is the processing of Autotimers that intensive on cpu/memory that we only want to process specific days by default? If yes ... then how the hell does processing an Autotimer that set for EVERYDAY work at all???? My guess is it's not intensive at all.
If it's not intensive .... then the default should change.
Even if you know that the show you're interested in is only broadcast on a Tuesday for example ... what harm is it doing if the Autotimer is set to EVERYDAY.

You're the first I'm aware of who wants everyday as the default. It's very easy for you (or your parents) to achieve what you want.

Why inconvenience everyone else, who would have to undo the option to get back to once a week???

Everyday works. !!!! Why should the default change just for you???

12-10-20, 18:46
How do you do this?

I remembered wrong, sorry, (I edited message), but it's easy to change this as you create your Autotimer.

12-10-20, 18:59
Its only one box to untick - surely you can train your parents to do that?

13-10-20, 09:44
You're the first I'm aware of who wants everyday as the default. It's very easy for you (or your parents) to achieve what you want.
A quick Goole will tell you otherwise - I'm certainly not the first

Why inconvenience everyone else, who would have to undo the option to get back to once a week???
I don't think it would. My guess is it would have very little impact on others. It would require the show that the user wants to record to be repeated multiple times per week at approx the same for it to cause an issue.

Its only one box to untick - surely you can train your parents to do that?
My parents (and a lot of users) use the Slyk skin which has a qulick link to "Record Series".
That's one click to record a series. To untick the daily option is several more clicks and screens

13-10-20, 11:44
I've never used one of those sky skins. The thoughts of turning an enigma2 receiver into a dumb sky box amuses me. But anyway horses for courses - I understand why you want things as simple as possible.

13-10-20, 11:49
... the "series record" feature is more than just the skin, he's added an "add silent autotimer" to EpgSelection.py, maybe KiddaC can offer a solution?

14-10-20, 09:59
Thanks @ccs.
I know lots of users like the "add silent autotimer" feature.
I'll ask KiddaC