View Full Version : [ET10x00] Grid EPG highlight bug

08-10-20, 11:16
Possible bug – minor annoyance
Although I’m now running OpenVix 5.3.039 I’ve seen this in previous 5.3.xx versions all using the Vix-Night-HD (1280 x 720) skin

In the grip EPG display the highlighting of consecutive programs on a channel goes wrong. The selected program is correctly highlighted but the program before or after goes dark. Sometimes the highlighting of the previous program is highlighted as well as the current position (two different programs highlighted).

Changing pages in the grid EPG and then going back to the page with the problem restores the initial condition but highlighting programs in turn will result in an identical fault with regards dark listings or double highlighting.

I’m finding that between 1 and 3 channel EPG listings behave in this way every time I select the grid EPG.

Example screen shots with the problem on the Film4 listing


It looks like the inversion colour of the text remains overalyed on the previous text colour


08-10-20, 11:28
My ET10K with the Simply_1080 skin is showing a different schedule for Film4 on freeview......

08-10-20, 12:04
@adm - I think that issue is caused by a conflict in programme schedule times if you are using (say) OpenTV and Freesat EPG sources at the same time. One of the sources gets updated before the other, so the old and new data is overlaid on screen.

08-10-20, 12:16
@adm - I think that issue is caused by a conflict in programme schedule times if you are using (say) OpenTV and Freesat EPG sources at the same time. One of the sources gets updated before the other, so the old and new data is overlaid on screen.

Thanks, I did have both enabled and have now disabled the Fresat EPG (I actually select SKY FTA at the ABM source) and will see what happens. Why would two sources of information show different EPGs for the same channel when, in this case, the programs are unlikely to change from those planned by the broadcaster because of, say, other external world events.

08-10-20, 12:28
So is mine (showing a different schedule). Dark Command runs from 11:00 to 13:00. There is no "The Family".

So the problem would seem to be that you have two sets of programme details showing under the same service name?

EDIT: But others have said the same as I was checking/typing....

08-10-20, 13:04
It's not just "world events" that cause changes. Schedulers adjust programme start times or replace one programme with another regularly. I'm thinking Channel 4 group (E4, More4 etc.) particularly. The OpenTV EPG is more likely to be accurate as it's subscription based and SKY probably would probably complain the most if updates weren't timely IMHO. Different EPGs are serviced by different media companies although Red Bee are the big player in the UK. Most of the TV and Radio distribution and streaming in the UK is handled by them and they provide all the ancillary services like subtitling, audio description, EPG etc. Most of the actual playout of TV programmes is automated, so occasionally when programmes are changed, not everything in the broadcast chain gets updated immediately.