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View Full Version : F1 box and usb flashing

03-09-20, 17:09
Hi guys,
Just a quick question. I need to update my mums F1 image.
Currently on it is an old version 5.1...something. So I know I have to usb update.
The stick is formatted correctly and working fine. The latest image has been unzipped onto it. The box registers the stick and image to flash when I reboot the box. Press power and the display says flashing and that’s where it stays. Nothing else happens until i reboot the box and take out the usb. The box then boots back into the old image.

Anyone else had any similar issues or more importantly how to resolve this?

Cheers guys

03-09-20, 17:13
I don't have the same box but maybe check you haven't forgotten anything:

03-09-20, 17:20
has is internet connection ? If so do a couch flash.Download new image and install?

03-09-20, 17:22
Use the command prompt method using putty or openwebif or you can have a look and online flash it

03-09-20, 17:36
Thanks for the replies guys.

So in order of reply’s

Followed the flash guide

Internet is connected but couldn’t do a couche flash as it gave me an error about formatting the usb. Gonna take a different usb down tomoz to try this.

Was trying to find the command prompt code but couldn’t locate it. Again it’s worth a try tomoz if u know what or where to find the code please?

Cheers guys

03-09-20, 18:41
... couch flash doesn't go anywhere near the usb stick.

Image manager is where to start, I'm sure the guide will explain what to do.

03-09-20, 19:09
... couch flash doesn't go anywhere near the usb stick.

Image manager is where to start, I'm sure the guide will explain what to do.

Yep tried all that. Couldn’t see any downloads to flash and that’s where the error was on the left side of the screen.
Pressed the yellow button for downloads and nothing happened.

03-09-20, 19:45
This is Grog's script to flash using putty. You will need to have storage mounted as /media/hdd

wget --no-check-certificate -O install_vix.sh https://www.dropbox.com/s/hc2cdr116lvx3dj/install_vix.sh?dl=1 && bash install_vix.sh

03-09-20, 19:47
This is Grog's script to flash using putty. You will need to have storage mounted as /media/hdd

wget --no-check-certificate -O install_vix.sh https://www.dropbox.com/s/hc2cdr116lvx3dj/install_vix.sh?dl=1 && bash install_vix.sh

That’s the one mate. Thanks��

05-09-20, 17:58
Well guys...... just spent the last 5 Effin hours trying all sorts to get this box to flash.

Tried different usb sticks. The box reads the stick is in with an image but just says flashing on the display and doesn’t do anything.
Tried the ssh code... didn’t work I got an error message.
Tried all different makes of image.... all same result. Stick and image is recognised but then sticks on flashing.
Thought I’d found the original box firmware so flashed it. That one worked but it turned out to be a version of openpli but I could not do anything with the image. No menu or tuner scan etc was visible.

Any ideas guys as this is driving me mad and I’m seriously considering using this box as a door stop ������

05-09-20, 21:32
Which image are you currently runnimng?

06-09-20, 10:18
Which image are you currently runnimng?

Hi mate, currently no image at all on there. I have the formuler1 on the front screen but nothing at all on the box. Black screen

06-09-20, 10:19
.... so no telnet access ?

If you have, try post #8 again and this time post the results on here.

edit: at this stage I reckon you'll need a wired ethernet connection as wifi won't be configured.

edit2: that PLi image should get you telnet access if you use a wired connection, then you can try #8 again.

06-09-20, 10:44
.... so no telnet access ?

If you have, try post #8 again and this time post the results on here.

edit: at this stage I reckon you'll need a wired ethernet connection as wifi won't be configured.

edit2: that PLi image should get you telnet access if you use a wired connection, then you can try #8 again.

Will do mate. Only probably now is finding the ip addy of the box

06-09-20, 11:24
see message below when I try to use the wget command.

root@formuler1:~# wget --no-check-certificate -O install_vix.sh https://www.drop
box.com/s/hc2cdr116l...ll_vix.sh?dl=1 && bash install_vix.sh
wget: not an http or ftp url: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hc2cdr116l...ll_vix.sh?d

oh I now have the boxes factory image back on it.

06-09-20, 12:22
I can download the url in post #8, so maybe your cut and paste isn't quite right, or your box hasn't internet access.

Does telnet ping work on the box?

06-09-20, 12:31
I can download the url in post #8, so maybe your cut and paste isn't quite right, or your box hasn't internet access.

Does telnet ping work on the box?

tried the script again both copied and retyped. get the same error and yes telnet ping works

06-09-20, 12:35
I've just coded your post to see what it looks like without url's in blue.

see message below when I try to use the wget command.

root@formuler1:~# wget --no-check-certificate -O install_vix.sh https://www.drop
box.com/s/hc2cdr116l...ll_vix.sh?dl=1 && bash install_vix.sh
wget: not an http or ftp url: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hc2cdr116l...ll_vix.sh?d

oh I now have the boxes factory image back on it.

06-09-20, 12:45
Worked it out. This is what you want.....

This is Grog's script to flash using putty. You will need to have storage mounted as /media/hdd

wget --no-check-certificate -O install_vix.sh https://www.dropbox.com/s/hc2cdr116lvx3dj/install_vix.sh?dl=1 && bash install_vix.sh

06-09-20, 13:22
Worked it out. This is what you want.....

still get the same error message mate n yepp have a usb formatted in the back as a hdd.

root@formuler1:~# wget --no-check-certificate -O install_vix.sh https://www.drop
box.com/s/hc2cdr116lvx3dj/install_vix.sh?dl=1 && bash install_vix.sh
wget: not an http or ftp url: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hc2cdr116lvx3dj/install_ vix.sh?dl=1

06-09-20, 13:40
still get the same error message mate n yepp have a usb formatted in the back as a hdd.

root@formuler1:~# wget --no-check-certificate -O install_vix.sh https://www.drop
box.com/s/hc2cdr116lvx3dj/install_vix.sh?dl=1 && bash install_vix.sh
wget: not an http or ftp url: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hc2cdr116lvx3dj/install_ vix.sh?dl=1

The link in #19 creates a download dialogue (in ms windows)....


The link in your last post displays the contents of the file (in ms windows), not what you want. :confused:

The url is getting truncated to...


06-09-20, 13:51
The link in #19 creates a download dialogue (in ms windows)....


The link in your last post displays the contents of the file (in ms windows), not what you want. :confused:

The url is getting truncated to...


a little bit over my head with that one ccs :eek:
can I put the image file directly onto the box in a folder using ftp and then install from the box itself?

06-09-20, 13:56
Yes, but someone else needs to advise.

06-09-20, 13:59
Yes, but someone else needs to advise.

I thought so. I did read it somewhere but as per usual can't find the webpage now. I thought it went into something like media/hdd folder or something

06-09-20, 14:01
If I was guessing I'd say store the Grog script in /tmp/filename.sh, and then bash /tmp/filename.sh

This is the script

rm -rf /media/hdd/viximage && mkdir -p /media/hdd/viximage && cd /media/hdd/viximage/
options=$(wget -O - https://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/ |grep index.php\/downloads|grep img|grep -Eoi '<a [^>]+>'|sed -n "/href/ s/.*href=['\"]\([^'\"]*\)['\"].*/\1/gp" | sed -E 's#https://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/(.*/)?.*$#\1#'|sed -E "s#downloads/(.*?)#\1#"|sed -E "s#(.*?)-images#\1#"|sed -E 's#/$##' )
PS3="Please select the brand of your box"
select opt in $options; do

case "$REPLY" in

[1-9] ) echo "You picked $opt which is option $REPLY";break;;
[1-3][0-9] ) echo "You picked $opt which is option $REPLY";break;;

*) echo "Invalid option. rerun the script to Try another one.";break;;


echo "now getting list of $opt boxes from $imageurl";
options1=$(wget -O - $imageurl|grep index.php\/|grep $opt|grep -Eoi '<a [^>]+>'|sed -n "/href/ s/.*href=['\"]\([^'\"]*\)['\"].*/\1/gp" |sed -E 's#downloads##g'| sed -E 's#https://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php//'$opt'(.*/)?.*$#\1#'|sed -E "s#/$opt-images/(.*?)#\1#"|sed -E "s#(.*?)-images#\1#"|sed -E 's#/$##'|sed -E 's#^/##' )
PS3="Please select model of your box"
select opt1 in $options1; do

case "$REPLY" in

[1-9] ) echo "You picked $opt1 which is option $REPLY";break;;
[1-3][0-9] ) echo "You picked $opt1 which is option $REPLY";break;;

*) echo "Invalid option. rerun the script to Try another one.";break;;


read -p "If using multiboot box please enter partition to flash: " MULTIBOOT
wget -O latestvix.zip $(wget -O - $imageurl1|grep http|sed 's/http/\nhttp/g'|grep openvix\-builds| sed 's/\(^http[^ <]*\)\(.*\)/\1/g'|sed -n 1p|sed "s#\"##g") && unzip latestvix.zip && cd $(find /media/hdd/viximage/ -type d -maxdepth 4 2> /dev/null|sed '$!d') && ofgwrite -r -k $( [[ ! -z "$MULTIBOOT" ]] && printf %s '-m'$MULTIBOOT' ')./

06-09-20, 14:10
If I was guessing I'd say store the Grog script in /tmp/filename.sh, and then bash /tmp/filename.sh

This is the script

rm -rf /media/hdd/viximage && mkdir -p /media/hdd/viximage && cd /media/hdd/viximage/
options=$(wget -O - https://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/ |grep index.php\/downloads|grep img|grep -Eoi '<a [^>]+>'|sed -n "/href/ s/.*href=['\"]\([^'\"]*\)['\"].*/\1/gp" | sed -E 's#https://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/(.*/)?.*$#\1#'|sed -E "s#downloads/(.*?)#\1#"|sed -E "s#(.*?)-images#\1#"|sed -E 's#/$##' )
PS3="Please select the brand of your box"
select opt in $options; do

case "$REPLY" in

[1-9] ) echo "You picked $opt which is option $REPLY";break;;
[1-3][0-9] ) echo "You picked $opt which is option $REPLY";break;;

*) echo "Invalid option. rerun the script to Try another one.";break;;


echo "now getting list of $opt boxes from $imageurl";
options1=$(wget -O - $imageurl|grep index.php\/|grep $opt|grep -Eoi '<a [^>]+>'|sed -n "/href/ s/.*href=['\"]\([^'\"]*\)['\"].*/\1/gp" |sed -E 's#downloads##g'| sed -E 's#https://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php//'$opt'(.*/)?.*$#\1#'|sed -E "s#/$opt-images/(.*?)#\1#"|sed -E "s#(.*?)-images#\1#"|sed -E 's#/$##'|sed -E 's#^/##' )
PS3="Please select model of your box"
select opt1 in $options1; do

case "$REPLY" in

[1-9] ) echo "You picked $opt1 which is option $REPLY";break;;
[1-3][0-9] ) echo "You picked $opt1 which is option $REPLY";break;;

*) echo "Invalid option. rerun the script to Try another one.";break;;


read -p "If using multiboot box please enter partition to flash: " MULTIBOOT
wget -O latestvix.zip $(wget -O - $imageurl1|grep http|sed 's/http/\nhttp/g'|grep openvix\-builds| sed 's/\(^http[^ <]*\)\(.*\)/\1/g'|sed -n 1p|sed "s#\"##g") && unzip latestvix.zip && cd $(find /media/hdd/viximage/ -type d -maxdepth 4 2> /dev/null|sed '$!d') && ofgwrite -r -k $( [[ ! -z "$MULTIBOOT" ]] && printf %s '-m'$MULTIBOOT' ')./

Can I copy this and try it? Which bit pal ?

06-09-20, 14:18
This link should allow you to download it in windows...


Then ftp it to your box and then bash filename.sh. It does everything including flashing the image.

Another way is to download the image yourself ...

You can try this:
Download latest image, unzip and then copy the main folder containing the root and kernel to /tmp
Then in telnet session:- ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/mainfolder ———> obviously replace mainfolder with the folder name!

06-09-20, 15:46
This link should allow you to download it in windows...


Then ftp it to your box and then bash filename.sh. It does everything including flashing the image.

Another way is to download the image yourself ...

tried with the image in the tmp folder and code got the below error mate.

root@formuler1:~# ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/formuler1 ———>
-sh: syntax error: unexpected newline

what do I do with the .sh download please?

06-09-20, 15:52
It should be ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/formuler1 not ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/formuler1 ———>

06-09-20, 16:00
It should be ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/formuler1 not ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/formuler1 ———>

tried it and still no joy pal

root@formuler1:~# ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/formuler1
-sh: ofgwrite: not found

what do I do with the bash filename.sh?

06-09-20, 16:04
Try /usr/bin/ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/formuler1

If that doesn't work then neither will the script.

06-09-20, 16:09
Try /usr/bin/ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/formuler1

If that doesn't work then neither will the script.


root@formuler1:~# /usr/bin/ofgwrite -r -k /tmp/formuler1
-sh: /usr/bin/ofgwrite: not found

06-09-20, 16:12
We need to find out which package ofgwrite is part of, and download it.

There's a package call ofgwrite so it's probably that. :)

06-09-20, 16:19
We need to find out which package ofgwrite is part of, and download it.

There's a package call ofgwrite so it's probably that. :)

Will it be the same on a different model box? I could copy it from my duo2

06-09-20, 16:25
No, try opkg install ofgwrite

I think the age of the image you're running might be an issue. Let's see.

06-09-20, 16:35
No, try opkg install ofgwrite

I think the age of the image you're running might be an issue. Let's see.


root@formuler1:~# opkg install ofgwrite
Unknown package 'ofgwrite'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package ofgwrite.

06-09-20, 16:39

root@formuler1:~# opkg install ofgwrite
Unknown package 'ofgwrite'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package ofgwrite.

That command works for me, I'm beaten, either wait for another poster, or go back to flashing with a usb stick , the older and smaller the better.

Edit: one last try....

opkg update
opkg install ofgwrite

06-09-20, 16:42

root@formuler1:~# opkg install ofgwrite
Unknown package 'ofgwrite'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package ofgwrite.

Ofgwrite is part of the build and is always installed for any OE-A or OpenPli image - but perhaps the factory image doesn't.

06-09-20, 16:48
That command works for me, I'm beaten, either wait for another poster, or go back to flashing with a usb stick , the older and smaller the better.

Edit: one last try....

opkg update
opkg install ofgwrite

Is that two separate commands?

06-09-20, 16:49
Ofgwrite is part of the build and is always installed for any OE-A or OpenPli image - but perhaps the factory image doesn't

It’s not on the factory image which is the only image that I can get to load on the box now mate

06-09-20, 16:49
Is that two separate commands?

Yes, but I'm clutching at straws.

06-09-20, 16:55
That command works for me, I'm beaten, either wait for another poster, or go back to flashing with a usb stick , the older and smaller the better.

Edit: one last try....

opkg update
opkg install ofgwrite

still no joy mate

root@formuler1:~# opkg update
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/factory-image-4/3rd-party/Pack ages.gz.
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/factory-image-4/3rd-party-form uler1/Packages.gz.
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Downloading http://http://factoryimages.net//feeds/factory-image-4/all/Packages. gz.
wget: bad port spec 'http:'
Downloading http://http://factoryimages.net//feeds/factory-image-4/formuler1/Pac kages.gz.
wget: bad port spec 'http:'
Downloading http://http://factoryimages.net//feeds/factory-image-4/mips32el/Pack ages.gz.
wget: bad port spec 'http:'
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/facto ry-image-4/3rd-party/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/facto ry-image-4/3rd-party-formuler1/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://http://factoryimages.net//feeds/fact ory-image-4/all/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://http://factoryimages.net//feeds/fact ory-image-4/formuler1/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://http://factoryimages.net//feeds/fact ory-image-4/mips32el/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
root@formuler1:~# opkg install ofgwrite
Unknown package 'ofgwrite'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package ofgwrite.

06-09-20, 17:20
Obviously crap feeds - you will find them in /etc/opkg - pull them off, edit them so the factory feeds have a reasonable url (remove the double http), put them back, reboot and then try again.

06-09-20, 17:23
Obviously crap feeds - you will find them in /etc/opkg - pull them off, edit them so the factory feeds have a reasonable url (remove the double http), put them back, reboot and then try again.

Ok mate. Any idea what feeds to use please?

06-09-20, 17:33
Ok mate. Any idea what feeds to use please?

Just use the factory feeds that are there but edit them so that there is only one http:// in the url!

06-09-20, 17:34
Just use the factory feeds that are there but edit them so that there is only one http:// in the url!

Cheers mate will give it a go

06-09-20, 18:32
Cheers mate will give it a go

If you're editing on windows, use notepad++

06-09-20, 19:28
no joy

root@formuler1:~# opkg update
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/factory-image-4/3rd-party/Pack ages.gz.
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Downloading http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/factory-image-4/3rd-party-form uler1/Packages.gz.
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Downloading http://factoryimages.net//feeds/factory-image-4/all/Packages.gz.
Inflating http://factoryimages.net//feeds/factory-image-4/all/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/factory-image-all.
Downloading http://factoryimages.net//feeds/factory-image-4/formuler1/Packages.g z.
Inflating http://factoryimages.net//feeds/factory-image-4/formuler1/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/factory-image-formuler1.
Downloading http://factoryimages.net//feeds/factory-image-4/mips32el/Packages.gz .
Inflating http://factoryimages.net//feeds/factory-image-4/mips32el/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/opkg/factory-image-mips32el.
Collected errors:
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/facto ry-image-4/3rd-party/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* opkg_download: Failed to download http://downloads.pli-images.org/feeds/facto ry-image-4/3rd-party-formuler1/Packages.gz, wget returned 1.
* unzip: Invalid gzip magic
* unzip: Invalid gzip magic
* unzip: Invalid gzip magic

abu baniaz
06-09-20, 19:56
Have you tried dmitrij's automatic full backup plugin?

06-09-20, 20:08
Have you tried dmitrij's automatic full backup plugin?

No mate. Will that give me the option of installing as well?

abu baniaz
06-09-20, 20:17
No mate. Will that give me the option of installing as well?

By installing, if you mean flash an image, then yes.


Download plugin from above link, install it. You gave to unzip teh image yo want to flash then flash image using the plugin.

06-09-20, 20:26
By installing, if you mean flash an image, then yes.


Download plugin from above link, install it. You gave to unzip teh image yo want to flash then flash image using the plugin.

Thanks mate. Will give it a go tomoz

07-09-20, 09:49
Success. The plugin worked Abu thanks.

A massive thanks to all ccs, twol and Abu. Cheers guys your all stars.

07-09-20, 13:28
Success. The plugin worked Abu thanks.

A massive thanks to all ccs, twol and Abu. Cheers guys your all stars.

Thanks really to Abu .... I wouldn't have thought of the plugin