View Full Version : [VU+ Duo4K] Lost all recordings

29-08-20, 18:23
I just tried to record a program on my VU Duo 4k and it couldn;t find the mount for the recordings. The disk is still there and ok but recordings have gone. I looked at the drive in Filezilla and I can browse it but the /hdd folder seems to have reset. I telnet on to the box and the disk space looks low when I run a df command at 11%. Is there anway to get my files back?


29-08-20, 18:25
Impossible for the HDD to have wiped itself. You just need to remount your HDD.

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29-08-20, 19:00
Thanks. I tried to mount and I get mount failed. If I look in the recording list there is a new movie folder with no recordings. Any ideas of how to get them back?

29-08-20, 19:08
Simplest way would be to reflash the receiver again.

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29-08-20, 21:39
Perhaps you need to run only a checklist in telnet:

fsck.ext3 -f -v -y /dev/sda1

29-08-20, 23:35
If it was me the first thing I'd do would be to reboot the box, perhaps not even doing a clean shutdown first.
This means that if the corruption is confined to the RAM in the running system I minimise the chance of it spreading to the hard drive.

After than it depends how badly I want to preserve the maximum amount of the missing data, and on whether it mounts at all.

Running an fsck on the drive is a pretty good idea but if you've lost something really important it might reduce the chance that even a data recovery expert can get it back.

note: fsck is more or less the Linux equivalent of a chkdsk in DOS/Windows.

30-08-20, 13:35
I lose things also as my mount is in error yet tuner config works,network ip is not there so i just do a network restart on box as when i check in network box has no ip setting.Restarting network on box and make sure samba or nfs is working/enabled.

Sometimes recorded stuff is in another folder,i think i have other stuff in lost and found directory and that might have been moved from another box to free up space.

31-08-20, 13:13
ssh into the box and do a find on a media file file extension, if it finds it, this command will list the path

find / -type f -name '*.ts' -exec ls -l {} \;

something like that might throw up something

31-08-20, 16:34
I've tried a reflash and also run a chkdsk. Its like I have a new drive. Pretty sure it is gone forever unless I try to recover files from the drive but it looks like that needs commercial software and presumably a linux pc to run it from. I'm a bit gutted as I had recorded a load of the bbc classic football and sports on over the summer to watch later.

Anything left to try? Why would it be impossible for this to happen?


31-08-20, 16:38
I said impossible for ViX to delete the HDD. When I’ve lost mounts before a simple re-flash and a fresh setup cures it.
On the other hand if your HDD has become corrupt/faulty that is a complete different ball game.

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31-08-20, 21:02
Thanks. I think that has worked for me in th past but not this time for some reason. I don't think it has become faulty. It is less than 12 months old and I haven't hammered it. I've never had a faulty HDD before and checkdisk showed no errors. What I have done is:

- unplugged my HDD from the VU Duo 4k (which is really easy now as it can be done without opening the box)
- Plugged it into the USB port of my windows pc using a USB to SATA / SATA power adapter

After a bit of reseach I have found that TestDisk is free and can be downloaded here: https://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Download.

I tried the testdisk tool but that didn't seem to work. So I tried a deepdive function withint testdisk and that looks like it would take 8 days to complete! So I tried the other tool bundled with it, photorec.

I have followed this tutorial here (https://www.tecmint.com/photorec-recover-deleted-lost-files-in-linux/) to look for .ts files on the drive and it does seem to be finding .ts files It looks like this tool will take a day at least but I have a promising message, which is updating as it reads, of 275 files found and Estimated time to completion of 18h24m.

Hopefully this will recover some, if not all of the files. I'll update once I have more info.

03-09-20, 20:35
Hi, i have recently purchased a VU+ultimo4k, Have only had this machine for a couple of weeks, I too have lost all recordings, On going to recordings HDD/Movie the list is empty, at the bottom of the non existent list it says 0%. if i tried to record something is says no space available, tried to remount the drive still not finding the drive for recording, Rebooted box and the drive was available, still no content, recorded a short clip from eastenders to check that it works, it does. so where have all the other recordings gone, I had a Solo2 for many years without trouble but if this happens again it's going on EBAY

03-09-20, 22:32
Maybe OpenVIX can sometimes do bad things to your files if you allow the hard drive to get completely full??
Seems weird though.

04-09-20, 07:21
No where near full. as i said only a few weeks old with a new 1TB Seagate barracuda hard drive fitted. i've removed the USB thumb drive from the back i used for the EPG storage as it shows an error when mounted, just a point of note i had a VU+USB turbo tuner working on my Solo2 but it wont work on the Ultimo4k even though it i recognised, but that has been removed for a week now, need a MTSIF T2 twin tuner now but not listed at WOS. VIX build no is 5.3.039. processor temp 58c

04-09-20, 10:19
@104bill - With an empty 1TB HDD your recordings list will show something like 960GB free disk space. If it shows something markedly different then you are probably looking at the wrong mount. Have you tried checking in OpenWebIF , I would just out of curiosity, before doing anything that might destroy the data?

04-09-20, 10:39
@104bill - With an empty 1TB HDD your recordings list will show something like 960GB free disk space. If it shows something markedly different then you are probably looking at the wrong mount. Have you tried checking in OpenWebIF , I would just out of curiosity, before doing anything that might destroy the data?

The percentage at the bottom of the panel was 0%. I have only the one HDD disc mounted, Anyway too late now i've reset and remounted so all data gone, working as it should at the moment showing 929GB (99%) see where we go from here. thanks all the same.

04-09-20, 14:15
The percentage at the bottom of the panel was 0%. I have only the one HDD disc mounted, Anyway too late now i've reset and remounted so all data gone, working as it should at the moment showing 929GB (99%) see where we go from here. thanks all the same.

If the 0% refers to free disk space then the disk is full, so probably a corrupt index/FAT so initialising may fix it if there are no hardware errors like bad sectors. If it happens again then you may have to prep/format the disk which will take some time, I think there is a Vix menu option somewhere, probably in the Viz sub menu.

04-09-20, 15:58
If the 0% refers to free disk space then the disk is full, so probably a corrupt index/FAT so initialising may fix it if there are no hardware errors like bad sectors. If it happens again then you may have to prep/format the disk which will take some time, I think there is a Vix menu option somewhere, probably in the Viz sub menu.

Cheers, if it happens again i'll give it a try, Hopefully won't need to. Thanks again.

12-09-20, 17:47
Update from me, I did a full scan with testdisk and it took about 8 days on my 2tb disk. It recovered a list of filesystems but each one was corrupt and so it could not be loaded. The disk itself seems ok and passes diskcheck without errors. So I ahve lost my data. It sounds like Vix cannot programtically do this so I can only presume the disk itself has an issue. I'm still going to use the disk but backup anything I want to keep and see how it goes.

12-09-20, 18:09
I don't think Vix can do a low-level format, it only seems to do an initialize which clears the FATs or whatever the equivalent is in the linux file system. Personally I would not trust the disk, I would install a replacement disk and format the replaced disk appropriately.

12-09-20, 19:19
I don't think Vix can do a low-level format, it only seems to do an initialize which clears the FATs or whatever the equivalent is in the linux file system. Personally I would not trust the disk, I would install a replacement disk and format the replaced disk appropriately.
What convinces you that the disk failed rather than the box crashing and writing garbage over some important data structures?

Update from me, I did a full scan with testdisk and it took about 8 days on my 2tb disk. It recovered a list of filesystems but each one was corrupt and so it could not be loaded. The disk itself seems ok and passes diskcheck without errors. So I ahve lost my data. It sounds like Vix cannot programtically do this so I can only presume the disk itself has an issue. I'm still going to use the disk but backup anything I want to keep and see how it goes.Is this testdisk from CGSecurity? Did is say anything about the drives health or about SMART information?