View Full Version : [Formuler F1] Box not connecting to internet

16-08-20, 19:28
Hi guys,
This is driving me mad.
I did a full flash on my sons formuler 1 box with image 5.3.039. I did this at my house and the box connected to my talk talk BB no problems. However when it was taken over to my sons house who is on virgin BB I cannot get an internet connection on the box.
I have rebooted rooter and box. Reset network settings using dhcp and also without. When I run the network test it picks up the lan adapter, local and dhcp(if using). Ip adress and nameservser always come back with the error can’t confirm addresses.

Any ideas chaps?

abu baniaz
16-08-20, 19:40
Can you connect to it by OpenWebIf/telnet?

16-08-20, 19:58
Can you connect to it by OpenWebIf/telnet?

Just checking now mate

16-08-20, 20:15
Can you connect to it by OpenWebIf/telnet?

Hi mate,
Yes can connect to the box on openwebif. That is using an iPad to connect.

16-08-20, 20:20
What IP address did you use to connect to it from the iPad?
Are you sure that address is in the correct subnet for the Virgin router?

16-08-20, 20:25
What IP address did you use to connect to it from the iPad?
Are you sure that address is in the correct subnet for the Virgin router?

Yes defo the right ip. Got it from menu,information,network.

abu baniaz
16-08-20, 20:25
Start Putty or any terminal client and issue this command and then post back the result. Guide to Putty in my signature if you need it.

opkg update

16-08-20, 20:55
Start Putty or any terminal client and issue this command and then post back the result. Guide to Putty in my signature if you need it.

opkg update

It says:

opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/formuler1/3rdparty/Packages.gz, wget returned 4.
* opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/formuler1/all/Packages.gz, wget returned 4.
* opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/formuler1/formuler1/Packages.gz, wget returned 4.
* opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/formuler1/formuler1_3rdparty/Packages.gz, wget returned 4.
* opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/formuler1/mips32el/Packages.gz, wget returned 4.

16-08-20, 21:16
See this (https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?55707-Help-with-Network-Setup&p=440849&viewfull=1#post440849) post and try the commands from putty/telnet after you have logged into your box.

The IPs it returned should be internal ones which are harmless to post. These generally begin with 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x

16-08-20, 21:17
Yes defo the right ip. Got it from menu,information,network.
You didn't say what it is though or how you know it's in the right subnet.
Or has DHCP started working?
AFAIK Virgin routers usually default to but I'm not sure.

16-08-20, 21:23
Could vm router be in safe mode ?

abu baniaz
16-08-20, 21:27
It might be an idea to try the network wizard again or just flash the box again and not restore things after it restarts. You could have set something that is clashing. You have posted what you tried several things, but not what it is now. I don't set any of the network options and leave it in automatic.

16-08-20, 21:37
Cheers guys.
I have tried quite a few different settings.
At the moment the settings are:
Nameserver 1 :
Adapter settings: 192.168.0.?.

Might try n flash n all updates at my sons house.

Cheers guys

abu baniaz
16-08-20, 21:42
Can you post a screenshot like mine please?

17-08-20, 08:25
Morning chaps,
See screenshots of current box network setting and also the network test.

17-08-20, 09:09
Morning chaps,
See screenshots of current box network setting and also the network test.

Isn't the Virgin Primary/secondary DNS

17-08-20, 09:39
Isn't the Virgin Primary/secondary DNS

That explains the OP's internet problems.

(There was also a clue in post #12)

17-08-20, 12:13
Mine is setup like the OPs with my router address being the primary DNS and 0s in secondary, and mine works fine

17-08-20, 12:17
Mine is setup like the OPs with my router address being the primary DNS and 0s in secondary, and mine works fine

Are you using Virgin Media?

17-08-20, 12:34
No with Talk Talk, but when I was with Virgin I never set up DNS it just used the router address and thenn the router deals with the DNS

17-08-20, 12:42
if you use talk talk then something needs a reset because your dns now is virgin

TalkTalk DNS Servers


Primary DNS:

Secondary DNS:

17-08-20, 13:36
Where has: come from?

I can't see that in his screenshot in post 15.

His screenshot in post 15 is normal. I have same settings and works fine. DNS is same as router gateway so in essence the box is getting DNS from router rather than manually using a DNS address.

The IP is normal IP of /24 which is what I would expect.

17-08-20, 13:51
middle picture black and white. Always best to set DNS the same as gateway than the router does everything. Normally with DHCP it should come automaticaly like box ip address.
Only thing that it also could be is that ethernet interface from box is defect (or cable) .Had the same with my previous vu+ duo2.

17-08-20, 13:58
middle picture black and white. Always best to set DNS the same as gateway than the router does everything. Normally with DHCP it should come automaticaly like box ip address.
Only thing that it also could be is that ethernet interface from box is defect (or cable) .Had the same with my previous vu+ duo2.

You are looking at the wrong picture - that is from abu baniaz. The OP has posted his settings in post #15

abu baniaz
17-08-20, 14:02
@earthliving, press blue to edit DNS, make it to match what I have in my screenshot then reboot. I am with Virgin.

17-08-20, 14:03
oke confusing .But same goes : Always best to set DNS the same as gateway than the router does everything. Normally with DHCP it should come automaticaly like box ip address.
Only thing that it also could be is that ethernet interface from box is defect (or cable) .Had the same with my previous vu+ duo2.

17-08-20, 14:07
Only thing that it also could be is that ethernet interface from box is defect (or cable) .Had the same with my previous vu+ duo2.

Unlikely, as the OP was connecting ok to the box using OpenWebIf.

abu baniaz
17-08-20, 14:08
Only thing that it also could be is that ethernet interface from box is defect (or cable).
He can connect to it on LAN/OpenWebIf. If he had a hardware fault he wouldn't be able to do that.

His problem is he trying to use the DNS server for talk talk (his house) but son is using Virgin. My screenshot has the Virgin details which were automatically entered.

I also asked him to try the network wizard which should have sorted it, he tried the network test.

17-08-20, 14:14
oh fine if webif works. Strange then that DHCP gives wrong settings. But probably missed that he is on another place

17-08-20, 14:24
Always best to set DNS the same as gateway than the router does everything.
It depends on whether or not your router/gateway has a DNS forwarder (or DNS cache or DNS server) in it.
Most, but not all, do.
I don't know about Virgin.

17-08-20, 16:04
I was the one that mentioned Talk Talk not the OP.

If his DNS is the router it should all work

20-08-20, 15:21
Hi guy’s,
Apologies for not responding. Have been away for a few days. Thanks for all the suggestions. I have sent my son the details from Abu 👍to change the primary and secondary dns settings. I will post back if this works. I did run the network wizard before I went away and got the error of No network connection. I did this several times after numerous reboots etc. If the dns settings do not work I will get my son to delete the vpn manager plugin to see if that is stopping something...n no it is not running at the moment as I have not set up user n password to connect to nord.

Cheers guys

20-08-20, 16:56
VPN is most likely the issue

20-08-20, 18:06
Primary and secondary dns settings worked a treat. Thanks Abu n everyone for your help ��������

20-08-20, 19:21
Primary and secondary dns settings worked a treat. Thanks Abu n everyone for your help ��������

I apologise, to everyone, but really don't know why router dns did not work

20-08-20, 21:31
I apologise, to everyone, but really don't know why router dns did not workAgree, unless router had DNS settings other than standard ISP determined ones.

20-08-20, 21:59
I apologise, to everyone, but really don't know why router dns did not work
As I said in #30 (https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?63225-Box-not-connecting-to-internet&p=501500&viewfull=1#post501500) some routers don't contain a DNS forwarder.

abu baniaz
21-08-20, 00:48
I apologise, to everyone, but really don't know why router dns did not work
No need to apologise, you were trying to help. Just like everyone else.

21-08-20, 08:56
No need to apologise, you were trying to help. Just like everyone else.

Agreed and as I said a big thanks to all.
Without everyone chipping in nothing would get solved and we would all be none the wiser.