View Full Version : dish setup help + vu+ settings help

12-02-11, 18:24
penta 85cm
tm2300 motor
vu+ duo
inverto ultra twin lnb
Latitude = 54.9732, Longitude = -1.5769

right got dish and motor all setup latitude setup correct and the dish elevation is correct from what it says in the tm2300 manual.

motor is set on 0 , I have tried following digidudes tut but things are alot diff for vu+ duo.

I have twin cabelling with lnb port 1 on box to power motor lnb 2 on box to lnb port on the lnb on dish. and a 0.5 cable from lnb on dish to lnb port on motor. I am getting no more than 30% snr anywhere
can anyone help as to where to go from here thanks

12-02-11, 19:32
Hello my friend. The best way to setup your sat dish is set the box up to USAL's then input your details. Latitude = 54.9732, Longitude = -1.5769 this would be +1.5769 west. then tell the motor to go to Thor on 0.8W.
this should be at the top of your arc.
I cannot stress enought to you the importance of getting the pole vertical in all planes. better to spend 30 mins getting it set right than 4 hours messing with the dish and offset.
once you have it set, you will need to guestimate the settings on your motor and the offset on the dish. please dont take it as gospel what is said in the documents. they are just a guideline. use a compass or -www.dishpointer.com for a ariel view of were Thor should be from your house. look for chimneys or something that stands out to use as a transit to point the dish at. mess about till you get the best signal you can.
I use a differentiating sat meter that tells me I am on the right sat. but a cheap signal meter will do. you can double check with the box once in a while to see the signal level.( big tip use single satellite not single transponder when useing satfinder in the menu.)
A cheap pair of walkie talkies really helps cut the time down to minutes not hours.
Once you have a good reliable signal from Thor (not any other sat) tell the USAL's to go to 39E or 28.2E(sky uk) and see what the signal strength is. the signal is a guide the main idea is if you tweak the dish up or down and the signal drops you are bobon.
But if the signal goes up in one particular way the arc is wrong. you need to send the dish to 39w and do the same there.
if the signal goes up in the same direction as the 39e then the arc is either too high or too low. but if it is high on one side and low on the other the dish is not centered on the motor. if the signal is better when you push up on the east and better when you pull down on the west you need to slightly move the dish on the motor to the right when stood at the back.
then reset Thor and try again with 39e then 39w
if they then are both up or down the dish is centered correctly.
then if the arc is too low ie you need to push up the dish to get a better signal then move it back to Thor then slacken the 4 bolts on the top bracket that set the elavation and move it forward a bit tighten it up reset the offset on the dish to the strongest signal. then send to 39e check then 39w check keep doing this till the signal drops off when you push it up or down job done.

12-02-11, 20:11
in reception settings I cant enter the full long and lat as the longitude is shown as 001.576 and lat is shown as 054.973.

and do I set configuration mode to simple and mode to positioner?

12-02-11, 20:24
in reception settings I cant enter the full long and lat as the longitude is shown as 001.576 and lat is shown as 054.973.

and do I set configuration mode to simple and mode to positioner?
then choose positioner

dont for get to enter your longitude as 001.576 west.

12-02-11, 20:28
ok ive done that when i go to 0.8w signal jumps all over place 0 up to no higher than around 35 , if i move the dish over to 28.2 I dont see it rise to any higher than 35 again and signal is same on this

12-02-11, 20:37
I take it you have never read the tutorial about setting up the motorised dishes before? it is an art form in it self getting the dish in the right place. all you have done so far is set your vuplus up to send the motorised dish to a set point. the fact that you have never pointed that set point to were it should be pointed to in the first place. tell it to go to thor then manually turn the motor on the pole till it hits thor. then set the offset on the dish to find the stongest signal. then the box will tell the motorised dish were it needs to point for 28.2e.
P.S to pay a comercial firm to set up your dish will cost you over £100 plus as it is a skill.

12-02-11, 20:38
I have tried using dishpointer pro on my phone to make sure im pointing at the right satellite and we then tried moving the satellite dish to check if signal improved on the box which it didnt. we didn't have a sat meter to hand just used the signal on the vu

12-02-11, 20:42
buy a £5 sat signal meter and borrow a couple of kids walkie talkies to get the job done. otherwise pay someone to do it for you. i have dishpointer on my phone it is good but not acurate enough to set a dish up with just a point and squirt solution to the general direction that the satellite is.

12-02-11, 21:06
off to maplin 2moro I go thanks data