View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD+ PLUS] Network issues

24-07-20, 13:36

Bit of a problem here.

Using a Surface Pro 7 Tablet Computer with Windows 10 64bit (Home version), GigaBlueQuadPlus, GB Image 5.3.039

My internet provider sent me a new 'Smart Hub' (BT), which I installed yesterday.
The installation went very straightforwardly, and everything seemed fine. All devices were dicovered (DHCP), including the GigaBlueQuadPlus.

I can access the GB normally with WebIF (view/alter/set Timers etc) all fine. I can use my own EPG application, fetches EPG data, Timers etc all fine, can set Timers etc all fine.

The Windows File Explorer shows the GB (as \\GBQUADPLUS) in the Network list, but, when I try to open the GB to browse files - I get an error (see image).
One of the suggested possible fixes gleaned from a google search was to shorten the name of the computer - this I did but no fix.

It is a number of years since I first got the GB and after initial setup, I have never needed to change anything related to Network Settings on the GB. However, I seem to remember that when viewing the Mount Point Management list that there was more than the current 1 item (my NAS is listed, but also has issues to access from GB). I may be wrong, but I seem also to remember Root and HardDisc were listed (which I was expecting to see on the PC Network browser, but they are nowhere to be seen (am I right in thinking they should be listed somewhere?).

Any suggestions welcome.60455

24-07-20, 13:41
.... no image?

Has the ip address of the GB changed?

24-07-20, 14:07
I also wanted to add that the Diagnose button offers no further information (edit for the message ran out)

24-07-20, 14:13
I've found that repeated attempts to open the GB to browse files often works.

Also, reboot your pc (rather than shutting down), to get a fresh start.

24-07-20, 14:32
Is SAMBA running on your box?

24-07-20, 15:04
The IP did change, but I had spotted that and changed both WebIF and my own Application accordingly. (both work as normal).
I have had many reboots of both PC and GB during process.
Repeated attempts to get to GB via PC file explorer all fail with same error.
Yes SAMBA is running and green status.

24-07-20, 15:58
Hi leshay

No direct help but you're possibly seeing what I'm seeing at Can't access Vu+Duo2 Harddisk & Root shares from Windows10 (https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?62985-Can-t-access-Vu-Duo2-Harddisk-amp-root-shares-from-Windows10)

I've still not solved it but will post if anything useful occurs...

24-07-20, 16:09

Well, I have managed to fix things.
I don't really know why this worked, but here it is.

I figured a reinstall of the Vix Image might help. So, I did that with a settings import. No joy, same issues.

So, next, did an Image reinstall but without settings restore - bingo that got it.
There must have been something in the settings causing the issue? Something to do with a setting keeping the old IP maybe?

Anyway, thanks for all the offerings, now off to try and remember the settings I need to adjust.

24-07-20, 18:56
Just tried my 2 boxes now they're up and running, one worked, the other didn't, same error message as you. Reason - Samba had stopped.

"I can't get Samba to start" is not that uncommon, the fix is usually to reflash, enable Samba, and then restoring settings.

(I couldn't find any references to pc's in the settings backup (including sub directories) of either of my boxes, not to say there isn't a subtle link.)

24-07-20, 20:26
Hi css

One of the things I tried before posting my original question was to check Sambe - it was running and had a green status light - I stopped and restarted it and that all worked (of course, didn't fix my issues though)

25-07-20, 11:36
If you try to access the GB from Windows using an IP address it may resolve your issue - eg \\192.168.x.x
Alternatively use your router to reserve the old IP address for the GB box. Your tablet may be trying to reach it using the old address. Name resolution and network browsing can be a bit of an issue with SAMBA since recent moves to newer versions. You're far better off with IP addresses.