View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] OpenVix 5.3.037 Crash during install

14-07-20, 15:41
Just tried to flash my VU+ Uno4kse with the latest firmware - 5.03.37
All goes as normal until it asks to download plugins, click OK and it crashes.

I downloaded a fresh version incase there had been a download issue but it crashes in the same spot

14-07-20, 15:42
Crash log will be helpful.

14-07-20, 15:47
It wouldn't boot.
Just looped from fresh firmware to download plugin yes/no. yes or no click ok it crashes and restarts the firmware install.

Got the box to work on 5.3.035 but no logs from .037 loop

abu baniaz
14-07-20, 15:53
Thank you for reporting issue, but there is very little we can do without the crash log. Even if it is boot looping, you can still ftp to the receiver and obtain the crash log from /home/root/logs

I flashed a differnt receiver to you and installed plugins without an issue. This does not mean there isn't an issue.

abu baniaz
14-07-20, 16:03
Just to clarify, is the crash during installing plugins during the First Install Wizard or is it while installing plugins after you have set it up?

14-07-20, 16:13
Same failure for me OP, at the same point also while testing latest image under openmultiboot, (vu+ duo 4k) ...Im sticking to 3.5.27

I have since deleted the image, so no log to help soz :-p

14-07-20, 16:33
Just to clarify, is the crash during installing plugins during the First Install Wizard or is it while installing plugins after you have set it up?

First run from installing new flash, I don't get to see any plugins as that when it crashes.
Just ftp the box and there is no logs for .037, this could be because I've got .035 to work on the box

abu baniaz
14-07-20, 16:40
I can reproduce the bug.

< 727.1222> 16:37:25.4043 [ActionMap] Keymap 'WizardActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 727.1225> 16:37:25.4045 [Wizard] result: 22
< 727.1237> 16:37:25.4057 [RC] selectPic: arrowdown
< 727.1239> 16:37:25.4059 [Wizard] setZPosition
< 727.1245> 16:37:25.4065 [Wizard] showing config
< 727.1246> 16:37:25.4066 [Wizard] <class 'Screens.InstallWizard.InstallWizard'>
< 727.1255> 16:37:25.4075 [Skin] No skin to read or screen to display.
< 727.1258> 16:37:25.4078 [Skin] Processing screen '<embedded-in-InstallWizard>', position=(?, ?), size=(? x ?) for module 'InstallWizard'.
< 727.1262> 16:37:25.4082 [GUISkin] Warning: Skin is missing element 'config' in <class 'Screens.InstallWizard.InstallWizard'>.
< 727.1264> 16:37:25.4084 [Wizard] clearConfigList <Components.ConfigList.ConfigList object at 0xb226c050> <Components.ConfigList.ConfigList object at 0xb0acc590>
< 727.1265> 16:37:25.4085 [Wizard] clearConfigList <Components.ConfigList.ConfigList object at 0xb0acc590> <Components.ConfigList.ConfigList object at 0xb0acc590>
< 727.3220> 16:37:25.6040 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 160 (352) 1
< 728.1524> 16:37:26.4344 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 160 (352) 1
< 728.1527> 16:37:26.4347 [ActionMap] Keymap 'WizardActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 728.1535> 16:37:26.4355 Traceback (most recent call last):
< 728.1536> 16:37:26.4356 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 77, in action
< 728.1538> 16:37:26.4358 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 728.1541> 16:37:26.4361 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Wizard.py", line 375, in ok
< 728.1542> 16:37:26.4362 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InstallWizard.py", line 112, in run
< 728.1544> 16:37:26.4364 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 339, in open
< 728.1546> 16:37:26.4366 dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 728.1547> 16:37:26.4367 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 276, in instantiateDialog
< 728.1548> 16:37:26.4368 return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 728.1551> 16:37:26.4371 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 299, in doInstantiateDialog
< 728.1554> 16:37:26.4374 dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 728.1555> 16:37:26.4375 TypeError: __init__() takes at most 5 arguments (6 given)
< 728.1555> 16:37:26.4375 [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method NumberActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.NumberActionMap instance at 0xb0ab9828>>,('WizardActions', 'ok')) failed)

As a workaround, just say no to that question and install plugins after it restarts. Or say yes to restore settings and plugins. As an aside, why are you flashing 037 instead of performing software update?

14-07-20, 16:46
I've always got the fresh firmware and flashed it from USB.
I think I did try, with a different box, the update and something went wrong at the time ?
Also I wanted to remove everything from the box and start from fresh,

abu baniaz
14-07-20, 16:49
You are going to get the same result with a different box, there is a bug. Just say no at that stage, and install your plugins after it restarts.

I hope you are aware you can also flash images using Image manager. Saves thr mucking around with pulling box forward, getting USB stick in correct port, correct USB stick, etc. If you prefer flashing by USB, that is fine too.

14-07-20, 17:54
I reflashed the box with .037 and clicked NO as you said for download plugins and it seems to be all working.

Thanks for your help

14-07-20, 18:28
I (couch) flashed 2 boxes yesterday with 5.3.037, one had no internet connection (wifi) so plugins download was rejected, but downloaded ok after a 2nd settings restore.

The other box had a wired ethernet connection, but downloaded settings and plugins fine, and has been ok today. No crashes.

abu baniaz
14-07-20, 18:37
I (couch) flashed 2 boxes yesterday with 5.3.037, one had no internet connection (wifi) so plugins download was rejected, but downloaded ok after a 2nd settings restore.

The other box had a wired ethernet connection, but downloaded settings and plugins fine, and has been ok today. No crashes.

The bug is to do with the plugin installation step during FIW. Not plugin restore. You have to say no to plugin restore to see it.