View Full Version : CCcam 2.2.1. error - Can't find config files

12-02-11, 10:11
I'm in the process of setting up my new Vu+ Duo with latest Vix image. I've installed Mr Misters channel list and now have most of the sat positions set up via usals to work with my Technomate Vbox II although I've not moved from 28.2E yet. I've previously had a TM6900 HD Plus so this is my first linux box and quite a change for me but I'm slowly getting there.

I've installed CCcam 2.2.1 and set up a cccam.cfg file in /etc but when I start the CCcam 2.2.1 emu it says it can't find any config files, but they are definitely in the /etc folder. I know the cfg file is set up properly as I was previouslu using Oscam + Omnikey3121 reader + White card with my TM6900 client so have previous experience with this.

Can someone please guide me on this. The config files permissions are set at 644 and the CCcam emu at 755 which I believe are correct. I'm very new to linux systems so feeling my way at the moment.

12-02-11, 10:18
Hi artful ...... i'm using 2.2.1 ..... my config files permissions are set to 600 (owner ... read/write) works fine . don't know if changing to 600 will solve the problem .... but it won't do any harm ... lol

12-02-11, 10:38
Make sure the CCcam is in folder usr/softcams All your settings are correct.

12-02-11, 14:12
Rebooted this morning after updating the satellites.xml file, which I know is not connected with the CCcam problem, and the emu is now working fine so I don't know why but it's okay now. I had preveously rebooted after copying the CCcam.cfg file over but it didn't work then.

Anyway, busy personalising my bouquets now and then I'll move on to modifying the CCcam setup for my home server.

please read the rules i have deleted part of your post bassethound
