View Full Version : [ET10x00] Autotimer look ahead

06-07-20, 18:51
Is there a limit on how far an autotimer looks ahead in the EPG to set a timer

I'm attempting to set a timer (via autotimer) for programmes next Saturday and Sunday. They are both in the boquet EPG but no timers are being set.
I've just done a test for two other programs, one today and one next Monday (again both listed in the EPG). The autotimer sets the timer for today but not next week (yet)
As another test I've set an autotimer for Ch4 news, it sets timers for Tues, Wed, Thur and Fri but not Sat, Sun or next Mon perhaps indicating only a 4/5 day look ahead.

If there is a limit in how far ahead an autotimer looks is there a setting or way of increasing the time, say, to 7 days?


06-07-20, 18:59
I've never had a problem, autotimers set for today nearly always find next weeks as well.

There is an option "Only add timer for next x days" when setting up autotimer defaults, maybe worth a check.

It doesn't appear in the dialogue creating a new autotimer.

06-07-20, 19:08
I've never had a problem, autotimers set for today nearly always find next weeks as well.

There is an option "Only add timer for next x days" when setting up autotimer defaults, maybe worth a check.

It doesn't appear in the dialogue creating a new autotimer.

Thanks that was the problem - it was set to 4 days. I'd been searching though the menus for around 10 minutes and found nothing :)

For info:
Menu -> timers -> autotimers -> meni (again) -> 6: setup -> "Only add timer for next x days"

06-07-20, 19:26
I prefer AutoTimer not set Timers too far ahead because the EPG can be subject to changes, though it don't think it matters, but for last minute changes due to things like a football match overrunning I haven't found a good way to fix times apart from manually running EPG Refresh when you notice the changes.

I set up EPG Refresh to fill the EPG every night at a time I'm unlikely to be using the box or making recordings and to retry if for some reason it can't run at the time I chose.

I set EPG Refresh to trigger AutoTimer scanning when it finishes. I set it to only scan 2 days ahead but I think you can set it to scan further without problems since it should change the times of pending timers if there are changes to the EPG.

06-07-20, 19:40
I prefer AutoTimer not set Timers too far ahead because the EPG can be subject to changes, though it don't think it matters, but for last minute changes due to things like a football match overrunning I haven't found a good way to fix times apart from manually running EPG Refresh when you notice the changes.

The reason I set them many moons ago for a shorter time but had totally forgetton where the setting resided.
Today I wanted to extend them to check some filters I've set up.

06-07-20, 20:16
Ah, sorry I misunderstood.

08-07-20, 18:36
You can set AT poll as short or long as you want, it will pick up any changes between polling.

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