View Full Version : [Venton Unibox HDx] Plugin user feed url

05-07-20, 02:37
Hi all,

I am trying to download a plugin but keep getting a blank page with a no new plugins to download message. Prompted me to check settings and noticed the the user url feed has now address there. Can anyone help with what should be here please?

abu baniaz
05-07-20, 05:16
We have not built images for the Venton for a long time. Which image are you on? Are you sure we still have "feeds" for it? A good check is to issue an "opkg update" command using putty or similar and post result here.

OpenATV still build images for it as far as i know.

05-07-20, 10:15
To be sure I have provided the correct information, I attached a screenshot of the image information. Thanks


05-07-20, 10:25
That is not even the Openvix image. If you want plugin feeds to work your best best is to use the OpenATV image - they build their current 6.4 image for it. Also it might be time to consider getting a new receiver - that one must be quite slow.

abu baniaz
05-07-20, 13:50
Yes you did, but wasn't visible on phone. Sorry.

As above, that is not a ViX image. *********** duped people with the image name. He initially built images using ViX code, it is opensource. He then moved on to using OpenATV code. Yes, there are certain things he added.

You can flash OpenATV, install the softcam feeds and Kiddac's 720 skin (available from his drop box account) and you will be good to go.

We can assist with some OpenATV issues, but not images used to mislead people. IIRC, we have a forum rule specifically for this. Once you have flashed OpenATV image, please start another thread if you need assistance.

Link to Current OpenATV images


Command to install Softcam feeds. Use Putty/terminal or similar.

wget -O - -q http://updates.mynonpublic.com/oea/feed | bash