View Full Version : Thankyou VIX Team.

12-02-11, 01:54
I'd just like to say a big thanks for 2.0, I didn't really think that 1.3 would
get much better, but the Picture Quality seems to be up and the extra
features are very welcome.

I for one am loving it, the recorded list is very nice , the epg is awesome
and it is very stable.

Very fine work and you deserve a pat on the back.

Anyway thanks again for an awesome image.

It just gets better and better.

Thanks for the time and effort spent on this, I can tell that you are very
passionate about the development of this image, as it shows in the detail
and care taken to get it to such a high standard.

Let's put it this way, I own 3 dm800's and given the fact that all the teams
working on images for them have been around a few years now, there still
does not seem to be an image to compare to this one functionally.

I only wish you guys would release an image for those also.



12-02-11, 01:58
have to agree here, amazing image. Well done guys...

12-02-11, 02:44
Thanks guys andy has done an awsome job on this one

guff daddy
13-02-11, 00:17
I only wish you guys would release an image for those also.

I've been saying that for ages. Doubt it'll happen unless andyblac gets his mitts on a DM800...

13-02-11, 00:26
Great image

13-02-11, 00:39
Totally agree, awesome job guys.....

13-02-11, 03:15
I've been saying that for ages. Doubt it'll happen unless andyblac gets his mitts on a DM800...

I could only wish that that would make it happen, Im sure andyblac has enough on his plate
just maintaining the vu+ images, never mind making a dm800 one.

If by any chance that would make it happen, then maybe all us dm800 users ought to start
searching our pockets........