View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] CrossEPG causing crash and re-boot

28-06-20, 15:39
I've been experiencing random crashes that leaves my receiver frozen. Only way to deal with it has been to turn it off/on with the rocker on the back. It would then function normally for a week or more. I believe it has something to do with CrossEPG as it only seems to happen in the morning just after I have it set to update the EPG. It has never produced a crash report until today. The crash is now so serious that restarting doesn't clear the problem and the EPG wont populate after starting CrossEPG - it just crashes again. I get the message: "CrossEPG error: Cannot open CrossEPG database"
I'm a bit of a noob with this stuff, would someone please look at my crash log and maybe tell me what is up?


28-06-20, 15:43
... it's crashing in backup manager for some reason......

(Note the line starting in red.)

<997989.932> Traceback (most recent call last):
<997989.934> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Console.py", line 37, in finishedCB
<997989.935> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/ViX/BackupManager.py", line 490, in Stage1SettingsComplete
<997989.937> AttributeError: 'VIXBackupManager' object has no attribute 'session'
<997989.942> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method EnigmaLogFatal.write of <bound method ConsoleItem.dataAvailCB of <bound method EnigmaLogDebug.write of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method VIXBackupManager.keyResstore of <bound method VIXBackupManager.createSetup of <bound method VIXBackupManager.showLog of <bound method VIXBackupManager.keyResstore of <bound method StaticText.doSuspend of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method ActionMap.action of <bound method eActionMap.eActionMap_unbindAction of <bound method eActionMap.eActionMap_unbindAction of <bound method eActionMap.eActionMap_unbindAction of <bound method eActionMap.eActionMap_unbindAction of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method Label.changed of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method JobView.keyPageUp of <bound method JobView.keyRight of <bound method JobView.abort of <bound method JobView.ok of <bound method JobView.ok of <bound method JobView.abort of <bound method JobView.background of <bound method JobView.KeyText of <bound method StaticText.destroy of <bound method ConfigList.destroy of <bound method eListbox.eListbox_setContent of <bound method ConfigList.selectionChanged of <bound method ConsoleItem.__init__ of <bound method MessageBox.ok of <bound method MessageBox.left of <bound method MessageBox.cancel of <bound method MessageBox.right of <bound method MessageBox.down of <bound method MessageBox.up of <bound method MessageBox.down of <bound method MessageBox.alwaysOK of <bound method MessageBox.right of <bound method Pixmap.destroy of <bound method Pixmap.preWidgetRemove of <bound method MenuList.selectionChanged of <bound method SimpleSummary.deleteGUIScreen of <bound method eActionMap.eActionMap_unbindAction of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method CList.__call__ of <bound method JobView.keyOK of <bound method JobView.keyBackspace of <bound method JobView.keyPageDown of <bound method JobView.keyToggleOW of <bound method JobView.keyGotAscii of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyNumberGlobal of <bound method JobView.keyEnd of <bound method JobView.keyDelete of <bound method JobView.keyHome of <bound method JobView.keyFile of <bound method JobView.keyPageUp of <bound method JobView.keyRight of <bound method JobView.abort of <bound method JobView.ok of <bound method JobView.ok of <bound method JobView.abort of <bound method JobView.background of <bound method JobView.KeyText of <bound method StaticText.destroy of <bound method ConfigList.destroy of <bound method eListbox.eListbox_setContent of <bound method ConfigList.selectionChanged of <bound method JobView.state_changed of <bound method MessageBox.up of <bound method MessageBox.ok of <bound method MessageBox.left of <bound method MessageBox.cancel of <bound method MessageBox.right of <bound method MessageBox.down of <bound method MessageBox.up of <bound method MessageBox.down of <bound method MessageBox.alwaysOK of <bound method MessageBox.right of <bound method Pixmap.destroy of <bound method Pixmap.preWidgetRemove of <bound method MenuList.selectionChanged of <bound method SimpleSummary.deleteGUIScreen of <bound method eActionMap.eActionMap_unbindAction of <bound method eLabel.eLabel_setText of <bound method VIXBackupManager.keyResstore of <bound method VIXBackupManager.createSetup of <bound method VIXBackupManager.showLog of <bound method VIXBackupManager.keyResstore of <unbound method ActionMap.__init__>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>,(0,)) failed)
<997993.370> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!

Image 5.2.045 - nearly a year old.

28-06-20, 15:50
You are on an old image too, best you update to 5.3.035.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

28-06-20, 16:02
Thanks for your replies.
I tried the latest image but I didn't like the way it handled updating the EPG and I didn't understand how to stick with CrossEPG so I rolled back.

abu baniaz
28-06-20, 16:06
Only difference in 5.3 with CrossEPG is that you have to install it yourself. Older images had it pre-installed.

Anyway, are you creating a backup at the same time that CrossEPG is running?

28-06-20, 16:10
Hmm, I don't think so. I've only ever manually created backups. Unless I've done something by accident I don't think I would know how to set it up like that!

This may be a bit random to my problem, but how do I add CrossEPG to 5.3?

28-06-20, 16:18
Hmm, I don't think so. I've only ever manually created backups. Unless I've done something by accident I don't think I would know how to set it up like that!

This may be a bit random to my problem, but how do I add CrossEPG to 5.3?

You install CrossEPG from the plugins. You can find it via Menu > Plugins > Green button > System Plugins then locate CrossEPG and press OK to download it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

28-06-20, 16:20
OK. Thanks for your help. I'll re-update to the latest image and try to install CrossEPG and see if that clears my problem. I'll let you know how it goes!

28-06-20, 16:34
I tried to flash 5.3 but I got a failure error: "Wrong back up destination or no space left on backup device." it then crashed again.

Any other ideas, please?


28-06-20, 16:41
Backup manager again.

Is the hdd full?

<1002594.043> [BackupManager] Listing completed.
<1002594.863> [BackupManager] Finding kernel version:3.13.5
<1002594.864> [BackupManager] Finding image version:5.2
<1002596.909> [BackupManager] Backup running
<1002596.910> [Console] command: tar -czvf /media/hdd/backup/vix-rel-IM-5.2.045-20200628-1729.tar.gz /etc/enigma2/ /etc/fstab /etc/hostname /etc/network/interfaces /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/resolv.conf /etc/tuxbox/config/ /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf /usr/softcams/ /etc/auto.network /usr/crossepg/crossepg.config /usr/crossepg/providers /usr/keys /etc/samba /usr/script /tmp/ExtraInstalledPlugins /tmp/backupkernelversion /tmp/backupimageversion
<1002596.910> [eConsoleAppContainer] Starting /bin/sh
<1002596.940> [Console] finished: tar -czvf /media/hdd/backup/vix-rel-IM-5.2.045-20200628-1729.tar.gz /etc/enigma2/ /etc/fstab /etc/hostname /etc/network/interfaces /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/resolv.conf /etc/tuxbox/config/ /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf /usr/softcams/ /etc/auto.network /usr/crossepg/crossepg.config /usr/crossepg/providers /usr/keys /etc/samba /usr/script /tmp/ExtraInstalledPlugins /tmp/backupkernelversion /tmp/backupimageversion
<1002596.949> [Skin] processing screen MessageBox:
<1002596.972> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element autoresize in <class 'Screens.MessageBox.MessageBox'>(Backup failed - e. g. wrong backup destination or no space left on backup device.)
<1002596.985> [Skin] processing screen MessageBox_summary:
<1002596.994> [BackupManager] Result. tar: can't open '/media/hdd/backup/vix-rel-IM-5.2.045-20200628-1729.tar.gz': Read-only file system
<1002596.994> {BackupManager] Backup failed - e. g. wrong backup destination or no space left on backup device
<1002597.939> [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift
<1002597.940> [eDVBDemux] open demux /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
<1002597.940> [eDVBSectionReader] DMX_SET_FILTER pid=18
<1002598.940> [eDVBServicePlay] timeshift
<1002605.993> [MessageBox] Timeout!
<1002606.004> Traceback (most recent call last):
<1002606.004> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 235, in processDelay
<1002606.005> callback(*retval)
<1002606.005> TypeError: BackupComplete() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
<1002606.005> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method Session.processDelay of <__main__.Session instance at 0x64e59440>>,()) failed)

28-06-20, 16:44
Well, it shouldn't be. It says 47%. But I just tried deleting things from the trash and when I go back to check, everything is still there, so it won't empty. Something odd going on here. I can't delete them using iDreamX either.

28-06-20, 16:45
It's saying the device is read only, don't have a clue how that could happen.

28-06-20, 16:51
It's all a bit over my head really! I haven't changed anything and I can still record to the hdd, doesn't read-only just relate to that backup file?

28-06-20, 17:02
When you flash from Image Manager, the default is to take a settings backup first.

You could try disabling it - press menu when in IM.

abu baniaz
28-06-20, 17:03
When you flash from Image Manager, the default is to take a settings backup first.

You could try disabling it - press menu when in IM.

But he is not flashing an Image while running CrossEPG downloader.

28-06-20, 17:06
But he is not flashing an Image while running CrossEPG downloader.

The last crash is on 5.2.045, and looks to me like he's trying to re-flash.

<1002589.308> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element autoresize in <class 'Screens.MessageBox.MessageBox'>(Are you sure you want to flash this image:

abu baniaz
28-06-20, 17:13
Sorry, missed those posts.

Maybe he can flash using Grog's script. Link to putty guide in my signature if needed. Or just flash using USB.

wget --no-check-certificate -O install_vix.sh https://www.dropbox.com/s/hc2cdr116lvx3dj/install_vix.sh?dl=1 && bash install_vix.sh

28-06-20, 17:18
Thanks for all of your attempts to help. I'll try a few things out and get back to you.

30-06-20, 10:16
Well, I have a partial solution. I unplugged it :D
The problem seems to be something to do with the HDD that thinks it is full. So, having left it unplugged for a bit, I rebooted again and managed to empty the trash using iDreamX.
That allowed me to update the EPG and everything appears to be back to normal and it works as expected again.
Don't think this is a solution though. When I have time I will take your collective advice and update to 5.3.
Thanks for your insta-help.