View Full Version : In at the Deep End with Gigablue UHD 4K

24-06-20, 08:53
Just got the UHD 4K DVB-S2X OpenVix box and completely in at deep end coming from a Humax Foxsat HDR.

So some really basic Qs:

Is image just another name for the software eg OpenVix image??

What is the supplied OV EPG?? and why is Cross EPG better??

Think there could be a simple glossary somewhere to explain it all. Eg like this old one but more detail - www.toppy.org.uk/glossary.php

In my old Humax, I could scroll up and down in the Guide/EPG a page at a time using the programme channel rocker button. Searched through the settings but can't find anything except setting number of rows.

I appreciate the amazing flexibility but it is extremely geeky.
For example the WLAN. I think most now days would expect just to select a network followed by the password box, with all the DHCP etc settings behind an advanced button.

24-06-20, 09:25
Stick a wifi stick in it then you can have your select network and put in password WLAN is far better than wireless IMO

24-06-20, 09:34
2 & 8 page up and down in the EPG, 4 & 6 page left and right.
CH-/+ is - or + 24 hours.
9 takes you to primetime and 5 back to current time.
7 shows more or less rows in the EPG and 1 & 3 expand and shrink the times shown on screen.

Configurable buttons for the EPG are a work in progress but working well so far:


24-06-20, 10:22
.... and the < PREV / NEXT > buttons change bouquet.

24-06-20, 10:24
..... and the help button (if you have one) can be useful.

24-06-20, 12:43
.... and the < PREV / NEXT > buttons change bouquet.

Many thanks. Found those. Also saw the config buttons so will explore further.

Any comments on Cross EPG ??

An uphill learning curve!!

Amazing - Harmony has listed.

I have got Bluetooth audio working so I can listen to radio.

24-06-20, 13:34
I don't use CrossEPG, only EPGimporter which has always been fine for me.

24-06-20, 14:12

Is that the standard one in OpenVix??

abu baniaz
24-06-20, 14:41
CrossEPG is no longer pre-installed in the image. As someone just commented, the guides have not been updated. If you want to use it, you will have to install it. It is listed in the system plugins

Don't use EPG importer as that needs internet connection. (Unless you use the radio times emulator plugin, but let's not complicate things.) Ensure that the OpenTV EPG reader is still enabled. Then activate/zap/view/watch the IEPG channel for two minutes. It is on 11778 V 27500

You can automate the zapping using EPG refresh. Although I wrote the guide on forum, I despise the plugin because it is can cause a vicious lock up if run while another process is working. It is random with its timings. EPG refresh is just a zapper, it does not do any epg fetchng.

24-06-20, 15:23
Thanks for that.

Is EPG Importer the one in Openvix??

I'm aiming to use the GB receiver on a boat and won't have Internet all the time. And apart from when it is being used, it is fully switched off. My Foxsat updates the EPG each day when I switch it on and get a satellite signal.
So, I'd like this to do the same.

Zapping has lost me - to me it is just changing channel??

abu baniaz
24-06-20, 15:28

24-06-20, 15:28
Install CrossEPG from the system plugins. Menu > Plugins > Green Button

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24-06-20, 16:47
Followed the guide for CROSSEPG.
Doesn't look any different - should it?
So, when I press guide how do I get the channels list rather than bouquet? list??
And radio stations??

abu baniaz
24-06-20, 17:27
Press TV button, that will open up list of bouquets while in Grid EPG. Alternatively, in your Grid EPG, change the option to always show bouquet to yes

Bouquets: Groups/folders of channels
EPG = Synopsis

Edit: Please see here

I had a guide thread on this and I screwed it up by accident. Will re-upload once fixed. Sorry

24-06-20, 17:50
Thanks for that.

Is EPG Importer the one in Openvix??

I'm aiming to use the GB receiver on a boat and won't have Internet all the time. And apart from when it is being used, it is fully switched off. My Foxsat updates the EPG each day when I switch it on and get a satellite signal.
So, I'd like this to do the same.

Zapping has lost me - to me it is just changing channel??

Zapping is changing channels or changing to a channel.

I get all my EPG over the air for both Freeview and Freesat/Sky Free to Air (FTA). I don't use EPG Importer nor CrossEPG.

Menu -> Setup -> EPG -> Settings
Enable eit EPG = yes
Enable Freesat EPG = yes
Enable OpenTV EPG = yes

I've setup EPG refresh (Menu -> Setup -> EPG -> EPG Refresh) to tune into (zap) to the IEPG channel for a couple of minutes to get the epg on Sky FTA that isn't also covered by Freesat EPG.

https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?62806 may be of some help with IEPG.

24-06-20, 18:04
I appreciate the amazing flexibility but it is extremely geeky.
For example the WLAN. I think most now days would expect just to select a network followed by the password box, with all the DHCP etc settings behind an advanced button.

It also helps if you configure your router to assign the same IP to your box every time it connects. It just makes opening the web interface easier. Type the IP address of the box into your PCs browser address box.

24-06-20, 18:29
.....I just use http://name_of_box/ eg http://et10000/

25-06-20, 10:59
Thanks for the WLAN suggestions. But they miss the point and make it too geeky. If I told that to Mrs S she would look blankly at me.
She is used to selecting a network, enter password - just like a tablet. Simple. All the configuring stuff should be behind an advanced button for those that want to get into the nuts and bolts.
Even I am wasting hours trying to find out the basics - eg what is CROSSEPG? And why use it?? Now found a fair explanation on Vu+ forum.
Not doubt those in the Linux know have no problem and understand it innately. But for those trying to transition from a commercial Freesat box, it is a bit of a nightmare. And there are similar comments over the years on the various forii I've been trawling around.

The documentation is pretty thin. And to be told the number shortcuts explained above has been great but not sure I could have found them.

So, what is deep standby? What power does it use?? Does the box wake up from DS to record in the middle of the night?? Can the box be told to go into DS from Standby??

Also, how do I get radio channels displayed in an or any EPG?? - just like my Humax or the new Arris Freesat UHD box which I have got alongside this Linux box.



There really needs to be a proper glossary or wiki written from the perspective of a newcomer like me rather than an expert. Now, if the OpenVix/Gigablue etc community moderators would like it, I am prepared to try and write it, with some supervision and knowledge assistance filling the blanks.

25-06-20, 11:09
On my ZGemma H7S (running OpenVIX) I think I press Radio to switch to radio before I press EPG to get the EPG.
But the way I use to fill the EPG (setting up EPG Refresh to automatically go to IEPG data 1 for 5 minutes every night) doesn't seem to fill in the Radio part of the EPG.

abu baniaz
25-06-20, 11:31
You are welcome to make a guide, but the challenges are:

There are several different types of receivers with different tuner configurations.
There are many different types of remotes. Some don't even have a help button where you find some documentation.
Number of options and ways to do things are many
Enigma2 always changes, hopefully for the better

We really ought to have a wiki. You can start off with the Josh's guide and the Vix manual. As well as the many guides in the guide section of forum.

You can add whatever services you want into your bouquets. When you activate the EPG system, it will show you the bouquet you were in last in (as a default). AutoBouquetsMaker makes TV and radio bouquets separately. As above change between the two modes of TV/radio. Channel lists/groups (bouquets) and EPG are different things.

Standby= display off
So, what is deep standby? Shuts off power to tuners and other components
What power does it use?? Read your box manual. But very little
Does the box wake up from DS to record in the middle of the night?? Yes. At any time actually
Can the box be told to go into DS from Standby?? Yes, they are called power timer

Forum guide section:

New box guide by Josh G: Not been updated for a while

Vix manual: Not been updated for a while

abu baniaz
25-06-20, 11:34
Picture of Radio bouquet created by ABM attached

Guide to screenshots

25-06-20, 15:18
Thanks for the Radio ABM. I had found that, so half way there. How do I add it radio into the same bouquet and then get it into EPG format with the TV stuff?? Freesat and Humax, other Linux boxes do it, so it must be possible.

I found power info in the Gigablue handbook.

I agree there are very many combinations of kit and software, so I didn't mean another guide. I meant a glossary of terms - as in the Humax Foxsat HDR manual - but more comprehensive.

abu baniaz
25-06-20, 15:33
I don't know how to do it in ABM. But you can make your own bouquets. You can use Dreamset, Dreamboxedit or Echannelizer programs. Or do it in OpenWebIf, it has a bouquet editor. Or even a Linux compatible text editor like notepad++

Be mindful that ABM bouquets belong to ABM. Any manual changes you make will be undone next time ABM runs. Best to do a hostile takeover if you plan to modify them. Basically rename the abm prefix in the .TV files and also make corresponding changes to bouquets.TV file too. These files are in /etc/enigma2

ABM started off as AutoSkyBouquets. Sky have 0101 and 101 as different services. Enigma2 sees those the same, so that is probably why it never was done at outset. I don't know how to do it, but for Freeview and Freesat it should be doable.

Edit 20:05:
ABM = AutoBouquetsMaker. A plugin that makes bouquets. It is pre-installed in OpenViX.

abu baniaz
25-06-20, 15:34
As a start, look at the .radio files, they are radio bouquets. You can copy those lines into one of your .TV files and they should show.

25-06-20, 15:46
You can rename .radio to .tv and reboot and you should see them in the tv bouquets but if made by ABM an ABM scan will override them I'm not sure if you can change this via CustomMix.

I think this line determines radio channels https://github.com/oe-alliance/AutoBouquetsMaker/blob/c4ce6d385dcc21177c077bafa58e937b834e19b4/AutoBouquetsMaker/providers/sat_282_sky_uk.xml#L571

Edit removing .ABM on file solved it so I have named it userbouquet.sat_282_sky_uk.radio.tv

Then rebooted box this added radio channels to top of bouquets then did an ABM scan that moved the radio bouquet to the bottom of my ABM bouquets.

25-06-20, 17:59
Thanks dsayers. I see the principle, but I don't know the steps to even find a file to remove. ABM?? I assume . ABM is a file suffix like jpg?? Or is a line at the link??

Some simple steps would be very much appreciated when you have a chance.

25-06-20, 18:11
ABM >> AutoBouquetsMaker

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

25-06-20, 19:29
Thanks dsayers. I see the principle, but I don't know the steps to even find a file to remove. ABM?? I assume . ABM is a file suffix like jpg?? Or is a line at the link??

Some simple steps would be very much appreciated when you have a chance.

As by Andy ABM is a short term used for Autobouquetsmaker.

To rename file use file explorer on pc or filezilla and ftp etc/enigma2 depending on what service you use you'll see .tv and .radio files if they are created by autobouquetsmaker it will be named userbouquet.abm.sat_282_sky_uk.main.radio or similar if using a different provider.

Remove .abm and change the .radio to .tv so it looks like this userbouquet.sat_282_sky_uk.main.tv

Reboot box then press tv button and see if you see the radio bouquet.

25-06-20, 19:31
.... this is getting way too complicated, way too soon, imho.

25-06-20, 19:52
.... this is getting way too complicated, way too soon, imho.

Yes it probably is getting complicated especially if you're not used to editing files. Maybe best using the radio button for radio bouquets then tv button to switch to TV bouquets.

It might be better to wait and see if an easier method can be found.

25-06-20, 19:52
Sorry duplicate post due to network issues

25-06-20, 20:00
.... an easier way would be to have radio and tv automatically put in the same bouquets list, but that's a bit too controversial.:)

26-06-20, 12:41
>but that's a bit too controversial.

Interesting but why?? Or is it just too logical and sensible??

I have managed to set timers and autotimers using the radio bouquet but it is not as easy as the TV EPG. Don't think Mrs S will be over the moon!!!

I see that the Freesat ABM setup video shows TV channels and radio being scanned. So it is surprising that the EPG doesn't show the radio channels - just like a Humax and Arris Freesat box.
I'm sure that the authors of the ABM or CrossEPG or whatever could implement very simply. I think it is a bit complicated and a palaver for me.
Or even have an ABM for Freesat and Freesat + Radio??
I do use Filezilla for a website. So I assume I can connect the box to my PC via wifi and filezilla. But all a little risky.

Anyway, OpenVix etc wars continue.

I managed to, I think, use the button menu to programme a long press on EPG to do an EPG refresh. This morning, I got a info box saying starting refresh, then after 5 seconds countdown a info box saying complete. And an extra day appeared in the EPG. My auto time is in the evening.
Does this sound correct??
It would be good to have the box auto refresh EPG when first connected?? Eg stop in boat. Realign sat dish to get good signal, then EPG auto refreshes. Humax and Arris just do it!!

Also confirmed that box will wake up from deep standby to record, which is excellent. But quite happy for the normal standby screen with time to be displayed on small screen rather than TV pic. Looked in menu and couldn't see anything. Any ideas??
I do like that a timer can be programmed for deep standby after a programme has finished recording in the middle of the night.

Any clock plugins?? Nice to have a Rolex or even the Swiss Mondaine railway station clock where the second hand stops at "12" and all the trains are supposed to leave at the same time!!

It also seemed that with just Tuner A connected, I was getting "Tune error". Both cables and all seems to be OK. Is this normal??

Thanks for all your help.

abu baniaz
26-06-20, 15:05
>It also seemed that with just Tuner A connected, I was getting "Tune error". Both cables and all seems to be OK. Is this normal??

If you set tuner B to 28.2 and there wasn't a cable connected, then it is normal for the error. It has been told there is a signal wire hooked up to it, tried to use it and it encountered an error.

>It would be good to have the box auto refresh EPG when first connected?? Eg stop in boat. Realign sat dish to get good signal, then EPG auto refreshes. Humax and Arris just do it!!
Freesat EPG is absorbed while you are on a freesat service. Most services are snails pace, I can't remember which transponder has the Freesat EPG fast service. I'd imagine the one that has Freesat info. Set your startup service to a service on that transponder or the IEPG channel for Sky on 11778 vertical 27500. It will start on a service that absorbs EPG, so leave it for two minutes before changing channel

However, EPG is held in RAM and saved on shut down. Unless you are not shutting down properly, you should always have EPG when you start up. Only exception is if there is some corrupt data in which case all the EPG is dumped at startup.

>I managed to, I think, use the button menu to programme a long press on EPG to do an EPG refresh. This morning, I got a info box saying starting refresh, then after 5 seconds countdown a info box saying complete

I am presuming you are using epg refresh plugin. The plugin is just a channel zapper and you have to set a service for it to zap/activate/view. Something is right. How long did you set the zap/activation//viewing? 5 seconds is not long enough. The blue button has and epg-refresh now too.

In any case, why are you using EPG refresh and CrossEPG?

26-06-20, 16:40

>In any case, why are you using EPG refresh and CrossEPG?

I have no idea.

>How long did you set the zap/activation//viewing? 5 seconds is not long enough. The blue button has and epg-refresh now too.

Haven't changed anything. Not sure what screen the blue button is operated on. On my Guide screen, blue is to set an auto timer.

There is no glossary to explain what these words mean. In plain simple english "EPG refresh" to me means just that - refresh the EPG. And having downloaded/installed etc CrossEPG I assume from EPG refresh that it refreshes CrossEPG??

Phew. Too hot for this!!

abu baniaz
26-06-20, 16:59
EPG = What Sky calls synopsis.

CrossEPG Downlaoder in one plugin. You can set it to acquire EPG/synopsis automatcailly.
EPG refresh is another plugin. If you have not set it up correctly, it won't do anything for you. You would not see EPG refresh now until you installed the plugin You can also set it to zap/select/activate a service so EPG /synopsis is absorbed automatically.

Which do you wish to use? Pick one. Both will have options to add to blue button so you can invoke/activate/run/execute/do/process them immediately.

CrossEPG Downloader guide here:

EPG Refresh guide here:

26-06-20, 18:31
>but that's a bit too controversial.

I have managed to set timers and autotimers using the radio bouquet but it is not as easy as the TV EPG. Don't think Mrs S will be over the moon!!!

What are you doing to make it different? They look the same to me? While there are more than one way to set timers/autotimers, in the grid EPG view for TV or Radio I just hihghlight a programme and press blue to set an autotimer. Are you using a different skin to the default which may give you different button options? If requiring a lot fewer options for setting timers/autotimers in the grid EPG highlighting a programme and just pressing record offers the quick way to set the timers using whatever default(s) you may have set up. Defaults can be found
menu -> timers -> autotimers -> menu (edit new timer defaults)

It would be good to have the box auto refresh EPG when first connected?? Eg stop in boat. Realign sat dish to get good signal, then EPG auto refreshes. Humax and Arris just do it!!

If you are getting your EPG over the air then the box works exactly the same way as the Humax and Atris. If I go to menu -> setup -> epg and delete the EPG my box will start immediately refetching the EPG from over the air in the background. If programme times change I also see these changes. It may take 5 to 15 minutes - which is the same amount of time a Humax and other boxes will take. This is for both Freesat and Freeview - Sky FTA may require you to zap to the IEPG channel to fill any blanks. On closedown the EPG is stored to disk or non-volitile memory to be available immediately on next switch on.

abu baniaz
26-06-20, 18:57
He wants to have radio and TV services in the same bouquets so selecting them is easier.

The GigaBlue doesn't have separate TV/Radio buttons, it is not a smooth transition alternating between the two.

27-06-20, 12:24
>What are you doing to make it different?
Nothing. Default skin. And setting timers and autotimers is just fine.

>over the air then the box works exactly the same way as the Humax and Atris. If I go to menu -> setup -> epg and delete the EPG
Except that is not exactly the same way. No need to go to a menu in Humax and Arris. And yes, Humax used to take a few mins to update EPG from satellite. But anyway blue button extensions works OK.

>The GigaBlue doesn't have separate TV/Radio buttons...
Yes. Just a Rad/TV button. Which I would have thought when in Grid EPG would switch between TV and Radio Grid??

So the grid TV EPG I get is this:


If I then use Rad/TV button I get this:


Then amazingly the EPG for radio came up when I had a radio channel playing. I Not sure how I got there:


Just want I want. And if I need to use Rad/TV to switch EPGs, that is fine.

I also get this:


The Bluetooth audio is interesting as there can be a conflict between HDMI and BT output. Connecting a BT device seems to mute TV HDMI audio. But it is easy to loose all sound if TV is switched on when connecting the BT device.

Does the SPDIF output have the same conflict with BT??

Many thanks.

abu baniaz
27-06-20, 12:45
You don't need to go in any menu for Freesat EPG. Merely being on a Freesat channel absorbs the EPG. Provided you have not changed default EPG settings.

You are mixing up EPG and Channel lists. They are two different things. Your usage of E2 will be a lot easier if you accept they are two different things.

abu baniaz
14-07-20, 11:57
As of the AutoBouquetsMaker in 5.3 037, ABM will create TV bouquets with the radio services for Freesat and Freeview.

14-07-20, 12:09
That sounds great. So just download OV 5.3 037 and flash the box in accordance with the guide??

14-07-20, 13:11
As of the AutoBouquetsMaker in 5.3 037, ABM will create TV bouquets with the radio services for Freesat and Freeview.
Sorry, probably me being dense again, is this going to work when I use frequency finder to create a provider file?
The radio channels are in "last scanned" but always have been.
Can't see them anywhere else.

ABM-Manager][save] Bouquets to hide: {'terrestrial_finder': [201, 670]}
[ABM-Manager][save] TV bouquets to keep: ['userbouquet.favourites.tv', 'userbouquet.LastScanned.tv']
[ABM-Manager][save] Radio bouquets to keep: ['userbouquet.favourites.radio']
[ABM-Manager][save] Add provider prefix to bouqets: False
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing lamedb...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Wrote 9 transponders and 195 services
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing lamedb V5...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Wrote 9 transponders and 195 services
[ABM-Tools][customLCN] No custom video LCN file for terrestrial_finder.
[ABM-Tools][customLCN] No custom radio LCN file for terrestrial_finder.
[ABM-Tools][customMix] No CustomMix file for terrestrial_finder.
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing terrestrial_finder bouquet...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
[ABM-Tools][favourites] No favorite.xml file
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing Last Scanned bouquet...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing bouquets index...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
[ABM-Manager][save] write bouquets, Done
[ABM-UpdateProviders][__init__] Starting...
[ABM-UpdateProviders][checkRemoteVersion] Local version: 3.1
[ABM-UpdateProviders][checkRemoteVersion] Remote version: 3.1
[ABM-UpdateProviders][fetchProviders] Fetching provider file for East Yorks & Lincs terrestrial
[ABM-UpdateProviders][getResource] Failed to retrieve file for East Yorks & Lincs terrestrial. Error: 404 Not Found
[ABM-Scheduler][doneConfiguring] Schedule Disabled at Tue 14 Jul 2020 12:38:14 BST
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing bouquets index...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
[ABM-config] level: expert
[ABM-config] providers: terrestrial_finder:custom:9:
[ABM-config] keepbouquets: All
[ABM-config] hidesections: |terrestrial_finder:201|terrestrial_finder:670
[ABM-config] add provider prefix: False
[ABM-config] show in extensions menu: False
[ABM-config] placement: top
[ABM-config] skip services on non-configured satellites: True
[ABM-config] show non-indexed: False
[ABM-config] FTA_only: terrestrial_finder
[ABM-config] schedule: False
[ABM-Manager][load] Loading settings...
[ABM-BouquetsReader] Reading lamedb...
[ABM-BouquetsReader] lamedb ver 4
[ABM-BouquetsReader] Read 9 transponders and 195 services
[ABM-Manager][load] Settings loaded
[ABM-main][doTune] searching for tuner for East Yorks & Lincs terrestrial
[ABM-main][doTune] tuner selection algorithm 'OpenPLi Hot Switch compatible'
[ABM-main][doTune] Tuner B selected
[ABM-main][doTune] Fixed dish. Will wait up to 10 seconds for tuner lock.
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] TUNING
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] TUNING
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] ACQUIRING TSID/ONID
[ABM-Manager][read] Reading terrestrial_finder (custom)...
[ABM-Tools][customtransponder] Transponder provider name terrestrial_finder
[ABM-Tools][customtransponder] 3 custom transponders found for that region.
[ABM-DvbScanner] Adapter 0
[ABM-DvbScanner] Demuxer 1
[ABM-DvbScanner] Frontend 1
[ABM-DvbScanner] DVBType dvbt
[ABM-DvbScanner] NIT pid: 0x10
[ABM-DvbScanner] NIT current table id: 0x40
[ABM-DvbScanner] NIT other table id: 0x0
[ABM-DvbScanner] Ignore visible service flag: 0
[ABM-DvbScanner] SDT pid: 0x11
[ABM-DvbScanner] SDT current table id: 0x42
[ABM-DvbScanner] SDT other table id: 0x46
[ABM-DvbScanner] Reading transponders...
[ABM-DvbScanner] Scan complete, netid: None
[ABM-DvbScanner] Added/Updated 8 transponders with network_id = 0x3027
[ABM-DvbScanner] Reading services (LCN)...
[ABM-DvbScanner] Read 164 services
[ABM-DvbScanner] 164 valid services
[ABM-Manager][read] terrestrial_finder, Done
[ABM-Manager][save] Saving...
[ABM-Manager][save] Bouquets to hide: {'terrestrial_finder': [201, 670]}
[ABM-Manager][save] TV bouquets to keep: ['userbouquet.favourites.tv', 'userbouquet.LastScanned.tv']
[ABM-Manager][save] Radio bouquets to keep: ['userbouquet.favourites.radio']
[ABM-Manager][save] Add provider prefix to bouqets: False
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing lamedb...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Wrote 9 transponders and 195 services
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing lamedb V5...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Wrote 9 transponders and 195 services
[ABM-Tools][customLCN] No custom video LCN file for terrestrial_finder.
[ABM-Tools][customLCN] No custom radio LCN file for terrestrial_finder.
[ABM-Tools][customMix] No CustomMix file for terrestrial_finder.
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing terrestrial_finder bouquet...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
[ABM-Tools][favourites] No favorite.xml file
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing Last Scanned bouquet...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing bouquets index...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
[ABM-Manager][save] write bouquets, Done
[ABM-Scheduler][doneConfiguring] Schedule Disabled at Tue 14 Jul 2020 12:44:43 BST
[ABM-Scheduler][doneConfiguring] Schedule Disabled at Tue 14 Jul 2020 12:54:02 BST
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing bouquets index...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
[ABM-config] level: expert
[ABM-config] providers: terrestrial_finder:custom:9:
[ABM-config] keepbouquets: All
[ABM-config] hidesections: |terrestrial_finder:201|terrestrial_finder:670
[ABM-config] add provider prefix: False
[ABM-config] show in extensions menu: False
[ABM-config] placement: top
[ABM-config] skip services on non-configured satellites: True
[ABM-config] show non-indexed: False
[ABM-config] FTA_only: terrestrial_finder
[ABM-config] schedule: False
[ABM-Manager][load] Loading settings...
[ABM-BouquetsReader] Reading lamedb...
[ABM-BouquetsReader] lamedb ver 4
[ABM-BouquetsReader] Read 9 transponders and 195 services
[ABM-Manager][load] Settings loaded
[ABM-main][doTune] searching for tuner for East Yorks & Lincs terrestrial
[ABM-main][doTune] tuner selection algorithm 'OpenPLi Hot Switch compatible'
[ABM-main][doTune] Tuner B selected
[ABM-main][doTune] Fixed dish. Will wait up to 10 seconds for tuner lock.
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] TUNING
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] TUNING
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] TUNING
[ABM-main][checkTunerLock] ACQUIRING TSID/ONID
[ABM-Manager][read] Reading terrestrial_finder (custom)...
[ABM-Tools][customtransponder] Transponder provider name terrestrial_finder
[ABM-Tools][customtransponder] 2 custom transponders found for that region.
[ABM-DvbScanner] Adapter 0
[ABM-DvbScanner] Demuxer 1
[ABM-DvbScanner] Frontend 1
[ABM-DvbScanner] DVBType dvbt
[ABM-DvbScanner] NIT pid: 0x10
[ABM-DvbScanner] NIT current table id: 0x40
[ABM-DvbScanner] NIT other table id: 0x0
[ABM-DvbScanner] Ignore visible service flag: 0
[ABM-DvbScanner] SDT pid: 0x11
[ABM-DvbScanner] SDT current table id: 0x42
[ABM-DvbScanner] SDT other table id: 0x46
[ABM-DvbScanner] Reading transponders...
[ABM-DvbScanner] Scan complete, netid: None
[ABM-DvbScanner] Added/Updated 8 transponders with network_id = 0x3027
[ABM-DvbScanner] Reading services (LCN)...
[ABM-DvbScanner] Read 164 services
[ABM-DvbScanner] 164 valid services
[ABM-Manager][read] terrestrial_finder, Done
[ABM-Manager][save] Saving...
[ABM-Manager][save] Bouquets to hide: {'terrestrial_finder': [201, 670]}
[ABM-Manager][save] TV bouquets to keep: ['userbouquet.favourites.tv', 'userbouquet.LastScanned.tv']
[ABM-Manager][save] Radio bouquets to keep: ['userbouquet.favourites.radio']
[ABM-Manager][save] Add provider prefix to bouqets: False
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing lamedb...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Wrote 9 transponders and 195 services
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing lamedb V5...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Wrote 9 transponders and 195 services
[ABM-Tools][customLCN] No custom video LCN file for terrestrial_finder.
[ABM-Tools][customLCN] No custom radio LCN file for terrestrial_finder.
[ABM-Tools][customMix] No CustomMix file for terrestrial_finder.
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing terrestrial_finder bouquet...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
[ABM-Tools][favourites] No favorite.xml file
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing Last Scanned bouquet...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Writing bouquets index...
[ABM-BouquetsWriter] Done
[ABM-Manager][save] write bouquets, Done
[ABM-Scheduler][doneConfiguring] Schedule Disabled at Tue 14 Jul 2020 12:55:44 BST
[ABM-Scheduler][doneConfiguring] Schedule Disabled at Tue 14 Jul 2020 12:55:59 BST

<name>East Yorks &amp; Lincs terrestrial</name>
<configuration key="custom" frequency="506000000" system="0">East Yorks &amp; Lincs terrestrial</configuration>

<!-- customtransponder key="custom" frequency="482000000" transport_stream_id="104f" system="0"/ --><!-- original_network_id="233a" signalQuality="65535" channel="22" -->
<!-- customtransponder key="custom" frequency="490000000" transport_stream_id="5040" system="0"/ --><!-- original_network_id="233a" signalQuality="65535" channel="23" -->
<!-- customtransponder key="custom" frequency="506000000" transport_stream_id="201b" system="0"/ --><!-- original_network_id="233a" signalQuality="65535" channel="25" -->
<!-- customtransponder key="custom" frequency="514000000" transport_stream_id="6040" system="0"/ --><!-- original_network_id="233a" signalQuality="65535" channel="26" -->
<customtransponder key="custom" frequency="530000000" transport_stream_id="4089" system="1"/><!-- original_network_id="233a" signalQuality="65535" channel="28" -->
<!-- customtransponder key="custom" frequency="545833000" transport_stream_id="3006" system="0"/ --><!-- original_network_id="233a" signalQuality="65535" channel="30" -->
<!-- customtransponder key="custom" frequency="562000000" transport_stream_id="8001" system="0"/ --><!-- original_network_id="233a" signalQuality="65535" channel="32" -->
<customtransponder key="custom" frequency="746000000" transport_stream_id="a000" system="1"/><!-- original_network_id="233a" signalQuality="65535" channel="55" -->

<section number="1">Entertainment</section>
<section number="100">High Definition</section>
<section number="201">Children</section>
<section number="230">News</section>
<section number="260">BBC Interactive</section>
<section number="670">Adult</section>

<channel number="1" with="101"/> <!-- BBC One HD -->
<channel number="2" with="102"/> <!-- BBC TWO HD -->
<channel number="3" with="103"/> <!-- ITV HD -->
<channel number="4" with="104"/> <!-- Channel 4 HD -->
<channel number="5" with="105"/> <!-- Channel 5 HD -->
<channel number="9" with="106"/> <!-- BBC FOUR HD -->
<channel number="13" with="109"/> <!-- Channel 4+1 HD -->
<channel number="47" with="110"/> <!-- 4seven HD -->
<channel number="201" with="204"/> <!-- CBBC HD -->
<channel number="202" with="205"/> <!-- CBeebies HD -->
<channel number="231" with="107"/> <!-- BBC NEWS HD -->


tsidonidlist= [

tsidonidkey = "%x:%x" % (service["transport_stream_id"], service["original_network_id"])
if tsidonidkey not in tsidonidlist:
skip = True


abu baniaz
14-07-20, 13:37
We have not made any code changes to frequency finder yet. For a start, the radio section is missing in the xml file. Ideally we should add details to official file, I see you uploaded your file a while back. Are details in above post latest?

14-07-20, 13:43
Are details in above post latest?

Yes, updated today in case it made a difference.

abu baniaz
14-07-20, 13:53
That sounds great. So just download OV 5.3 037 and flash the box in accordance with the guide??

Software update is easiest option, but that requires internet connection.
Otherwise flash 5.3 037 (using USB or Image manager) and restore will do it too.

14-07-20, 15:23
Updated your terrestrial_uk_freeview.xml commit and now radio channels are appearing as expected. :thumbsup:

One thing though, ABM now reports no radio......... services: 144 video - 0 radio

And before, I got 119 video - 33 radio, so they don't add up either. :confused:

14-07-20, 20:09
Tried to work out what was happening by comparing two boxes, driving me mad!!

I reckon all the services have been found using either of the xml files, but the summary of services found is wrong in the later version which adds radio channels to tv.

Only a theory, there must be an easy way of comparing the two.

14-07-20, 21:24
I don't know if it's a clue, but CH28 (BBC1 HD) has 8 services, and the summary is 8 services short.

16-07-20, 09:35
lamedb (and lamedb5) files using terrestrial_uk_freeview.xml and terrestrial_finder.xml have the same number of records (but are ordered slightly differently),
pretty much confirming that they find the same number of services, but the ABM summary isn't 100%.

16-07-20, 10:32
I don't know if it's a clue, but CH28 (BBC1 HD) has 8 services, and the summary is 8 services short.

And the last 8 entries happen to be CH28 in lamedb5.

(Sorry to keep posting, but self isolation for 4 months has this effect :p)