View Full Version : FBC tuners: Diseqc switch with Universal LNB

25-05-20, 00:57
I have 2 LNB different satellite.
I use just ordinary dual LNB And connected to tuner as below:


How can I correctly configure tuner settings in VU+ Uno 4K SE with no unicable LNB.


abu baniaz
25-05-20, 07:43
Just like any other receiver.

simple, diseqc a/b for both tuner A and B. Select the correct satellite for each diseqc port. Tuners C-H are left in FBC-automatic.

25-05-20, 09:50
Just like any other receiver.

simple, diseqc a/b for both tuner A and B. Select the correct satellite for each diseqc port. Tuners C-H are left in FBC-automatic.

Do you think, if I change LNB for unicable one, it will be better or in this case it will not change anything? I mean record and watch different channels.
And one more, if I use Unicable LNB it should be 4 canals or 8?
I not quite understand - I have two input but 8 tuners...

[sorry for my english]

abu baniaz
25-05-20, 10:03
please read the guides to unicable it will explain more.

For me, you are better off not using diseqc switch. universal to each tuner is better. unicable to each physical tuner is best.

Only you know how many devices will be connecting to LNB. If only this device, then twox 4 SCR unicable lnb will be fine. no harm in buying LNB with more SCR.

25-05-20, 11:26
please read the guides to unicable it will explain more.

Yes, I read this, and is clear for me, when I use unicable LNB i could assign each tuner (A a to H) to different canal. If I understood correctly When is 2 LNB on different satellite, I should put to Tuner A one LNB and assign FBC from B to D, and for other satellite connect to tuner E and then FBC assing canal to F to H.

For me, you are better off not using diseqc switch. universal to each tuner is better. unicable to each physical tuner is best.

If I eliminate disecq I will lose the ability to watch and record different channels from one satellite (?).
Or FBC it will give me this opportunity without diseqc? - That what I don't understand.

To watch one chanel and record another you need dual LNB (for different polarisation - different voltage).

25-05-20, 11:36
With an FBC capable box (your Vu+ Uno 4K SE has FBC) so a Unicable II LNB is all you need. 1 cable from the LNB to the Vu+ will give you 8 tuners if you get the correct LNB. The higher the LNB SCRs the better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
25-05-20, 18:11
You have used A & B to identify satellites, let's use numbers.

You would "hook up" Unicable LNB from 13e to Tuner A. You would "hook up" Unicable LNB from 28.2e to Tuner B.

You have 2 physical (root) tuners and 6 non-physical (leaf) tuners. You can split/use how you like. Let's describe 4+4.

Set A to 13e. Do not enable "connected".
Set C,D,E to 13e. They are connected/sharing wire/LNB to A. They must have 4 separate SCR on that LNB.

Set B to 28.2e. Do not enable "connected".
Set F,G,H to 28.2. They are connected/sharing wire/LNB to B. They must have have 4 a separate SCR on that LNB.

You therefore have 4 demodulator for 13e and 4 for 28.2. All 8 are independent.

"Hook up" = "physically connect" a wire to LNB.

In tuner configuration, "connected to" = which root tuner do you want to share.

25-05-20, 21:04
OK, I think I understated unicabable, and I will go for 2 LNB this (i hope this is ok): https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07ZRPWKYS/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=AZH2GF8Z5J95G&psc=1

But, I still don't understand one think.
In present mode, I have ordinary LNB, Can I still watch and record more then 2 channels from one LNB used non physical (FBC) tuners?

abu baniaz
25-05-20, 21:20
Yes you can, they will be in internal-loopthrough mode

25-05-20, 22:03
Yes, but... I have only tuner A and B.
Tuners C, D, E, F, G, H is not possible to set as internal-loopthrough mode.
Look at this screenshot


abu baniaz
26-05-20, 00:37
FBC Automatic is internal loop through. It is done automatically.

27-05-20, 19:57
I order Unicable LNB - I hope this will be OK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07ZRPWKYS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It was the cheapest:) and have 16 canals.

abu baniaz
23-06-20, 22:42
Thread closed as OP is using a different setup. Posts referring to unicable moved to his other thread