View Full Version : [VU+ Solo4K] User script folder

14-06-20, 11:03
Hello, I searched over the Internet about OpenViX user's script folder but I haven't found this info:
-where is it located?
-how can I launch scripts by the GUI?


14-06-20, 11:23
Put the script file in /usr/scripts/ and then either add a cron timer to run at specific intervals or manually from the ViX script Runner.

Menu > Setup > ViX > Script Runner

There was a situation where the script runner and cron timers used different folders, not sure if this has been changed.

One uses /usr/scripts/ and the other /usr/script/

14-06-20, 12:36
Thanks: I saw there was no /script folder under /usr but as not every images use this path, before creating it I needed to be sure which one the image uses.
The crontabs seems to already exist in the usual path
but there seems to be no GUI tool to create them as in some other image. I need to import my "root" crontimer file. ;)

abu baniaz
14-06-20, 12:41
Create the folder yourself or go into script runner, it creates the folder for you. Blue, ViX, script runner.

14-06-20, 12:57
Yes, thanks: I set everything, now.

abu baniaz
14-06-20, 13:41
There was a situation where the script runner and cron timers used different folders, not sure if this has been changed.

Both use /usr/script Since November 2018. That is the same folder as other images. Vix's script runner will rename usr/scripts to /usr/script

05-08-24, 20:55
I wish u told me it would hav save me a lot of honking of what I was doing ring

05-08-24, 22:22
Four year old post @deltec!