View Full Version : [VU+ Solo4K] Autotimer issue

09-06-20, 19:53
Hi guys

Recently updated to latest image (034). Autotimer option within epg no longer working and I’ve been asked to download the plugin. I’ve gone into plugin downloads and I can’t locate it. Can someone tell me if this plugin is no longer supported? Anyone else the same issue?

09-06-20, 19:56
Working ok for me on 5.3.034 (and I'm pretty sure everyone else). Autotimer is pre-installed, there must be something different about your setup.

What do you mean by not working ? Is it when you press blue from within the grid EPG, say ? Maybe debug logs needed.

09-06-20, 19:59
Yes when I press blue it says “The autotimer plugin is not installed, please install it’. I updated from 027 to 034

09-06-20, 20:00
Can’t find the autotimer plugin to dl

09-06-20, 20:02
Is it showing in remove plugins? It should be in extensions in download/remove plugins. If in remove maybe uninstall and reinstall

09-06-20, 20:04
Were you trying out the epg tests a while ago https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?62653-EPG-files-test-Phase-1-Refactor&p=495521&viewfull=1#post495521

If so, maybe you left some .py files lying around.

09-06-20, 20:17
Is it showing in remove plugins? It should be in extensions in download/remove plugins. If in remove maybe uninstall and reinstall

Just tried this and it’s still saying the plugin isn’t installed when it is

09-06-20, 20:18
Were you trying out the epg tests a while ago https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?62653-EPG-files-test-Phase-1-Refactor&p=495521&viewfull=1#post495521

If so, maybe you left some .py files lying around.

No didn’t participate in this

15-06-20, 15:24
Try by command line:

opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

or, if it does not succeed,

opkg install --force-reinstall enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

06-07-20, 14:15
Try by command line:

opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

or, if it does not succeed,

opkg install --force-reinstall enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

I have this same problem with EPGsearch and Autotimer (yellow and blue buttons respectively), but only on my Vu Zero - I also have a Vu Zero4K which works fine - same version build and skin etc.
I have done a forced reinstall of both epgsearch and autotimer, and tried another skin but get the same result.

06-07-20, 14:20
I wonder if the OP ever found what was wrong?

06-07-20, 14:53
To be sure, try to remove it, before, by

opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

then you can install again normally. The same steps for epgrefresh.

opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

or, in case the normal way does not succeed, in the forced way

opkg install --force-reinstall enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

06-07-20, 20:56
To be sure, try to remove it, before, by

opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

then you can install again normally. The same steps for epgrefresh.

opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

or, in case the normal way does not succeed, in the forced way

opkg install --force-reinstall enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer
root@TVZERO:~# opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer
No packages removed.
Collected errors:
* print_dependents_warning: Package enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer is depended upon by packages:
* print_dependents_warning: openvix-enigma2
* print_dependents_warning: These might cease to work if package enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer is removed.

* print_dependents_warning: Force removal of this package with --force-depends.
* print_dependents_warning: Force removal of this package and its dependents
* print_dependents_warning: with --force-removal-of-dependent-packages.
root@TVZERO:~# opkg remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch
No packages removed.
Collected errors:
* print_dependents_warning: Package enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch is depended upon by packages:
* print_dependents_warning: openvix-enigma2
* print_dependents_warning: These might cease to work if package enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch is removed.

* print_dependents_warning: Force removal of this package with --force-depends.
* print_dependents_warning: Force removal of this package and its dependents
* print_dependents_warning: with --force-removal-of-dependent-packages.

07-07-20, 13:55
It tells what you have to do:
* print_dependents_warning: Force removal of this package with --force-depends.
* print_dependents_warning: Force removal of this package and its dependents
* print_dependents_warning: with --force-removal-of-dependent-packages.

So, if you had given the command with the option
you had managed to uninstall.

opkg remove --force-removal enigma2-plugin-extensions-autotimer

The same for epgrefresh.

07-07-20, 14:51
That did not work either

root@TVZERO:~# opkg remove --force-removal enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch

opkg: option '--force-removal' is ambiguous; possibilities: '--force-removal-of-dependent-packages' '--force-removal-of-essential-packages'
opkg must have one sub-command argument

07-07-20, 14:58
Isn't the answer to reflash and restore settings, or am I missing something?

07-07-20, 15:06
That did not work either

root@TVZERO:~# opkg remove --force-removal enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch

opkg: option '--force-removal' is ambiguous; possibilities: '--force-removal-of-dependent-packages' '--force-removal-of-essential-packages'
opkg must have one sub-command argument

so followed the logic and tried

opkg remove --force-removal-of-dependent-packages enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch

this worked
and then Installed and rebooted and still get the plugin not installed error with both.

07-07-20, 15:09
Isn't the answer to reflash and restore settings, or am I missing something?

Currently downloading latest release. I will test before and after I restore my settings.

07-07-20, 15:34
I was mislead by the command's message itself.
I've just verified myself and the appropriate command in these cases is:
opkg remove --force-depends enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgsearch

07-07-20, 15:43
try --force-depends as an option.

Read the opkg command output carefully - the info is there

07-07-20, 15:45
Currently downloading latest release. I will test before and after I restore my settings.

Thats sorted it.
Cheers guys.