View Full Version : Iphone app Dreambox live any got it working

11-02-11, 16:45
Has anyone managed to get the new dreambox live app to work with the iphone? It allows streaming directly to the phone and works with a enigma 2 image. When i try it tells me i have the wrong config

11-02-11, 16:48
will try it now

11-02-11, 16:49
You can get it from installous

11-02-11, 17:00
got it connected to my box, had to make sure port 8001 was setup in my router to forward the port to the ip address of the box and then got it streaming for 5 secs and the app crashed :| and wont open up now lol re-installed, works for 5 secs and then crashes again and wont open lol but i did get it working ... partially

11-02-11, 17:06
re-installed it 4th time round and streaming cartoon network no problems lol, hd not working aswell but i think thats connection issues i.e bandwidth etc but seems to work pretty well. can stream my recordings too. good find bacardi

11-02-11, 17:56
I can not get it to work. I have forwarded port 8001 to my box,even put it in a DMZ. What settings did you have to enter into the app apart from the ip? I have just installed vix 2 this afternoon and i have not put a password in yet.

11-02-11, 18:10
well this is what i put

host: ********.dyndns.org
Label: Vu+ Duo
Password: (left it blank)
Web Interface Port: 1222
Streaming Port: 8001

I have a belkin router so i went into Virtual Servers and i put the ip of the box port 8001 UDP + TCP 8001 and thats it. all working
I also did the same for the Web Interface Port too.

11-02-11, 18:16
Thanks but i still get check your wifi connection and data enetered. The box is currently in a dmz so any port can be accessed.

11-02-11, 18:17
can you put down what you have entered in the settings? also try forwarding the ports too cuz for me sometimes putting it in a dmz makes no difference, not sure why though but just try it

11-02-11, 18:44
host: ********.dyndns.org or the local 192.xxx.x.x
Label: Vu+ Duo or dreambox
Password: (left it blank) and tried vix,dreambox
Web Interface Port: 1222 or 80
Streaming Port: 8001

I have checked and port 8001 is available on a port checker

11-02-11, 18:47
what have you set your webinterface port as on your vu duo? mine i changed from the default 80 to 1222, just make sure yours is the correct one. you can check it via the plugins menu and then web interface and make sure the ports match. other than that im stumped.

11-02-11, 19:06
I have the same port in dreambox live and vu. Do you have 802.11n wireless or 802.11g

11-02-11, 19:08
no im using hardwired ethernet, and using static ip address in my vu duo instead of dhcp

11-02-11, 19:20
Sorry i mean for your phone, the developers site says it has to be 802.11n and i wondered if that is why it would not work. My box is on a fixed ip and hardwired

11-02-11, 19:24
well i got the iphone 4 which is wireless n but only 2.4ghz and not the 5ghz that it should be lol maybe next model

21-02-11, 12:56
Hrmm if I want to stream channels to my IPhone 4 via Dreambox Live over Local Wifi do still need to Port forward on the router? I thought Port forwarding process comes in when you want to watch 'Outside' your home?

21-02-11, 13:03
No youneed to make sure you still forward the port, but then again i was already forwarding the port in my router so i could do external timings and that

21-02-11, 13:32
Cool, what about these other settings on the Vu+ Duo:

Enable/Media: No
Allow zapping via Webinterface: Yes
Autowriter timer: No
Load movie-Length: yes
Enable HTTP Access: Yes
HTTP Port: 00080
Enable HTTP Authentication: No
Enable HTTPS Access: Yes
HTTPS Port: 00443
Enable HTTPS Authentication: Yes
Enable Streaming Authentication: No

Do I need to match/change anything here on the box before I input on the Dreambox Live app??


Ps: this app keeps crashing there's no stable moments with it:p

21-02-11, 14:04
I would agree it's un-stable. I can watch some channels but the likes of eurosport crash it and I cannot get it back. I have un-install and re-install it to work again.

The idea is great and fingers crossed the writer will fix the bugs!!!!!!!!!!!!


21-02-11, 14:14
The only settings tou will need is the http port which yours is 00080 the username which is root and passoerd is blank and that should be it. The developer has released and update to sort out a few bugs like the crashing but waiting for apple to approve. The idea is amazing just waiting for the execution now lol when it works it is great but the crashing is a pain because like you said you have to uninstall and reinstall again but its a start

21-02-11, 14:23
The only settings tou will need is the http port which yours is 00080 the username which is root and passoerd is blank and that should be it. The developer has released and update to sort out a few bugs like the crashing but waiting for apple to approve. The idea is amazing just waiting for the execution now lol when it works it is great but the crashing is a pain because like you said you have to uninstall and reinstall again but its a start

Great news. Been playing now for over an hour and after re-installing 20 times about 25 channels work the rest crash it. This has loads of promise........

21-02-11, 14:27
Ive even had it workig sat outside mcdonalds car park to watch some football with mates and its been great, so the future of this app looks promising

21-02-11, 15:40
What is Streaming Port for? Do I need to Port forward the WebInterface port on the Router in order it to work on local WiFi?

21-02-11, 16:51
Yeh just forward the port in the router and you should be fine

24-02-11, 13:43
The latest version worked for me. Seems like they have improved things.

24-02-11, 13:59
will have to check it out, i uninstalled it, was waiting for the update

24-02-11, 17:26
still crashes.....................

24-02-11, 17:36
yeh the new v1.1 is crashing for me when i try and save the settings lol will have to let author know but v1 still works on and off

10-03-11, 10:02
New version 1.2 has it working Perfectly for me on SD channels and i haven't even got a Wireless N I'm on wireless G!

02-05-11, 07:57
anyone using the new version (1.3.2) i can not get it to connect, 1.2 was fine

02-05-11, 10:39
anyone using the new version (1.3.2) i can not get it to connect, 1.2 was fine

I currenty have that version installed and all working fine here. Hae you double checked ur settings matc that of the duo i.e ip address port username etc

02-05-11, 11:44
Just came across this and installed 1.3.2, works pukka on my DM800 BH 1.33. Would dearly love to be able to stream over 3G, or even across another wifi network, its superb at home on the local network, could it stream over the web to my wifi at work?

02-05-11, 11:53
Just came across this and installed 1.3.2, works pukka on my DM800 BH 1.33. Would dearly love to be able to stream over 3G, or even across another wifi network, its superb at home on the local network, could it stream over the web to my wifi at work?

Whats ur upload speed? You need a really fast upload speed in order to stream directly off the duo but say they have it workin another way by using vlc onna pc and then to iphone

02-05-11, 14:00
I have a 5 meg upload, probly not enough really for what i want but never the less its very impressive at home on the network.

03-05-11, 02:42
im on 8mbit, I am running 1.3.2 everything is fine, but the voice and video lags, its like I hear the sond for 3 sec and the video for 3 sec then it lags.

I am on 8mbit connection, using my 3G which is quite fast (not wifi).

So yea it lags.

03-05-11, 09:53
Yeh problem is the lagging hence the need for a faster upload but it can be done