View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] Picons in timer list

13-05-20, 14:17
After updating to 028 I have picons in my timer list. This causes text to overlap as there isn't enough room due to the picon. I can't see a way of disabling this anywhere. Is it a skin setting? I am using 1080p confluence. Apologies if I have missed it.

Thanks in advance :)

13-05-20, 14:20
The problem has been identified and a fix is in progress. You can disable display of the picons on the second page of the recordings and playback menu "Show picons in timer list"

13-05-20, 14:22
It is there, I disabled it yesterday as all I saw was blank space (never seen the point of picons:)), I think it's in menu/setup/recording and playback. I'll double check.


13-05-20, 14:40
I had missed it, apologies :confused:

Thanks very much to both :thumbsup:

13-05-20, 15:36
is this finally working ? Never seen my picons (reference) on my duo 2 standard skin in that list despite enabeling it.

13-05-20, 15:40
is this finally working ? Never seen my picons (reference) on my duo 2 standard skin in that list despite enabeling it.

It only became available in 5.3.028

13-05-20, 16:36
is this finally working ? Never seen my picons (reference) on my duo 2 standard skin in that list despite enabeling it.

The display of picons is working since 028, however there is a knock-on issue with the info text which is being fixed.

13-05-20, 16:52
oke thx.I will wait to update then :)

13-05-20, 17:26
tbh I thought the text issue was to do with the new EPG implementation, not the timer list.

13-05-20, 17:41
maybe I update later this evening and let you know here if I have the issue.

13-05-20, 17:43
Nothing to do with the original question, but I have often wondered how Picon is pronounced - Is it Pie-kon, Pick-on or Pee-kon?

Cheers :)

abu baniaz
13-05-20, 19:54
NOt sure anyone has ever asked that, I am sure ccs will find the thread if it has been.

"pee kon" for me

13-05-20, 21:02
NOt sure anyone has ever asked that, I am sure ccs will find the thread if it has been.

"pee kon" for me

I did google it, but decided to leave well alone. :)

16-05-20, 13:12
updated to 29 and beautiful those picons in timer list.Many thanks.Little question : is there a way to make them smaller so I can see more timers on the page ?

16-05-20, 14:31
Do you get more rows in your timerlist with the picons disabled? Perhaps there should be a picon width option, like in the EPG

16-05-20, 14:36
yes I have a lot more rows without the picons

16-05-20, 14:50
Hmm, must be related to the skin you're using. Which one is it?

16-05-20, 15:01
standerd skin.I do not like or use other skins.Standerd vix night HD.

16-05-20, 15:20
I'll chip in again. I mistakenly thought that the original text issue was due to picon width, but know that you fixed the text by another means. However, I think the picons are too wide (or their aspect ratio is wrong - they look squashed). If there was an option to control the picon width and keep the aspect ratio correct we might be able to fit more timers on the screen. I use standard Vix Night HD also.

16-05-20, 15:27
I'll chip in as well, I find that switching on/off picons in timerlist has no effect on the number of timers shown, when you don't actually use picons, but just see a blank space.

(Simple_1080 shows fewer timers than ViX Night HD, but that's fine by me because the text is larger.)

16-05-20, 15:37
checked again and seems number off visible rows is the same.The picons give the impression that there are less rows.Maybe just adjust the size to a bit smaller size with spaces between the picons from differant timers.If that is possible

16-05-20, 19:52
I think the general clutteredness of the timer screen must make them seem off. I've just checked with Vix Night HD and they keep the same aspect ratio as they do in the grid EPG. I get 12 timers on screen. Post a few screenshots an we can measure the pixels :-)

17-05-20, 11:14
I could make a screenshot but where is it saved ?

17-05-20, 11:51
I tend to use openwebif, e.g. http://et8500/grab?format=jpg&r=1920&mode=osd

17-05-20, 12:32

screenshot taken

17-05-20, 12:51
picons in timer okay for me on confluence skin:
I use transparent picons.