View Full Version : New softcam

23-04-20, 21:53
Hello guyz
I'm running latest vix image with mgcamd 1.38. Can someone help me get the latest softcam mgcamd 1.45? Its not in plugins.
Also another question is if I change to 1.45 do I need to change anything in mg_cfg file?

24-04-20, 13:52
Any1 help with the ipk for mgcamd 1.45?

24-04-20, 16:59
You will have to use google to find it yourself. The ViX feeds has a working version which is 1.38.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24-04-20, 17:03
I haven't seen a patched mgcamd 1.45 for openvix try oscam with the check boxes to oscam user.


24-04-20, 20:21
So mgcamd 1.45 wont work with vix?
There loads of oscam, which one to use?
Also where do i go to check the above boxes?
Thanks for the help, appreciated

abu baniaz
24-04-20, 20:51
There are no mgcamd programmers on this forum. Do you have an mgcamd version you want for other images?

abu baniaz
24-04-20, 20:56
Have you searched the forum? I found a version ( 1.45C) in about 4 seconds, I don't know if it is the one you want though.

24-04-20, 21:15
Will it work with vix as above message says not?

abu baniaz
24-04-20, 21:19
Will it work with vix as above message says not?

Which message?

Have you searched the forum, there are a few versions. You have not said which exact version you want.

24-04-20, 21:42
Message #4 by dsayer

Mgcamd 1.45c is the one I need.

24-04-20, 21:47
Message #4 by dsayer

Mgcamd 1.45c is the one I need.

I said I haven't seen a patched version for vix not that none work. I have an arm box so I'm using oscam

24-04-20, 21:50
Have you searched the forum? I found a version ( 1.45C) in about 4 seconds, I don't know if it is the one you want though.

...... bump :p

abu baniaz
24-04-20, 22:10
If you search for mgcamd 1.45, you will find a thread by philly dated 20 /10/2019. Post 6 has the upload, it is not an ipk but has instructions on how to "install" it. It will work on Vix using mipsel receivers and you do not need different mg_cfg configs

Also, you say latest Vix, what version is that please. Some of the symlinks in the image may be affected. So best you say the number instead of just "latest"

25-04-20, 01:01
The ViX feeds has a working version which is 1.38.

That was true until yesterday for cable lovers :violin:.

Iceman follow what ive said elsewhere and you should be ok.

25-04-20, 14:15
latest vix is 5.3.026 sorry

25-04-20, 17:20
hi can you tell me where to find these checkboxes please?? TIA

25-04-20, 17:35
I just had to change certain things in oscam.server in oscam-latest from feeds and it worked for me fine. This was even on an older vix and worked.