View Full Version : [VU+ Uno4KSE] Sorry feeds are down for maintenance, please try again later!!

17-04-20, 08:58
hi folks just got a vu+uno se, put on openvix 5.3.019 trying to download some more plugins but keeps coming up with "Sorry feeds are down for maintenance, please try again later!!" is it off line or has my boxhad an hic-up ?

17-04-20, 09:44
Its working fine with me now. That message means the feeds are offline - thats the whole point of it. If your box had a connectivity problem you would get a message to that effect instead.

17-04-20, 13:22
thanks, had the message a couple of days, I'll try it again later

17-04-20, 13:36
You shouldn't have a problem at the moment as the feeds are working. There was a new image released (023) a day or two ago and the feeds would have been down during the build process

abu baniaz
17-04-20, 20:35
The only way for you to check the cause is to try it by command line. You may have a plugin that adds a "feeds". If that is no longer available, you will get a problem.

Issue the following command using Putty or similar
opkg update

See here if you need it

Report what you get. Mine is below.

Welcome to OpenViX for gbue4k
openvix 5.3 gbue4k

gbue4k login: root
opkroot@gbue4k:~# opkg update
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/gb7252/3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/gb7252/all/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-all'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/gb7252/cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-cortexa15hf-neon-vfpv4'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/gb7252/gb7252/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-gb7252'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/gb7252/gb7252_3rdparty/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-gb7252_3rdparty'.
Downloading http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openvix/release/5.3/gb7252/gbue4k/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'openvix-gbue4k'.

17-04-20, 21:22
You can also issue following command from putty or similar (eg telnet):

This will display IP details. Look for something (maybe several entries) beginning:
inet addr:

Ignore IP address: as this is an internal IP known as loopback address.

Most routers will provide an IP address beginning either 192.168.0.x or 192.168.1.x

Where x is a number between 1 and 254.

We don't need to see it but you should have one and what i begins with. For example, mine begins 192.168.0

20-04-20, 06:29
try again with the 5.3.019 image but still not connecting, so I backed it up and flashed on line with 5.3.023 image now it connects with the online plugin download server