View Full Version : Auto-Timers not working for Traffic Cops on Paramount

10-04-20, 14:41
I've tried to setup auto-timers on both my STB's for Traffic Cops on Paramount channel but the auto-timer doesnt find any channels. I can add a single record on the same programme and that works but not the auto-timer.

Anyone any suggestions?

10-04-20, 18:29
Works ok for me, 6 programs found after selecting epg/blue on tonight's broadcast.

11-04-20, 10:29
Thanks for taking the time to test that for me. I have cleared all references to Paramount and Traffic Cops from both machine and tried adding auto timers. On the Vu+ box it appeared to work ok but on the Tiviar box it worked but only added 2 recordings (strange).

I will check the Tiviar box later and see whether the additional broadcasts have been added

11-04-20, 14:09
Maybe there are timer conflicts?

You can stop seeing them in AutoTimer/settings - "Show notification on conflicts" Y/N.

12-04-20, 08:05
I couldnt find the conflicts setting on the Tiviar box however, I did change the pre and post event time settings to zero and the Tiviar box then showed 9 broadcasts found. I think this must be that some to the Traffic Cops Programmes are shown one after another and having added time to the first recording overlaps the start of the second one, causing it to fail.

The Tiviar box also only allows two recordings at one time.

Thanks for all your help @css