View Full Version : EPG files test: Phase 1. Refactor

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abu baniaz
08-04-20, 03:35
I require some people to test some new EPG files

Firstly, some background information.
Andy Blackburn added some EPG screens to ViX that were revolutionary at the time. Coolman was working with Andy on the EPG, he then did the dirty on Andy, so you may find several similarities with his CoolEPG. Anyway, as with everything that grows and expands organically, things can become intertwined. Fixing and adding things becomes difficult. When the original coders are no longer active and there are no comments as to what the code does or should do, it becomes more difficult. There are lots of if this do that, if not do the other.

There are many EPG screens. Most people (including some of our seasoned users and testers do not know about) and there are some that people do not use at all. Most skins do not cater for all of the EPG screens that ViX provides.
Vix Night skins and Rob's skins cater for them. Please refer to this thread (will need to be tidied up later)

SimonC has been rewriting the EPG code so that is it is more modular and easier to work with. The commit logs for changes is here:

At the moment, the work is solely to make the code work as the existing code, maybe with the odd bug fix thrown in. Once the code works fine, we will in future look at adding the EPG button mods, subject to approval. One of the original objections was that the EPG screens must behave the same across all types. However, it came to light that this is not the case. On some EPG screens, you can view and select bouquets and on others you can perform potluck bouquet changes but you cannot see the bouquet you will be going into. And perhaps the Horizontal EPG screen can be added later as well. Other teams that forked from ViX have made changes and more importantly bug fixes to their EPG screens without sending anything back. These cannot be added easily in the current form.

The project stages are as below:
Fix new bugs so everything functions without affecting users
Fix known bugs
Add features
Fix newer bugs

To add the code to the main image, we need a wider testing. If you are willing to test, read on.

You must be on 5.3 026 minimum (This is because one of the affected files is involved in an update. Does not have to be a new flash, a software update will be fine).
You must be using the official EPG files, not the modified "EPG mods" and "tabbed bouquets" files
You must be able to FTP and be able to issue commands using Putty etc just in case there is a problem.
If you encounter errors, you must be able to plainlyand accurately describe the problem and attach the crash log.
Please say the exact button steps to reproduce the error and any relevant options enabled.
If you are using IPTV, you must remove sensitive details before uploading logs.

Testing new files files:

There are no changes required to skins. If your skin supports all the EPG screens fully, they should work as they do now.
Please note: There are no intentions to make any changes that will require any skin changes.

Create a settings backup that you can restore if things go belly up. Shouldn't do, but best to be safe.

Five existing files must be backed up. I normally add an ".orig" at end of the file after the extension. If there is a crash, you can quickly restore these and you will use the original EPG file.


Latest files are in post 2

Extract the attachment
The xml files go in /usr/share/enigma2/
python/folder files to the /usr/lib/enigma2/python/ folder

In summary, the purpose of this thread is for people to test the new EPG files and feedback their findings so that Simon and I can replace the EPG files without adversely affecting users.

To facilitate and keep this on track, I will be soft deleting posts to keep the current issues on topic. I will leave fixed issues for a day or so to avoid duplicate bug reports. At the end of the project, I shall undelete the posts so the user input and assistance is not lost and can be recognised by others.

Thanks once again to all our volunteers.

Bonus Info:
Git location: /data/setup.xml
Receiver location: /usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml

Edit: 07/05/2020
The Test has now concluded and changes have been merged in the Dev branch.
Many thanks to Simon and the test group.

abu baniaz
08-04-20, 03:48
Please make sure you are on 5.3 027 before transferring these

abu baniaz
08-04-20, 03:48
Post reserved 3

abu baniaz
08-04-20, 03:49
Post reserved 4

abu baniaz
08-04-20, 03:49
Post reserved 5

08-04-20, 08:13
I just installed it on my daily box VU+ Duo4K. This evening I will see how it works.

The box started as normal. I took a quick look with the web interface and Info, Channel EPG, MultiEPG and graphical MultiEPG looked like before. I use one of Rob´s skin.

Anything to look after in special?


08-04-20, 08:48
Ill load up a fresh image in multiboot on my sf8008 later on and test

abu baniaz
08-04-20, 12:05
Anything to look after in special?

Hopefully everything should be the same as the official file. Please report anything unusual that you find.

08-04-20, 15:24
Up and running on a second box I recently purchased from WoS.

No issues (after 5 minutes).

08-04-20, 18:57
Doesn't seem repeatable after going into the options and back out

If I'm in the graphical EPG and go to a channel with no EPG data (channel 4 next Wednesday) then the black then follows on to the next line with the cursor, if I hold still the the whole EPG becomes blank (but moving the cursor shows the program detail)
Thanks solo4k

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk

08-04-20, 19:12
When watching a recording, press guide and select hd channels bouquet to show graphical epg.

Exit returns to bbc1 hd, not the recording being watched.

Debug logs if needed, but might be a while.

(New box, recently configured, but I'm pretty sure this isn't me.)

Partial debug log attached (I pressed exit multiple times so i could find the area in question.)

"Quit Movie Player with EXIT button" set to NO.)

08-04-20, 19:48
.... just went back to the standard version, and exit the graphical epg returns to the recording being played.

Just noticed that a program was being recorded when I took the debug log, so "The attached files will only use the new EPG files if recordings are not taking place." may be another issue. :confused:

09-04-20, 08:59
I need to double check, but it looks like the problem I saw in #11 only happens when a program is recording.

abu baniaz
09-04-20, 15:48
I need to double check, but it looks like the problem I saw in #11 only happens when a program is recording.
Probably why I couldn't reproduce your report. Simon has wiped out all the old code, I'm waiting for go-ahead before uploading

09-04-20, 17:24
Hi abu baniaz,

Because I have been tweaking and contributing to the varoius EPG discussions / threads I just wanted to let you know that I can't help on this testing (much as I would be happy to normally) because I only have the one box and it is the main TV for me and the wife. I would not be popular if things got messed up or it changed daily/weekly.

Just saying but I am really happy that this is happening and look forward to the results as time goes on.


smipx (Paul)

09-04-20, 19:06
There's a small indicator that you're on the new EPG. I've capitalised the coloured button labels, so if it says Add Timer Add AutoTimer then you're on the new EPG. The old one is Add timer Add Autotimer (which wasn't consistent with other screens and the name of AutoTimer

I think the exit EPG preview not returning to the correct channel is an old bug! I spent a bit of time sorting it out last weekend. So much so that I had to add a feature for my sanity: https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/pull/522

I can repro the missing selection problem when on a future empty EPG line. I'll have a mull over the best way to get some kind of selection drawn when the row has nothing in it.

abu baniaz
10-04-20, 01:15
New upload on post 2. Two improvements and also removes the old EPG files.

10-04-20, 05:20
Vuuno4kse stops on Openvix start skin with please wait.

abu baniaz
10-04-20, 10:16
Vuuno4kse stops on Openvix start skin with please wait.
Can you stop Enigma2 using init 4, restart in console mode and upload the console output please?

10-04-20, 11:19
Ok, count me in...

Box: Vu Solo2
Image: 5.3.020 with no restore of settings
Test EPG Mod: applied these EPG files as shown in post #2 only

No crashes so far (only 5 mins though)

The plan is to use this as normally use box for next few days (mainly Graphical EPG screen and infobar, etc) as don't use some of the other EPG screens. After that, will then start playing around with other EPG things.

10-04-20, 13:46
ok, no crash but don't know if it's just mine but based on EPG files in post 2, I'm getting error going into plugin menu:


Some plugins are not available:
Extensions/IMDb (cannot import name: EPGBouquetList)
Extensions/EPGSearch (cannot import name: EPGBouquetList)

I tried installing plugins but it states they are installed and up-to-date!

10-04-20, 14:48
Ah, looks like we're missing a couple of files from the zip. Abu can you add EPGSelection and EPGList into it and reupload? Those 2 files are what maintain compatibility with the plugins. Avoid getting the commit from this morning though, that's got a bunch of rename changes that might confuse matters.

10-04-20, 16:12
You're meant to use FileZilla or some such to transfer the files within the zip to your device having first backed the files up as per post #2)

ok, no crash but don't know if it's just mine but based on EPG files in post 2, I'm getting error going into plugin menu:

I tried installing plugins but it states they are installed and up-to-date!

Ah, looks like we're missing a couple of files from the zip. Abu can you add EPGSelection and EPGList into it and reupload? Those 2 files are what maintain compatibility with the plugins. Avoid getting the commit from this morning though, that's got a bunch of rename changes that might confuse matters.

10-04-20, 16:30
You're meant to use FileZilla or some such to transfer the files within the zip to your device having first backed the files up as per post #2)I followed what was mentioned in post 2 but two files aren't included in that zip and according to simonc, these files are what are needed to maintain compatibility with plugins.

10-04-20, 16:32
I followed what was mentioned in post 2 but two files aren't included in that zip and according to simonc, these files are what are needed to maintain compatibility with plugins.

I've re-read

abu baniaz
10-04-20, 16:37
I have re-uploaded the attchment. Sorry for the error.

bbbuk is one the original people involved in the coloured buttons mod. It is based on his work and obstalces he encountered, that this tidy-up/untangling project was started.

10-04-20, 17:01
I finally got around to do a bit of testing.

Trying to bring up the single epg now causes a crash

Also epg search is causing a crash

Debug logs attached

abu baniaz
10-04-20, 17:18
Thanks for testing and reporting. Please note my fubar with the earlier attachment. However, I can confirm the crash for EPG Search, but not single EPG.

That single EPG name has two contexts, that is why there was the renaming this morning. Updated files will be uploaded after fixing the crashes you reported. Can you give step by step guide to reproduce the single EPG crash please. I normally just press red.

< 68113.803> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 68113.803> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGSearch/EPGSearch.py", line 328, in startUp
< 68113.803> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGSearch/EPGSearch.py", line 337, in refreshlist
< 68113.803> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGSearch/EPGSearch.py", line 578, in searchEPG
< 68113.803> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGSearch/EPGSearch.py", line 603, in startSearchEPG
< 68113.803> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGSearch/EPGSearch.py", line 163, in recalcEntrySize
< 68113.803> AttributeError: 'EPGSearchList' object has no attribute 'eventFontSizeSingle'
< 68113.803> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method EPGSearch.startUp of <class 'Plugins.Extensions.EPGSearch.EPGSearch.EPGSearch'>>,()) failed)

Fixed here

10-04-20, 17:24
Ok, added the new refreshed files for post 2 and plugin menu ok.

Tested EPGSearch within GEPG screen and it crashed as mentioned by @ronand

Believe this being reason:

< 655.056> AttributeError: 'EPGSearchList' object has no attribute 'eventFontSizeSingle'

Looks like eventFontSizeSingle isn't found!

How to re-create:
1. Within GEPG screen
2. Yellow button (EPG Search)

EPG Search comes up for few seconds like it's trying, nothing is displayed but then crashes.

Mod Edit:
Fixed here

10-04-20, 17:29
I usually bring up my channel list using the up or down arrow. Then to get single epg on a particular channel I press either the "i" button or "epg" - both do the same thing on the sf8008. Red button works (I never knew that was there so wont start using it now!)

Fixed here

abu baniaz
10-04-20, 17:37
Thanks for the reproduction step. I don't normally activate it that way, but will start using it for the test. May even make its way into the navigation guide. I can confirm crash too.

Press up to invoke Channel list, select any channel, Press Info or GUIDE, results in a crash

< 69649.151> [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 358 INFO
< 69649.151> [ActionMap] Keymap 'ChannelSelectEPGActions' -> Unknown action 'info'! (Typo in keymap?)
< 69649.151> [ActionMap] Keymap 'ChannelSelectEPGActions' -> Action = 'showEPGList'.
< 69649.153> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 69649.153> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 69649.153> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 946, in showEPGList
< 69649.153> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 329, in openWithCallback
< 69649.153> dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 69649.153> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 339, in open
< 69649.154> dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 69649.154> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 276, in instantiateDialog
< 69649.154> return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 69649.154> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 299, in doInstantiateDialog
< 69649.154> dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 69649.154> TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'serviceChangeCB'
< 69649.154> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.ActionMap instance at 0xb0b481c0>>,('ChannelSelectEPGActions', 'showEPGList')) failed

Fixed here: https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/commit/ac41ed88018d7ad44a97b7f795c9f27c666590f8

10-04-20, 19:10
Thanks for those 2. I've got fixes on the way for them

abu baniaz
11-04-20, 12:52
The two crashes have been fixed. Thanks Simon. I have edited posts above with links to fixes. I have uploaded the attachment in post 1. Hopefully without errors. If you have tested previous files, please delete the older Epg folders first. Otherwise redundant files will remain.

Thank you for your continued tests, feedback and assistance.

11-04-20, 13:44
Those fixes seem to have worked. However I've spotted something else when using EPG Search - The channel name is now transposed over the satellite position as in the attached image. The skin is Magic FHD but I dont think that is the issue as it works fine on the regular 5.3.020 build


Fixed here. Thanks for reporting

11-04-20, 14:03
I have same as mentioned by @Ronand

Even though I didn't think it was related to skin, I did try two different skins. Same thing....


11-04-20, 14:16
Another bug squashed :-)

abu baniaz
11-04-20, 14:36
This is the modified file to fix the overlap. I'll upload the attachemnt inpost 1 to include it.

abu baniaz
11-04-20, 14:46
Another bug squashed :-)

That has introduced another.

EPG/Guide to invoke Grid EPG (Graphics)
Yellow for EPG search

< 9926.369> [EPGSelectionGrid] ------- NEW VERSION -------
< 9926.370> [EPGSelectionBase] 5
< 9926.373> [EPGListGrid] Init
< 9926.373> [EPGListBase] Init
< 9926.379> [Skin] Processing screen 'GraphicalEPGPIG' from list 'GridEPGPIG, GraphicalEPGPIG', position=(0, 0), size=(1280 x 720) for module 'EPGSelectionGrid'.
< 9926.394> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element number in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.395> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element jump in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.396> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element page in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.396> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element primetime in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.396> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element timeline0 in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.396> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element timeline2 in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.396> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element timeline3 in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.396> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element timeline1 in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.396> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element timeline4 in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.397> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element timeline5 in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.398> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element change_bouquet in <class 'Screens.Epg.EpgSelectionGrid.EPGSelectionGrid'>
< 9926.410> [Skin] Processing screen 'GraphicalEPGPIG_summary' from list 'GridEPGPIG_summary, GraphicalEPGPIG_summary, SimpleSummary', position=(0, 0), size=(220 x 176) for module 'SimpleSummary'.
< 9927.821> [eInputDeviceInit] 1 190 1
< 9927.821> [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 400 YELLOW
< 9928.020> [eInputDeviceInit] 0 190 1
< 9928.020> [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 400 YELLOW
< 9928.020> [ActionMap] Keymap 'ColorActions' -> Action = 'yellow'.
< 9928.026> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 9928.026> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 9928.026> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Epg/EpgSelectionBase.py", line 29, in fn
< 9928.026> action()
< 9928.026> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Epg/EpgSelectionBase.py", line 202, in openEPGSearch
< 9928.026> self.session.open(EPGSearch, name, False)
< 9928.026> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 339, in open
< 9928.027> dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 9928.027> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 276, in instantiateDialog
< 9928.027> return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 9928.027> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 299, in doInstantiateDialog
< 9928.027> dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 9928.027> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGSearch/EPGSearch.py", line 238, in __init__
< 9928.027> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGSearch/EPGSearch.py", line 60, in __init__
< 9928.027> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/EpgList.py", line 39, in __init__
< 9928.027> EPGListSingle.__init__(self, config.epgselection.single, selChangedCB, timer)
< 9928.027> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/config.py", line 1884, in __getattr__
< 9928.027> AttributeError: single
< 9928.028> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method HelpableActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap instance at 0xafda92b0>>,('ColorActions', 'yellow')) failed)

EDIT @16:50:
Fixed here https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/commit/1c0b2a3b24d8b711259abd58b2a5c56faf301a57
Post 1 updated with newer files.

11-04-20, 16:01
Bah! That's by the EPG naming and config cleanup task getting in the way. It's time to bite the bullet and commit those changes too, rather than continue to juggle things.

Just a warning that these updates include changes to setup.xml and menu.xml and will start using a new set of configuration values, so the new EPGs will use default settings. The old settings seem to be persisted so if you revert back to the current EPG, then things are still as you left them.

11-04-20, 16:10
As it objects to use of 'single', if u revert just line 39 (https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/commit/7e48c5ad1119851f66d048aa62723633a92dda8f#diff-b8b856a34e1cffe75195c252688fd2a1R39) from epglist.py back to what it was, I've been able to get mine working again...


Looks okay (as in not overlap or even crashing). Don't know of any unintended consequence of that!

abu baniaz
11-04-20, 16:43
Version 4 attached to first post. Please note the amended instructions with regards to the two xml files.

Sorry for the trouble and inconvenience. Thanks once again

abu baniaz
11-04-20, 16:49
An quirk/oddity that may affect receivers that do not have EPG button and only the Info button.

EPG button to Invoke Grid EPG.
Info button invokes EventView'
EPG button invokes Single EPG

In channel selection screen, both buttons instigate Single EPG (the one that you can change services)

Note: I am testing with Vix Night HD

11-04-20, 17:55
In GraphicalEPG changing Service Title mode between "Picon, Service Number and Service Name" or "Service Number, Picon and Service Name" seems to always show Picon, Service Number and Service Name.

Same with "Service Number and Picon" or "Picon and Service Number" it always shows Picon and Service Number.

Mod Edit
Fixed with: https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/commit/34fafedfb6378321b7549a3de636dae34c90de77
Upload in post 1 contains fix

11-04-20, 18:47
Up and running with the latest version (the one including the xml files).

So far so good, it took about 3 minutes to set up the box the same as I had previously configured it.

(FWIW it took me more than 3 hours to get the epg working on the box when starting from scratch last week. The epg/guide button insisted on taking make straight to "all channels", when I'd supposedly set it up to show bouquets on launch. Reboots, restarting GUI, waiting for the epg to populate, made no difference. And then, as if by magic, it started working.
I hope abu isn't reading this.)

11-04-20, 18:58
Just updated to v4 and ok so far :)

@Abu you may wish to update post 1 to say some settings may need to be reset again

11-04-20, 19:22
There's a small indicator that you're on the new EPG. I've capitalised the coloured button labels, so if it says Add Timer Add AutoTimer then you're on the new EPG. The old one is Add timer Add Autotimer I guess I'd better ask this question, lower case and capitals are getting mixed up in the post.

The reason I'm mentioning it is because I'm not seeing capitalised coloured buttons. :confused:

11-04-20, 19:35
I guess I'd better ask this question, lower case and capitals are getting mixed up in the post.

The reason I'm mentioning it is because I'm not seeing capitalised coloured buttons. :confused:I do on mine, at least in graphical EPG view.

My last screenshot (here (https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?62653-Testers-for-re-written-EPG-files&p=495768&viewfull=1#post495768)) will show what it should look like.

11-04-20, 19:40
I'm afraid that advice was fairly short lived. Ignore it now, you're on the new EPG regardless of recording or not. The old code is gone :cool:

In GraphicalEPG changing Service Title mode between "Picon, Service Number and Service Name" or "Service Number, Picon and Service Name" seems to always show Picon, Service Number and Service Name.
That was a set of new options that wasn't meant to be included yet. I've just added the corresponding feature in the Grid EPG

An quirk/oddity that may affect receivers that do not have EPG button and only the Info button.

EPG button to Invoke Grid EPG.
Info button invokes EventView'
EPG button invokes Single EPG
There's options in the EPG for the behaviour of Info/Info long press, so this shouldn't be a problem.

11-04-20, 19:43
BTW, I'm also interested in how disruptive losing your EPG view options are. We can add an upgrade migration if people think it's a pain.

11-04-20, 19:50
I do on mine, at least in graphical EPG view.

My last screenshot (here (https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?62653-Testers-for-re-written-EPG-files&p=495768&viewfull=1#post495768)) will show what it should look like.

I don't see coloured buttons labelled in capitals , but I do see "Grid EPG" in the EPG setup menu, which I assume means I've set it up ok.

Your screenshot is very skin dependent.

11-04-20, 20:04
I know this isn't very helpful, but the problem I mentioned in #44 came back again when I went into the grid epg while watching a recording.

It went straight to "ALL", no bouquet list, and I couldn't resolve it until I rebooted the box.

I can't reproduce it (yet).

11-04-20, 20:09
I don't see coloured buttons labelled in capitals , but I do see "Grid EPG" in the EPG setup menu, which I assume means I've set it up ok.

Your screenshot is very skin dependent.If you look at blue button option it should read, "Add AutoTimer". This is what I believe is meant (ie initial capitals) as I'm sure original code was "Add Autotimer"

My screenshot is not skin dependent but is EPG screen dependent. Basically I mostly use Graphical EPG and infobars. I don't know if this initial capitals is on other EPG screens which I should have said. Sorry :)

11-04-20, 20:34
when I went into the grid epg while watching a recording.
It went straight to "ALL", no bouquet list, and I couldn't resolve it until I rebooted the box.

It might be related to watching a recording. There may be an issue with it not remembering the bouquet in use before starting to watch the recording, and it may just be defaulting to All

11-04-20, 21:12
It might be related to watching a recording. There may be an issue with it not remembering the bouquet in use before starting to watch the recording, and it may just be defaulting to All
That would explain it, I guess, but it gets stuck after I stop the recording and go back into the epg, no bouquet list shown.

11-04-20, 21:39
Found a way to crash the box.

Start watching a recorded program, press epg and select a bouquet, highlight a tv program and press ok.

The sound of live tv comes on, but the epg still remains on screen. Ok button returns to live tv, but exit crashes the box.

< 5469.460> [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 174 EXIT
< 5469.460> [ActionMap] Keymap 'OkCancelActions' -> Action = 'cancel'.
< 5469.460> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 5469.460> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 5469.460> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Epg/EpgSelectionBase.py", line 481, in closeScreen
< 5469.461> if self.epgConfig.previewmode.value:
< 5469.461> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/config.py", line 1884, in __getattr__
< 5469.461> AttributeError: previewmode
< 5469.461> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method HelpableActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap instance at 0x9dbf8f58>>,('OkCancelActions', 'cancel')) failed)

Mod Edit:
Fixed here: https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/commit/51b5568f464e59eb0b776661a250c2f5dc00bdde
Upload in post 1 contains fix.

11-04-20, 21:52
....... added log to previous post.

abu baniaz
11-04-20, 22:04
BTW, I'm also interested in how disruptive losing your EPG view options are. We can add an upgrade migration if people think it's a pain.
If it is easy to do, please add. That way users won't feel any change

BTW, there was long standing bug/issue. If there is no picon, the space is not reserved. The fix was to use a zero bit default picon. Is that an easy win?

EDIT: Fixed here

Upload in post 1 contains fix

abu baniaz
11-04-20, 22:26
Up and running with the latest version (the one including the xml files).

So far so good, it took about 3 minutes to set up the box the same as I had previously configured it.

(FWIW it took me more than 3 hours to get the epg working on the box when starting from scratch last week. The epg/guide button insisted on taking make straight to "all channels", when I'd supposedly set it up to show bouquets on launch. Reboots, restarting GUI, waiting for the epg to populate, made no difference. And then, as if by magic, it started working.
I hope abu isn't reading this.)

This probably part of the "lost focus" issue that I'd like to get fixed.

The all services group, does not have any sub-directories, so you cannot navigate anywhere else. Might be an idea to use channel selection system then enter EPG system if you have lost bearings.

I use the All quite regualarly as I can jump easily from a satellite service to a Terrestrial one with same/similar name.

abu baniaz
11-04-20, 22:52
Found a way to crash the box.

Start watching a recorded program, press epg and select a bouquet, highlight a tv program and press ok.
The sound of live tv comes on, but the epg still remains on screen. Ok button returns to live tv, but exit crashes the box.

I can confirm this crash too. But for me, once you select a channel, it starts playing, just wait and it then crashes. Same errors about the preview attribute.

11-04-20, 23:28
Found a way to crash the box.
Start watching a recorded program, press epg and select a bouquet, highlight a tv program and press ok.
The sound of live tv comes on, but the epg still remains on screen. Ok button returns to live tv, but exit crashes the box.

Thanks, this is now fixed

there was long standing bug/issue. If there is no picon, the space is not reserved. The fix was to use a zero bit default picon. Is that an easy win?

Yes an easy win. Fix now in the branch

abu baniaz
11-04-20, 23:45
Yes an easy win. Fix now in the branch

Many thanks. Request to address this issue from 2015 marked as completed

12-04-20, 11:37
Ok, just upgraded Test EPG to v4a. Ok so far, thank you :)

I'll try playing with it later to see if I can get it to crash :)

12-04-20, 15:16
I've now added an upgrade mechanism to the config. It deals with all the renaming and any changes to values, only runs when the config.version is absent, or less than 53023. If you want to test it, grab a copy of your settings file from a backup (look in /etc/enigma2/). On startup, the settings will be mapped over and config.version will be set.

12-04-20, 18:02
Been using Test EPG 4a all day without an issue. This is under our normal use. Mostly Grid EPG to flick through channels, playback and record (mostly her soaps, or lack thereof haha).

I'll try either later or tomorrow (if not sunny) and go through various other things we don't normally use receiver for to try and catch any other bugs.

Thank you :)

13-04-20, 10:04
I used it last night without any issues - is the upgrade mechanism mentioned in #63 ready to use yet, I'd like to try a clean install of the new EPG setup?

13-04-20, 10:24
Ok, just noticed that timeline_now marker doesn't show in GridEPG (aka GraphicalEPG) or even smaller EPG (that use get by clicking left or right arrow from main TV) and possibility other EPG screens.

Screenshot of Stock image with red vertical line known as "timeline_now"

Checked Vix's default skin with test EPG and again no timeline. Went back to stock image and timeline present as expected.

The timeline widget is called, "timeline_now". Does this need to be added back in for compatibility with all skins? The widget is obviously present in skins xml file but test EPG doesn't see/display it.

Could this be related to naming changes of EPG (ie GraphicalEPG now known as Grid EPG)?

13-04-20, 10:41
I'm seeing the timeline with Simple_1080....

13-04-20, 10:54
Tried Simple_Ten_Eighty skin and no timeline...

The other EPG screen I mentioned earlier and no timeline (confluence 1080 skin this time):

@ccs, what exactly is that skin called in plugins to see if I can see timeline on that?

13-04-20, 11:24
Simple_Ten_Eighty is already available in User interface/Skin setup.

13-04-20, 11:30
Can you post your settings file? I'm seeing the timeline on VixNight, Confluence and Simple 1080 as well

13-04-20, 11:31
The timeline isn't showing at the moment - it was 11:29, it reappeared at 11:30.

13-04-20, 11:45
Anything to do with "Maintain old EPG data for (15 minutes)"?

The old and new EPG (on different boxes) have, in theory, the same settings, but the EPG's are clearly different......

13-04-20, 11:50
I'll try mine with a lower setting

13-04-20, 11:52
Can you post your settings file? I'm seeing the timeline on VixNight, Confluence and Simple 1080 as wellOk, attached (renamed as txt file in case forum didn't like it having no extension).

Anything to do with "Maintain old EPG data for (15 minutes)"?I don't normally touch that setting to be honest.

The settings I use are generally what I have box setup as anyhow.

Could I maybe not have latest file of something for whatever reason then?

I deleted "epg" subfolders before I put test 4a on and overwrote existing files (including the two other xml files not belonging to epg files). Maybe I missed something?

13-04-20, 11:55
They're back in sync now......

13-04-20, 12:03
@ccs, what EPG view is that and how do you get that? I normally use Graphical/Grid EPG view which you get from pressing EPG button once.

I'll put box to sleep and re-copy over latest 4a files in post 1 in case a file didn't transfer and post back.....

Put files 4a overwriting existing files (but did remove epg subfolders first) and same thing.

13-04-20, 12:05
If I exit the new epg, and go back in again, I get two different timelines......

Edit: (this doesn't happen with the "old" version.)

13-04-20, 12:06
@ccs, what EPG view is that and how do you get that? I normally use Graphical/Grid EPG view which you get from pressing EPG button once.

I'll put box to sleep and re-copy over latest 4a files in post 1 in case a file didn't transfer and post back.....

I'm using Grid EPG, but with channel preview mode set to "no".

13-04-20, 12:10
1) GraphicalEPG: MENU > Info icon width. This is set to 0 yet the EPG is filled with broken graphical "i" characters.

2) By the way, why use a big graphical "i"? Why not use a text "i" in the appropriately sized font? Even better use another character glyph so that it is obvious that the event title isn't starting with "i". Maybe something like "»" or "…" or "†" or "⁞". The narrower the better.

3) The HELP button is not working properly. Most of the help topics are not displayed on the remote control. This was tested on Zgemma H7 on which the remote control map for all Enigma2 users was recently updated so it is unlikely that the fault is with the mapping code.




13-04-20, 12:17
I didn't notice no timeline but once adding maintain old data from 0 to 15 minutes I see the timeline.

13-04-20, 12:20
I'm using Grid EPG, but with channel preview mode set to "no".Interesting, I turned off channel preview mode and EPG looks the same as posted by me earlier. It made no difference to EPG view!!!

I'm going to put box to sleep and delete settings file (I have a backup) so box will treat setup as new again.

I didn't notice no timeline but once adding maintain old data from 0 to 15 minutes I see the timeline.Yes, if I enable maintain old data then I now see timeline.

I've never done that previously I don't believe but I do have a backup of old settings file if anyone know what setting is so I can check?

13-04-20, 12:27
Help seems ok on mine, arrow moves around the remote for all the options.

13-04-20, 12:28
Interesting, I turned off channel preview mode and EPG looks the same as posted by me earlier. It made no difference to EPG view!!!

I'm going to put box to sleep and delete settings file (I have a backup) so box will treat setup as new again.

Did you restart the GUI? Some options certainly used to need one.

13-04-20, 12:36
Yes, if I enable maintain old data then I now see timeline.

I've never done that previously I don't believe but I do have a backup of old settings file if anyone know what setting is so I can check?

I'm not sure what's happening now it's gone past 12:30pm the timeline starts at the beginning.

So I have maintain epg data 15 minutes and grid epg setting (I'm sure this was called graphical epg) base time 15 minutes.

13-04-20, 12:37
Did you restart the GUI? Some options certainly used to need one.I did yes, just in case.

I can get timeline to show if I maintain epg history 15mins. Is that what you do @ccs?

Checked old settings I never had that enabled (ie set as 0).

@Dsayers, do you not normally enable maintain epg history?

13-04-20, 12:38
Channel preview mode just means that the OK/OKLong button presses behave differently, it doesn't actually change the way the EPG looks

13-04-20, 12:40
So with the timeline bug, would it be correct to say that if the EPG data retain is < 15, the timeline is trying to be drawn off the left of the view?

13-04-20, 12:40
@Dsayers, do you not normally enable maintain epg history?
No but I can't remember what I had for base time settings. I think this maybe causing the issue

13-04-20, 12:43
Channel preview mode just means that the OK/OKLong button presses behave differently, it doesn't actually change the way the EPG looks

@bbbuk - It's "Picture in graphics" I've got set to "no" then, no wonder I'm always confused.:confused:

13-04-20, 12:51
Perhaps a review of the descriptions of those options is in order!

13-04-20, 13:21
So with the timeline bug, would it be correct to say that if the EPG data retain is < 15, the timeline is trying to be drawn off the left of the view?Yes. I can't confirm but it does look like it does likely exist but doesn't show unless EPG data retain is 15+ mins because it's drawn to the far left.

I did check my old settings file and it was set to 0 so something has changed with view of EPG.

I have deleted my current settings file and setup fresh (ie specifically chose nothing) and couldn't see timeline. However, same setup when I did flashed back to stock vix image did show a timeline.

@Dsayers has same issue as I do with when EPG data retain is set to 0. If others could set their EPG data retain to 0 to see if timeline doesn't show then we'll know that is issue.

13-04-20, 14:34
I've just been trying out different values for Maintain old EPG data, and ended up with the 1st timeline timed at 14:30, despite it being 14:20, and even rebooting the box didn't get it back to what it should be.
Different values of Maintain old EPG data made no difference either.

So maybe this is another side effect, happening after a quarter past the hour?

Edit: Or maybe not..... it's now stuck missing up to 15 minutes of the current programs.

13-04-20, 14:46
Just looked at Stock EpgSelection.py file and don't know if it has something to do with this (https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/blob/master/lib/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py#L227).

now = time() - int(config.epg.histminutes.value) * SECS_IN_MINwhere SECS_IN_MIN is static 60.

I also see just below that if on graphical epg then:

self.ask_time = self.ask_time = now - now % (int(config.epgselection.graph_roundto.value) * SECS_IN_MIN)

Could these be reason why stock code is okay even with 0 set as maintain epg data? I've not checked if they are in any of test epg files tbh !!

abu baniaz
13-04-20, 15:22
I tested maintain EPG, when = 0, the line went missing. Changing it back to 15 showed it. The base time in Grid EPG was default of 15 minutes. I checked every two minutes or so between 15:02 and 15:20, the line was not visible

13-04-20, 16:42
Ok, looking at code for the gridepg, I found the following which I think is cause of it (most of this code is not in stock file I could see):

def __setTimeBase(self, time_center):
# prefer time being aligned in the middle of the EPG, but clip to the maximum EPG data history
self.time_base = int(max(time_center - self.time_epoch_secs // 2, time() - int(config.epg.histminutes.value) * SECS_IN_MIN))
# round up so that we favour a bit more info to the right of the timeline
self.time_base += -self.time_base % self.round_by_secs

The stock code makes reference to following:


Now I see no reference to that setting in test grid epg code or even the alternative:


Looking at UsageConfig.py, this is used to round the time to x mins (default is 15). If I remember correctly the time on EPG was always rounded to 15mins so 16:45, 17:00, 17:15, etc

When I looked at test epg, there was no rounding done.

13-04-20, 17:09
Maintain old EPG data and Base time are somehow interlinked,
and produce different results depending on the time of day (eg just before and just after 17:00).

Too complicated for my brain to summarise at the moment, I'll try again later.

13-04-20, 18:06
Found out what it's doing! I can see it's always rounding up, rather than round to nearest 15mins. See pics below...

The time the EPG was loaded was 17:38 (see time circled in red in top-right) but earliest time displayed on EPG timeline was rounded to nearest 15mins hence the 17:45 (circled in red for reference) and you will notice no red actual timeline due to fact it's not yet 17:45

Now with the EPG still loaded, I wait until after 17:45 and red EPG timeline now shows and slowly moves to the right with the current time. I purposely took screenshot at 17:51 to show timeline bar moves as expected

I then exited out of EPG and went back in at 17:52 and the timeline now isn't starting until 18:00

This is without maintain 15mins EPG being set (which I normally don't).

13-04-20, 18:09
Here's the latest update, which deals with the disappearing timeline by trying to ensure it's a few minutes within the grid when there's a low setting for the EPG data.

It's now got all the config migration sorted out. I've also changed the primetime setting to a single Clock style entry.59938

13-04-20, 18:43
Here's the latest update, which deals with the disappearing timeline by trying to ensure it's a few minutes within the grid when there's a low setting for the EPG data.

It's now got all the config migration sorted out. I've also changed the primetime setting to a single Clock style entry.Thanks :)

How far is it looking back? Looks like a lot going by what I see now:

Can this be changed? I would say max it needs to look back would be 15mins (plus whatever is added via maintain epg data)

13-04-20, 19:10
Ack, logic bug in line 202 of EpgListGrid.py. This determines how many minutes are to the left of the timeline on opening when there's no EPG data. It should currently be about a 1/4 of the overall time represented by the grid EPG.

If you can, change it to

time() - (int(config.epg.histminutes.value) + self.time_epoch // 4) * SECS_IN_MIN))

You could also experiment with replacing self.time_epoch // 4 with a constant value of minutes

13-04-20, 19:26
Looks good, again only a few minutes of testing.

I installed from scratch onto 5.3.023 and all my epg settings came in - excellent!!

13-04-20, 19:31
Note to any other devs, UsageConfig.py has an upgrade function in it that can be used for other settings migrations ;-)

13-04-20, 20:47
Looks good, again only a few minutes of testing.

I installed from scratch onto 5.3.023 and all my epg settings came in - excellent!!Did u make code changes as mentioned by Simon in post 108 or was it ok for you (ie didn't go as far as back as mine did)?

I found the changes mentioned in 108 were better.

Asking as may need that change made to latest release!

13-04-20, 21:21
.... yes, I did make the changes, although it doesn't look so good just after quarter past the hour......

Base time 30 minutes, old epg 15 minutes.

13-04-20, 21:24
.... but improves a few minutes later when the timeline adjusts.....

13-04-20, 21:34
I have default base time (15mins) and old epg data of 0. I think that looks better :)

13-04-20, 21:39
.... I prefer old epg set to 15 as I can easily see when a program has started, and a base time of 30, as most programs start on the hour or half hour, so again it is easier to see.:)

abu baniaz
13-04-20, 22:17
If I set maintain old EPG to "0" or 15 minutes and , Grid EPG looks as pictured. Base time is 15 minutes.

EDIT: Also affects Inforbar Grid EPG

13-04-20, 23:07
I'm happy to revert the tweaks from the old EPG if people were happier with the timeline behaviour of the old EPG - it's only a couple of lines

abu baniaz
13-04-20, 23:49
Once you go forward to where there is data, it looks OK. It is just the initial access that looks off for me.

As I understand it, how long Enigma2 keeps EPG data is one thing (option in EPG menu). How much of the EPG data is displayed is another thing (no menu for this in EPG screens). If my understanding is correct, there may be some confusion. The backward display in the EPG screens should not exceed the amount of data being kept.

14-04-20, 18:04
Submitted PR here (https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/pull/3) to take into account change proposed by simonc here (https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?62653-Testers-for-re-written-EPG-files&p=495957&viewfull=1#post495957).

If I set maintain old EPG to "0" or 15 minutes and , Grid EPG looks as pictured. Base time is 15 minutes.

EDIT: Also affects Inforbar Grid EPGHopefully, this will fix this :)

14-04-20, 19:59
Submitted PR here (https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/pull/3) to take into account change proposed by simonc here (https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?62653-Testers-for-re-written-EPG-files&p=495957&viewfull=1#post495957).

Hopefully, this will fix this :)

It doesn't quite work for me.

Base time 30 minutes, old epg 15 minutes.

@19:45 it's ok (same as the old version), but at 19:46 the titles of programs that have finished disappear.
These blank elements looks untidy especially when there are lots of them.
The old version changes the timeline from 19:00 to 19:30 at this point (labelled 1947 in the attachments) and does what I expect from the settings I'm using.

14-04-20, 20:44
It doesn't quite work for me.

I'm happy to revert the tweaks from the old EPG if people were happier with the timeline behaviour of the old EPG - it's only a couple of linesIf i'm being honest, and given the choice, my preference would be for the old timeline behaviour be restorted. The old timeline behaviour just worked all the time and no missing channel info (which I occasionally have now under this new timeline behaviour).

I suspect @ccs is in agreement also for the old timeline code be restored. Am I correct @ccs ?

14-04-20, 21:13
I suspect @ccs is in agreement also for the old timeline code be restored. Am I correct @ccs ?

Yes, I prefer the old timeline, if the new code can achieve this, then so much the better.

abu baniaz
14-04-20, 23:24
The purpose of this thread is for people to test the new EPG files and feedback their findings so that Simon and I can replace the EPG files without adversely affecting users.

To facilitate and keep this on track, I will be soft deleting posts to keep the current issues on topic. I will leave fixed issues for a day or so to avoid duplicate bug reports. I shall undelete the post so the user input and assistance is not lost and recognised by others. Thanks once again to all our volunteers.

I have moved the Developer posts to the existing thread in that has been open since the 7th of February.
Thread is in Developer section and only those with access can see it.

Latest file that still has the timeline issue uploaded to post 3.

15-04-20, 03:53
The purpose of this thread is for people to test the new EPG files and feedback their findings so that Simon and I can replace the EPG files without adversely affecting users.

To facilitate and keep this on track, I will be soft deleting posts to keep the current issues on topic. I will leave fixed issues for a day or so to avoid duplicate bug reports. I shall undelete the post so the user input and assistance is not lost and recognised by others. Thanks once again to all our volunteers.

I have moved the Developer posts to the existing thread that has been open since the 7th of February.

Latest file that still has the timeline issue uploaded to post 3.That thread seems to have restricted access?

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk

15-04-20, 10:49
Yes, I prefer the old timeline, if the new code can achieve this, then so much the better.

Took the liberty of trying the latest EpgListGrid.py, and looks good to me!

Many thanks, simonc.

15-04-20, 15:48
Took the liberty of trying the latest EpgListGrid.py, and looks good to me! Where is that? Did u get it from his github?

15-04-20, 15:52
Where is that? Did u get it from his github?


abu baniaz
15-04-20, 16:03
File to add to resolve the issue hopefully.

I will reupload whole lot later. I seem to have got in a muddle with the folders change

15-04-20, 16:55
Just updated to latest gridepg file.

Current Time: 16:46

As you can see I see the timeline (just, but I see so that's okay - the old version probably did that just never noticed depending on current time). However, when I scrolled right to see what was on later, it then wouldn't let me scroll back to current time.

Left Picture: Default view when go into EPG
Right Picture: Result after I scroll right to see what's on later today but unable to scroll left anymore than what is on that page 17:15

59956 59955

Anyone else notice this? Remember that I normally have 0 history minutes (default) and timebase of 15mins (again default).

15-04-20, 17:07
Same issue as @bbbuk.

I also get a crash while pressing menu in in graphical epg


< 7599.372> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 7599.372> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 7599.372> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Epg/EpgSelectionGrid.py", line 95, in createSetup
< 7599.372> self.session.openWithCallback(onSetupClose, Setup, 'epggrid')
< 7599.372> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 329, in openWithCallback
< 7599.372> dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 7599.372> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 339, in open
< 7599.373> dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 7599.373> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 276, in instantiateDialog
< 7599.373> return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 7599.374> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 299, in doInstantiateDialog
< 7599.374> dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 7599.374> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Setup.py", line 107, in __init__
< 7599.374> AttributeError: 'Setup' object has no attribute 'setup'
< 7599.374> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method HelpableActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap instance at 0x9ba491e8>>,('EPGSelectActions', 'menu')) failed)

Or another crash menu, setup, epg, graphical epg.


< 7998.296> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 7998.296> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 77, in action
< 7998.296> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 7998.296> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Menu.py", line 60, in okbuttonClick
< 7998.297> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/BoundFunction.py", line 9, in __call__
< 7998.297> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Menu.py", line 83, in openSetup
< 7998.297> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 329, in openWithCallback
< 7998.297> dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 7998.297> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 339, in open
< 7998.297> dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 7998.297> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 276, in instantiateDialog
< 7998.298> return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 7998.298> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 299, in doInstantiateDialog
< 7998.298> dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 7998.298> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Setup.py", line 111, in __init__
< 7998.298> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/Setup.py", line 181, in createSetupList
< 7998.298> File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
< 7998.298> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/config.py", line 1884, in __getattr__
< 7998.298> AttributeError: graph_type_mode
< 7998.298> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method NumberActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.NumberActionMap instance at 0x9ba5cd78>>,('OkCancelActions', 'ok')) failed)

Using openvix 5.3.023 vskin 1080 on vu+ uno4k

For the files I have used are from post 3 epg_refactor post 106.zip and EPGListGrid.py from post 61

15-04-20, 17:22
I just can't (easily) go back to current time after scrolling right.

It doesn't crash for me, however, when pressing menu button whilst in Graphical/Grid EPG. Solo2 but still on Vix 5.3. 022

Maybe a change in 023 affecting it?

UPDATE: Just checked gridepg file and it doesn't even have graph_type_mode at all that it crashed because of!

It's listed in stock UsageConfig.py and EPGSelection.py.

Have all the files been transferred over correctly?

15-04-20, 17:23
Anyone else notice this? Remember that I normally have 0 history minutes (default) and timebase of 15mins (again default).
Yes, me too, with history 15 and base 30.

abu baniaz
15-04-20, 17:24
That is the wrong file. The EPG sub-folder does not exist any more on newest files. Bother. Sorry.:o

Hold on to your horses people. I shall boot into release and test files before uploading.

15-04-20, 17:26
Or another crash menu, setup, epg, graphical epg.

I don't see any crashes either - are you still seeing graphical epg, because it's now Grid Epg?

15-04-20, 17:37
I don't see any crashes either - are you still seeing graphical epg, because it's now Grid Epg?

In epg menu yes I see graphical epg. I think it maybe due to software update to 5.3.023. Maybe the menu.xml or setup.xm has changed on updates? I'll have to check openvix github commits.

I'll also re add the files from post 3

15-04-20, 17:44
Re uploading menu.xml and setup.xml has resolved the crash and grid epg now shows in epg menu.

Possibly software update overridden the files. I'll avoid software updates while testing

abu baniaz
15-04-20, 17:46
Post 2 has file set (15A), this has a bug with the non-returning timeline. You can go back to current time with 0 or just press exit and re-enter.

Please accept my apology for the upload error

15-04-20, 19:58
A fix is on it's way for the not going backwards to current time problem.

15-04-20, 20:43
A fix is on it's way for the not going backwards to current time problem.Thanks.

Just noticed the mini GridEPG (or whatever it's called - what you see when you press < or > from live TV) also suffers from non-returning timeline. Not sure about other EPGs.

15-04-20, 21:43
Yes, they both use the same bit of code, so that'll also be fixed :-)

15-04-20, 22:57
An update that should sort out the scrolling issues. In a side by side comparison the timeline appears in the same place as the old EPG. I've resurrected some of the previous logic to try and keep the timeline in the middle if you've got a larger EPG history setting.

Also uploaded to post 2


abu baniaz
16-04-20, 00:12
That fixes it for me in both the Grid EPG as well as Infobar Grid EPG


16-04-20, 14:19
Five existing files must be backed up. I normally add an ".orig" at end of the file after the extension. If there is a crash, you can quickly restore these and you will use the original EPG file.


Latest files are in post 2

Extract the attachment
Three xml files go in /usr/share/enigma2/
python/folder files to the /usr/lib/enigma2/python/ folder

Sorry if I've missed something, but I can't find keymap.xml in the zip file.

16-04-20, 18:12
Yep, works for me also. Thanks :)

removed quote no longer relevant.

16-04-20, 19:18
Found keymap on SimonC github here (https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/commits/epg-refactor).I've looked and can't find it anywhere - can you post the actual link? Ta.

16-04-20, 19:21
I've looked and can't find it anywhere - can you post the actual link? Ta.

keymap.xml is in data folder.

16-04-20, 19:35
keymap.xml is in data folder.


Searching github/openvix finds it ok, but simonc's repo doesn't - maybe you can inhibit searching, or maybe it's just me?

16-04-20, 19:43

Searching github/openvix finds it ok, but simonc's repo doesn't - maybe you can inhibit searching, or maybe it's just me?You have to select correct branch. Here is more direct link here (https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/tree/epg-refactor/data).

16-04-20, 19:49
You have to select correct branch. Here is more direct link here (https://github.com/SimonCapewell/enigma2/tree/epg-refactor/data).If I use search (for keymap.xml), top left, from that link, it finds nothing.
If I do the same search from https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/tree/master/data , it finds what I'm looking for.
It's not important, but I thought finding a single file wouldn't be so difficult.
I guess also looking for a reference to /usr/share/enigma2 didn't help.

16-04-20, 20:03
It looks like the search only searches main/master branch not other branches like simonc has got.

Just scroll down the page that I last linked to and you will find actual file :)

abu baniaz
16-04-20, 20:10
It was only a minor change to make the program button also invoke timers.

Shall I remove reference to it from list of transfers?

16-04-20, 20:16
Shall I remove reference to it from list of transfers?

Only if you remove all my posts referring to it as well, one way or another. :)

16-04-20, 20:20
If it improves EPG keep it in I say but add it to post 2 :)

Only if you remove all my posts referring to it as well, one way or another. :)Mine too as distracts from main idea of thread :)

abu baniaz
16-04-20, 21:26
CCS , Ronand and DaveSayer,

Is your timeline navigation fine now?

16-04-20, 21:28
Yes, been ok today - I did a fresh install to be sure.

16-04-20, 21:33
Yes timeline looks fine and fixed been able to go back to current time

abu baniaz
18-04-20, 15:14
No issues reported last few days. Thanks for your continued tests

Updated files on post 2
They have had a PEP 8 styling change and other optimisations. A couple of menu entry changes. So nothing major

18-04-20, 15:32
Sorry I haven't noticed anything but to be honest I wasn't looking either as I was playing around with the new recovery/multiboot for the SF8008. Its working nicely with build 5.3.024

18-04-20, 15:40
Clean restart after today's update - no issues.

I see that creating an autotimer for a program a few days from now doesn't jump back to today in the epg like it used to do.:thumbsup:

abu baniaz
18-04-20, 16:09
Post 2 being updated with timeredit file bugfix. 1600 timestamp

18-04-20, 16:22
.... timerlist back ok - I hadn't noticed that problem until I checked!!

18-04-20, 17:57
Ok so have updated to latest as of now (inc 1600 fix) and looks good except for:

ButtonSetup - I re-assign (using ButtonSetup menu) the Red button to bring up Graphical/Grid EPG but obviously due to name change this button setup didn't work. Not an issue as I setup again and it works fine again. Just think you may need to mention that when this goes live button setup may need to be setup again. Impact of this is probably little and not much effort to setup again. However, not sure if anything else (or another plugin) is effected by this name change but I never noticed anything in my normal usage.

Everything else seemed to work fine. Was able to setup both types of timers, etc and as mentioned by @ccs timer bug that would jump back to current date is fixed. Thank you :)

Update: Removed bit about NumberZapPicon - forgot it was skin dependent and needed user xml file :)

abu baniaz
18-04-20, 21:07
Number zap picon was added to default/emergency skin, so user override should not be required. I'll check later.

Re button setup, I think it should be possible to add backward compatibility like we did for other EPG settings. Transition should be straight forward.

18-04-20, 22:39
Yes, I'll pop something in to keep the custom button stuff compatible

25-04-20, 13:42
.... just an idea, feel free to remove if not appropriate.

I occasionally use the yellow button "epg search" to check which other days a programme is being broadcast.

Due to the number of repeats now being shown, and the fact that I am way, way behind catching up on recorded programmes, what would be really useful (for me, at least)
would be for epg search, or something similar, to use the *.ts.meta files of recorded programmes to see if the highlighted programme has already been recorded and is still in the movielist.

Autotimers can already check this (sort of), so the code is already there in one form or another.

Just a thought.:)

25-04-20, 14:11
I get a crash using multi epg I had Multi EPG mapped to up button but disabled it because of crash. Im not sure what the default button is meant for Multi EPG. Another way to invoke it is by pressing help button scroll down to list EPG functions and choose Multi EPG

<150572.951> Traceback (most recent call last):
<150572.951> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 244, in processDelay
<150572.953> callback(*retval)
<150572.953> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1561, in EventInfoPluginChosen
<150572.955> answer[1]()
<150572.955> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1653, in openMultiServiceEPG
<150572.956> self.multiServiceEPG(EPGSelectionMulti, config.epgselection.multi.showbouquet.value)
<150572.956> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1650, in multiServiceEPG
<150572.957> openEPG(None, bouquets)
<150572.957> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1641, in openEPG
<150572.958> startBouquet=bouquet, startRef=startRef, bouquets=bouquets))
<150572.958> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 329, in openWithCallback
<150572.958> dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
<150572.958> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 339, in open
<150572.958> dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
<150572.958> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 276, in instantiateDialog
<150572.959> return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
<150572.959> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 306, in doInstantiateDialog
<150572.959> dlg.applySkin()
<150572.959> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/GUISkin.py", line 114, in applySkin
<150572.959> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/GUISkin.py", line 45, in createGUIScreen
<150572.960> File "skin applet", line 2, in <module>
<150572.960> AttributeError: 'EPGListMulti' object has no attribute 'l'
<150572.960> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method Session.processDelay of <__main__.Session instance at 0x8f1696e8>>,()) failed)

Using ViX 5.3.023 on my Uno4k with Vskin-1080

I think this might be a skin issue as ViX-Night-HD skin is ok but this didn't use to happen before adding files. Just letting you know some skins may show errors.

Fixed with

25-04-20, 16:50
I can't find Vskin-1080 on ViX, where does it come from?

25-04-20, 17:03
I can't find Vskin-1080 on ViX, where does it come from?

Its one of KiddaC skins https://github.com/kiddac/Enigma2_Skins/tree/master/1080_Skins/V_Skin_1080

25-04-20, 17:31
Could KiddaC skin have other py files that may have overwrote this EPG test (or cause a knock-on effect) ?

The only way to know would be to re-flash vix (clean install), apply test EPG and then try re-creating this crash (without adding anything that could have modded stock image files.

25-04-20, 18:32



25-04-20, 19:23



I'm not using the epg tabs mod as it would definitely conflict with these files. He only has 3 py files in his skin ipk but they are his own not modified files. As I said it looks like a skin issue as ViX night hd works with no crash. I just wanted to let you know it's affecting skins.

25-04-20, 20:01
Ah, the error message is because vskin-1080 contains some valid code that has been broken by the PEP8 code changes. Sometimes renames aren't for the best! I'll either introduce a variable that maintains compatibility or I'll revert that specific rename.

26-04-20, 13:27
Does anyone use jedimakerxtream plugin with these modified files? I can't seem to invoke the catchup feature.

I normally use graphical/grid epg highlight a channel that has catchup and press stop to invoke catchup. Stop now exits epg. Other buttons to invoke catchup in epg is Stop, List, PVR, File, Fav. Pressing other buttons just give an X.

I've added vix 5.3.026 to openmultiboot plugin installed jedimakerxtream and tested catchup this worked. I then added these epg files pressing stop button on a catchup channel shows an X

Jedimakerxtream can be found here https://github.com/kiddac/Jedi_Maker_Xtream the plugin is also in feeds.

26-04-20, 14:08
Wow. There's some clever hacky things going on with that plugin to insert its functions into all the EPGs. I think we'll have to ask Kiddac to adjust the plugin to work with the new EPG code.

26-04-20, 14:13
Wow. There's some clever hacky things going on with that plugin to insert its functions into all the EPGs. I think we'll have to ask Kiddac to adjust the plugin to work with the new EPG code.

He has it working for most oe alliance images so it will probably need some compatibility to keep working with other images.

abu baniaz
26-04-20, 14:13
I'd like to have a bitbake file to build from his GIT.

26-04-20, 15:52
I'd like to have a bitbake file to build from his GIT.Go for it.

abu baniaz
26-04-20, 21:33
Post 2 updated.
Hopefully done right as Release/Dev slightly different.

Davesayer, can you updated to 026 before testing these please

26-04-20, 21:50
Post 2 updated.
Hopefully done right as Release/Dev slightly different.

Davesayer, can you updated to 026 before testing these please

Yes that seems to have fixed multi epg crash. Thanks

29-04-20, 21:25
I just had an issue with the debug log settings on 5.3 026.

I flashed 5.3.026 and then added the epg test files dated 26/04/2020.

Does /usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml override the data/setup.xml the log-time commit uses??


There's also lib/python/Components/UsageConfig.py in both.

abu baniaz
29-04-20, 21:55
Git location: /data/setup.xml
Receiver location: /usr/share/enigma2/setup.xml

But if branch is not updated, we will be behind and cause a backward step.

I will confirm correct versions and report back.

29-04-20, 22:11
I'll rebase the EPG work on the current Dev branch. That'll bring the setup.xml up to date.

abu baniaz
01-05-20, 19:45
Updated post 2. Please make sure you are on 5.3 027 before transferring these. Will resolve menu file issue reported by @ccs

The navigation/browsing have added options of where it opens up. Show bouquets, current/active service, or where you were browsing.

Thanks once again to our testers.

01-05-20, 21:46
Updated post 2. Please make sure you are on 5.3 027 before transferring these. Will resolve menu file issue reported by @ccs

The navigation/browsing have added options of where it opens up. Show bouquets, current/active service, or where you were browsing.

Thanks once again to our testers.
Up and running fine.

I'm used to Choose a bouquet and Channel 1 at start, a combination which is no longer available.

I'm sure I can cope.

01-05-20, 22:18
I'm used to Choose a bouquet and Channel 1 at start, a combination which is no longer available.I personally don't use these but I was under the impression that when this new EPG re-write is introduced it was going to be a seamless introduction (at least as far as end-user is aware).

01-05-20, 22:39
Up and running fine.

I'm used to Choose a bouquet and Channel 1 at start, a combination which is no longer available.

I'm sure I can cope.

New option in Grid EPG settings selecting On launch you can set to choose bouquet, Select current service or Select first service in bouquet

02-05-20, 09:05
New option in Grid EPG settings selecting On launch you can set to choose bouquet, Select current service or Select first service in bouquet

I know, that's what I was trying, but choose bouquet then only gives you the current service, not quite what it used to do.

02-05-20, 12:27
Well I'm pleased to hear someone's using these options! I'll split the channel 1 option back out, or at least allow the combination of open bouquet and start on first channel

02-05-20, 15:08
Here's the open bouquet list split back out into its original setting. I think it makes more sense this way anyway, one setting for what to select in the EPG, another for whether to show the bouquet popup

02-05-20, 15:18
Thanks, up and running ok, and much "tidier".

02-05-20, 15:43
I've spotted a bug in EPG Search with the new EPG. Press green to edit a timer when in EPG Search and the menu doesn't go away. It's an easy fix, but I think EPG Search needs a bit more testing. If anyone makes regular use of it, let me know if you spot any other quirks.

abu baniaz
02-05-20, 23:15
I personally don't use these but I was under the impression that when this new EPG re-write is introduced it was going to be a seamless introduction (at least as far as end-user is aware).

Yes, that is still the intention and goal. As you can see from the commit to reverse the change, there was a backward compatibility. The permutations of options and preferances are too many to get it right 100%. So far, the reproducable issues raised have been tended to. Including the picons in the timer list (albeit in another branch). Only thing remaining was the Kiddac plugin and help button which we cannot reproduce.

03-05-20, 15:48
I've spotted a bug in EPG Search with the new EPG. Press green to edit a timer when in EPG Search and the menu doesn't go away. It's an easy fix, but I think EPG Search needs a bit more testing. If anyone makes regular use of it, let me know if you spot any other quirks.Using 027 of vix with latest test EPG files, I also had issue with menu doesn't close.

However, I was also able to make it crash by setting a timer as u mentioned via EPG Search and then trying to delete said timer but this looks like it's related to menu so maybe once this menu option is fixed, it will prevent the crash.

< 63255.0452> 15:38:40.3030 [eEPGCache] FS subtable (6016cc00) version changed (6) now/next (1)
< 63255.1441> 15:38:40.4019 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 67 1
< 63255.1449> 15:38:40.4027 [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 103 UP
< 63255.6980> 15:38:40.9558 [eInputDeviceInit] 1 160 1
< 63255.6989> 15:38:40.9566 [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 352 OK
< 63255.6993> 15:38:40.9571 [ActionMap] Keymap 'WizardActions' -> Action = 'ok'.
< 63255.6997> 15:38:40.9575 Traceback (most recent call last):
< 63255.6998> 15:38:40.9575 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 77, in action
< 63255.7001> 15:38:40.9579 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 63255.7003> 15:38:40.9581 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChoiceBox.py", line 208, in go
< 63255.7007> 15:38:40.9585 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/ChoiceBox.py", line 216, in goEntry
< 63255.7009> 15:38:40.9587 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelectionBase.py", line 305, in removeChoiceBoxCB
< 63255.7015> 15:38:40.9593 self.closeChoiceBoxDialog()
< 63255.7017> 15:38:40.9594 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGSearch/EPGSearch.py", line 358, in closeChoiceBoxDialog
< 63255.7020> 15:38:40.9598 AttributeError: 'EPGSearch' object has no attribute 'ChoiceBoxDialog'
< 63255.7022> 15:38:40.9600 [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method NumberActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.NumberActionMap instance at 0x5fce4e18>>,('WizardActions', 'ok')) failed)

Other than EPGSearch, i've not noticed anything else in my normal usage :thumbsup:

03-05-20, 17:53
Yes, that's the troublesome menu, so it's looking pretty solid at the moment :)

03-05-20, 18:50
Here's the menu fix


03-05-20, 19:07
Installed and running ok - no menu hanging around or subsequent crash.

03-05-20, 19:23
Yep, agree with @ccs, no left-over menu or crash. Tried editing/deleting timers created via EPGSearch.

Tried both timers and AutoTimers and no issues :thumbsup:

04-05-20, 10:05
Installing the latest mods results in Show bouquets on launch being set to no, even though it was set to yes before updating.

Started from scratch to double check.

abu baniaz
04-05-20, 13:09
Thanks for reporting


04-05-20, 16:02
Thanks, Show bouquets on launch now working as expected.

abu baniaz
05-05-20, 02:29
New files uploaded to post 2 following the rebase. One last push of testing please and then that's it until the code is merged.

Then the next phase starts

05-05-20, 07:26
I get the issues with help arrows described by @Huevos on post on post 6 apart from that and catchup on jedimakerxtream everything else seems fine.

05-05-20, 10:07
Installed and running fine.

05-05-20, 19:59
I think you should get on and commit this. At least it would be available to all running a Dev build then. Personally I have had no issues so far. I haven't been actively looking for bugs but at the same time I haven't noticed any weird behaviour. Code has been running on the family box for several weeks.

05-05-20, 20:49
I've not noticed any issues for our normal usage and bit of extra things been playing with to see if it crashes :thumbsup:

05-05-20, 21:31
Jeewhizz, what are you guys up to now.
From initially looking at the new files I presume you are just breaking up the massive epgselection.py file into more manageable files.

dsayers I have hacked my JediMakerXtream plugin to work with this new code for catchup. (that was fun). I will post the fix on my normal threads.

I will test all my skins and see if everything is still fine. Quick initial test, I had no problems.

Also for the love of god please don't implement the vertical EPG as found on openatv. God dam awful thing. I always hack that monstrosity out.

05-05-20, 23:27
Yes. Primarily we're breaking up the EPG files into something, anything that has less than 4000 lines in it :p Other highlights are
- More logical names for the EPGs
- More modular config
- Adding bouquet selector to single EPG
- Bug fixes
- EPGSelection/EPGList remain compatible for plugins that use it as a single EPG type view. There may be some bugs here; we'll iron them out as we go. EPGSearch in particular is requiring some extra consideration...

Other things in the pipeline
- A picon-able number zap in the single EPG (haven't done the skin updates for this yet)
- customisable colour buttons
- partially customisable info, epg, ok
- a toggle feature, so you can set the EPG button (or any other) to rotate around 2 or 3 different EPG views without having to exit all of them at the end of your browsing.
- grid EPG tabs have been requested

I'm not a huge fan of a vertical EPG view (I'm a grid and single EPG user), so I'm not personally intending to get involved in adding one. At least if new EPG views are added now, they shouldn't pollute the other core views, so as a skin customiser, you'll be able to ignore them much more easily.

06-05-20, 07:51
I am using it on my daily box for weeks now and in the last week or 2 no problems. When it is in the dev fork we can also start to translate again. Due to some text changes a bit translation must be done.

Perhaps one idea/wish I have since I switched from Enigma1 to 2. I already looked for it by myself a few years ago but my knowledge about the internals is far to limited for that.

If I press info/EPG, or what you call it, to get information about the current program you can switch between now and next with the direction button. In Enigma1 I could switch through the whole single EPG of that service.


06-05-20, 08:13
If I press info/EPG, or what you call it, to get information about the current program you can switch between now and next with the direction button. In Enigma1 I could switch through the whole single EPG of that service.

Yes, there's an inconsistency between the event info box when opened from the Single EPG (where you can navigate the whole EPG for the channel) and the event info box when opened from live TV (where you can only get now and next). I can't see a logical reason for these to behave differently. I'd go as far as suggesting that Ch+ and Ch- could change the channel being browsed in the event info box as well.

abu baniaz
07-05-20, 19:04
The changes have been committed to the Dev branch. Please delete any .py files used while testing to avoid issues with updates.

Many thanks to Simon and all the testers.

11-05-20, 11:28
5.3.028 looking good. :thumbsup:

11-05-20, 11:40
No issues so far on Dev :thumbsup:

11-05-20, 12:11
I get crash when epg button pressed Vu+ Solo2 5.3.028

< 67.4567> 12:03:45.8267 [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 358 INFO
< 67.6851> 12:03:46.0551 [eInputDeviceInit] 0 166 1
< 67.6872> 12:03:46.0571 [InfoBarGenerics] KEY: 358 INFO
< 67.7185> 12:03:46.0885 [ActionMap] Keymap 'InfobarEPGActions' -> Action = 'InfoPressed'.
< 67.7318> 12:03:46.1018 **** EPGSelectionVIX ****
< 67.7708> 12:03:46.1408 Traceback (most recent call last):
< 67.7721> 12:03:46.1421 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 67.7738> 12:03:46.1438 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1575, in InfoPressed
< 67.7755> 12:03:46.1454 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1721, in showDefaultEPG
< 67.7771> 12:03:46.1471 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1583, in EPGPressed
< 67.7786> 12:03:46.1486 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1656, in openGridEPG
< 67.7802> 12:03:46.1501 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1650, in multiServiceEPG
< 67.7817> 12:03:46.1517 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1641, in openEPG
< 67.7833> 12:03:46.1533 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 329, in openWithCallback
< 67.7852> 12:03:46.1552 dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 67.7867> 12:03:46.1566 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 339, in open
< 67.7886> 12:03:46.1585 dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 67.7899> 12:03:46.1599 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 276, in instantiateDialog
< 67.7917> 12:03:46.1616 return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 67.7931> 12:03:46.1631 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 299, in doInstantiateDialog
< 67.7953> 12:03:46.1652 dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 67.7968> 12:03:46.1667 File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/JediMakerXtream/plugin.py", line 262, in EPGSelectionVIX__init__
< 67.7986> 12:03:46.1686 jediEPGSelectionGrid__init__(self, session, epgConfig, isInfobar, zapFunc, startBouquet, startRef, bouquets, timeFocus)
< 67.8002> 12:03:46.1702 TypeError: __init__() takes at most 8 arguments (9 given)
< 67.8018> 12:03:46.1718 [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method HelpableActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap instance at 0x624dc710>>,('InfobarEPGActions', 'InfoPressed')) failed)


<6>ata1: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.0: irq 69, io mem 0x10480300
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.0: USB 0.0 started, EHCI 1.00
<6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.1: Broadcom STB EHCI
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.1: irq 70, io mem 0x10480500
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.1: USB 0.0 started, EHCI 1.00
<6>hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.2: Broadcom STB EHCI
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.2: irq 74, io mem 0x10490300
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.2: USB 0.0 started, EHCI 1.00
<6>hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 3-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.3: Broadcom STB EHCI
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.3: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.3: irq 75, io mem 0x10490500
<6>ehci-brcm ehci-brcm.3: USB 0.0 started, EHCI 1.00
<6>hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 4-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.0: Broadcom STB OHCI
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 5
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.0: irq 71, io mem 0x10480400
<6>hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 5-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.1: Broadcom STB OHCI
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 6
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.1: irq 72, io mem 0x10480600
<6>ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
<6>hub 6-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 6-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.2: Broadcom STB OHCI
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 7
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.2: irq 76, io mem 0x10490400
<6>hub 7-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 7-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.3: Broadcom STB OHCI
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.3: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 8
<6>ohci-brcm ohci-brcm.3: irq 77, io mem 0x10490600
<6>hub 8-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>hub 8-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
<6>mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
<6>i2c /dev entries driver
<6>IR NEC protocol handler initialized
<6>IR RC5(x) protocol handler initialized
<6>IR RC6 protocol handler initialized
<6>IR JVC protocol handler initialized
<6>IR Sony protocol handler initialized
<6>IR RC5 (streamzap) protocol handler initialized
<6>IR SANYO protocol handler initialized
<6>IR MCE Keyboard/mouse protocol handler initialized
<6>usb 2-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-brcm
<6>usbcore: registered new interface driver btusb
<6>Bluetooth: Generic Bluetooth SDIO driver ver 0.1
<6>sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
<6>sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
<6>sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
<6>hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina
<6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
<6>usbhid: USB HID core driver
<6>TCP: cubic registered
<6>NET: Registered protocol family 17
<6>Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2
<6>Bluetooth: HIDP socket layer initialized
<5>Key type dns_resolver registered
<6>PM: CP0 COUNT/COMPARE frequency does not depend on divisor
<6>EBI CS0: setting up NAND flash (primary)
<6>NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xad, Chip ID: 0xda (Hynix H27U2G8F2CTR-BC)
<6>NAND device: 256MiB, SLC, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64
<6>NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xad, Chip ID: 0xda (Hynix H27U2G8F2CTR-BC)
<6>NAND device: 256MiB, SLC, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64
<6>brcmnand brcmnand.0: 256MiB total, 128KiB blocks, 2KiB pages, 16B OOB, 8-bit, Hamming ECC
<6>Bad block table found at page 131008, version 0x01
<6>Bad block table found at page 130944, version 0x01
<5>Creating 4 MTD partitions on "brcmnand.0":
<5>0x000001f00000-0x000010000000 : "rootfs"
<5>0x000001f00000-0x000010000000 : "rootfs(redundant)"
<5>0x000000200000-0x000000900000 : "kernel"
<5>0x000000900000-0x000000a00000 : "mac"
<5>UBI: attaching mtd0 to ubi0
<6>usb-storage 2-1:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
<6>scsi2 : usb-storage 2-1:1.0
<5>random: nonblocking pool is initialized
<5>UBI: scanning is finished
<5>UBI: attached mtd0 (name "rootfs", size 225 MiB) to ubi0
<5>UBI: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
<5>UBI: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
<5>UBI: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
<5>UBI: good PEBs: 1796, bad PEBs: 4, corrupted PEBs: 0
<5>UBI: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
<5>UBI: max/mean erase counter: 1410/561, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1051870527
<5>UBI: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 1796, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 36
<5>UBI: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 55
<6>ALSA device list:
<6> No soundcards found.
<5>UBIFS: parse sync
<5>UBIFS: background thread "ubifs_bgt0_0" started, PID 58
<5>scsi 2:0:0:0: Direct-Access WD My Passport 0820 1012 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
<5>sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
<5>scsi 2:0:0:1: Enclosure WD SES Device 1012 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
<5>scsi 2:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 13
<5>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Spinning up disk...
<5>UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "rootfs"
<5>UBIFS: LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
<5>UBIFS: FS size: 221573120 bytes (211 MiB, 1745 LEBs), journal size 9023488 bytes (8 MiB, 72 LEBs)
<5>UBIFS: reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
<5>UBIFS: media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 8648DB46-FF98-456B-BDCE-108BFD5950EA, small LPT model
<6>VFS: Mounted root (ubifs filesystem) on device 0:12.
<6>devtmpfs: mounted
<5>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] 1953458176 512-byte logical blocks: (1.00 TB/931 GiB)
<5>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
<7>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 47 00 10 08
<3>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
<3>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
<3>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
<3>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
<6> sda: sda1
<3>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
<3>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
<5>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
<6>Freeing unused kernel memory: 228K (807f7000 - 80830000)
<3>UBI error: ubi_open_volume: cannot open device 0, volume 0, error -16
<3>UBI error: ubi_open_volume: cannot open device 0, volume 0, error -16
<3>UBI error: ubi_open_volume: cannot open device 0, volume 0, error -16
<6>EXT4-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
<6>SGI XFS with security attributes, realtime, large block/inode numbers, no debug enabled
<4>bcm_event: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
<4>Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
<6>DVB: registering new adapter (_vuplus_solo2_)
<4>bcm7356: hotplug_callback():
<4>Hotplug - status.connected 1:0:0
<4>bcm7356: hotplug_callback():
<4>Hotplug - connecting HDMI to display 0xe
<4>bcm7356: hotplug_callback():
<4>Hotplug - status.connected 1:1:2
<6>brcm_demux_init: $Id: bcm_demux.c,v 0.7 $
<4>[MPVR]: >> misc_pvr_init
<4>[VID]: 6bcm7335_video_init
<4>[AUD]: 6bcm7335_audio_init
<6>BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (BCM7346 FE)...
<6>BRCM brcm_dvb0: DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (BCM7346 FE)...
<4>BKNI_P_GetTrackAllocEntry_resize: resizing from 5376->8704
<4>BKNI_Malloc(linuxkernel) top users:
<4> blocks, bytes, filename:line
<4> 1024, 176128, portinginterface/hsm/src/common/bhsm.c:500
<4> 601, 132308, BSEAV/lib/utils/balloc.c:31
<4> 388, 24832, magnum/commonutils/mrc/src/bmrc_monitor.c:666
<6>input: dreambox advanced remote control (native) as /devices/virtual/input/input0
<6>[LCD]: registered
<6>[CI]: registered ci0
<6>[CI]: CI interface initialised
<6>[DFP]: registered dbox fp
<6>[DFP]: Scart 9597 is found 4
<6>[SC]: registered sci0
<6>[SC]: registered sci1
<4>system_time_set wakeup mode get
<4>system_time_set wakeup mode get 0xc3
<4>[VID]: VIDEO_PLAY 1 2 0
<4>[VID]: VIDEO_STOP 0 1
<6>NET: Registered protocol family 10
<7>__clk_enable: network [1]
<7>__clk_enable: enet [1]
<7>bcm40nm_pm_genet_enable 00
<6>IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
<6>bcmgenet bcmgenet.0 eth0: link up, 1000 Mbps, full duplex
<6>IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
<3>UBI error: ubi_open_volume: cannot open device 0, volume 0, error -16
<3>UBI error: ubi_open_volume: cannot open device 0, volume 0, error -16
<4>[VID]: VIDEO_PLAY 1 2 0
<4>[VID]: VIDEO_STOP 0 1
<3>[LCD]: unknown cmd 0x1015
<6>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda]
<4>Sense Key : 0x1 [current]
<6>sd 2:0:0:0: [sda]
<4>ASC=0x37 ASCQ=0x0
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER -861094408
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : amixl 0, amixr 0
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume 0, right volume 0
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER -861094408
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : amixl 0, amixr 0
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_SET_MIXER : next left volume -70, right volume -70
<4>FE tune
<4>[AUD]: AC3 downmix 0 state : 0
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_PAUSE 1023
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_PLAY 1023 decoder start : 0
<4>[VID]: VIDEO_GET_SIZE src w: 1920 h:1080 display w:1920 h:1080
<4>[VID]: VIDEO_GET_SIZE aspect: 1 1
<4>[VID]: VIDEO_FREEZE 1023 0
<4>[VID]: VIDEO_PLAY 1023 5 2
<4>[AUD]: AUDIO_CONTINUE 1023 1 aph=0xca091900
<4>[AUD]: Mute : 0

11-05-20, 12:22
KiddaC amended the plugin when test files where released but something must have changed since the epg mod was added to dev branch that none of us can test till it goes live into images. Ill report crash to KiddaC. This was his changes to make catchup work last time https://github.com/kiddac/Jedi_Maker_Xtream/commit/21a64b49bae2906d543922bda661906ab8735dbd

Until fixed uninstall JediMakerXtream or revert to vix 5.3.027

11-05-20, 13:23
KiddaC amended the plugin when test files where released but something must have changed since the epg mod was added to dev branch that none of us can test till it goes live into imagesIt is in live branch few days ago so should be available from 5.3.028 by default.

@spanner123, this error is related to Kiddac's Jedi plugin as mentioned by @dsayers.

11-05-20, 13:51
It is in live branch few days ago so should be available from 5.3.028 by default.

@spanner123, this error is related to Kiddac's Jedi plugin as mentioned by @dsayers.

Yes I have removed plugin for now and all ok!

11-05-20, 13:52
Yes I have removed plugin for now and all ok!

There's a work around on linuxsat

abu baniaz
11-05-20, 13:53
I updated the plugin on the 3rd party feeds

11-05-20, 13:58
I updated the plugin on the 3rd party feeds

I dont think the IPK to fix the crash has been released yet.

In plugin.py line 260 to line 265 needs changing to

def EPGSelectionVIX__init__(self, session, zapFunc, startBouquet, startRef, bouquets, timeFocus=None, isInfobar=False):
print("**** EPGSelectionVIX ****")
jediEPGSelectionGrid__init__(self, session, zapFunc, startBouquet, startRef, bouquets, timeFocus, isInfobar)
self['jediCatchupAction'] = HelpableActionMap(self, "JediCatchupActions", {
'catchup': self.showJediCatchup,

The last update was to be able to activate catchup and had no problems with the files that we was testing in this thread.

11-05-20, 14:05
Just for info,

Build 5.3.028 seems to have had a negative effect on Kiddac's Slyk 1080 R19 skin!

Breaking both the Graphical EPG - Tabs Mod & Infobar EPG - Tabs Mod,

I also had the following when opening Plugins

Some plugins are not available:
Extensions/IMDb (cannot import name EPGBouquetList)
Extensions/EPGSearch (cannot import name)

Also bringing up the autotimer with long green button press causes a crash which may be related to the skin itself after updating to build 5.3.028.

I have returned to build 5.3.027 on my main box to keep her who muat be obeyed happy.

But I could update one of my other vu's to retreive any crash logs if that will help either Kiddac or your selves.

11-05-20, 14:08
Just for info,

Build 5.3.028 seems to have had a negative effect on Kiddac's Slyk 1080 R19 skin!

Breaking both the Graphical EPG - Tabs Mod & Infobar EPG - Tabs Mod,

I also had the following when opening Plugins

Some plugins are not available:
Extensions/IMDb (cannot import name EPGBouquetList)
Extensions/EPGSearch (cannot import name)

Also bringing up the autotimer with long green button press causes a crash which may be related to the skin itself after updating to build 5.3.028.

I have returned to build 5.3.027 on my main box to keep her who muat be obeyed happy.

But I could update one of my other vu's to retreive any crash logs if that will help either Kiddac or your selves.

Dont use the tabs mod as this will defiantly cause crashes as too much has changed with the epgselction.py.

Its pointless trying to add tabs at the moment as these files will still be getting updates

11-05-20, 21:42
I'd be interested to see the crash log if it still fails without the tabs mod

11-05-20, 23:06
I'd be interested to see the crash log if it still fails without the tabs mod

I isolated the crash to Kiddac's epgselection-mod (enigma2-plugin-extensions-openvix-epgselection-mod_2.0_all) a required file for Slyk 1080 R19 skin!

removing the afore mentioned allows autotimer to function as i'ts intended.

12-05-20, 00:41
It's not a required file you can use the skin without tabs

12-05-20, 01:15
Well after last days update the MultiEPG looks like crapp again
What is the parameter code for this i cant find any in the skin.xml or other files
Until last update columns was fine now they are squashed togather again


12-05-20, 01:52
Looking at the code the skin should accept

EPGMultiColumnSpecs, where the items are left, servWidth, sepWidth, timeWidth, progHeight, breakWidth, durWidth, gapWidth
There's also
EPGMultiColumnScales, where items are servScale, timeScale, durScale, wideScale. Defaults for this are 6.5, 6.0, 4.5, 1.5

12-05-20, 09:01
Just updated to 5.3.028 and get crash when pressing the Guide button

< 4670.5764> [ActionMap] Keymap 'InfobarEPGActions' -> Action = 'EPGPressed'.
< 4670.5845> **** EPGSelectionVIX ****
< 4670.5847> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 4670.5847> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 4670.5849> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1721, in showDefaultEPG
< 4670.5852> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1583, in EPGPressed
< 4670.5852> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1656, in openGridEPG
< 4670.5853> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1650, in multiServiceEPG
< 4670.5854> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1641, in openEPG
< 4670.5855> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 329, in openWithCallback
< 4670.5857> dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 4670.5857> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 339, in open
< 4670.5859> dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 4670.5859> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 276, in instantiateDialog
< 4670.5861> return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 4670.5861> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 299, in doInstantiateDialog
< 4670.5865> dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 4670.5865> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/JediMakerXtream/plugin.py", line 262, in EPGSelectionVIX__init__
< 4670.5876> jediEPGSelectionGrid__init__(self, session, epgConfig, isInfobar, zapFunc, startBouquet, startRef, bouquets, timeFocus)
< 4670.5877> TypeError: __init__() takes at most 8 arguments (9 given)
< 4670.5878> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method HelpableActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap instance at 0xb00b8cd8>>,('InfobarEPGActions', 'EPGPressed')) failed)

Tried sending the logfile via the option on the box, but it hung for a while whilst uploading, i haven't received the copy email so i assume support hasn't too

12-05-20, 10:21
Just updated to 5.3.028 and get crash when pressing the Guide button

< 4670.5764> [ActionMap] Keymap 'InfobarEPGActions' -> Action = 'EPGPressed'.
< 4670.5845> **** EPGSelectionVIX ****
< 4670.5847> Traceback (most recent call last):
< 4670.5847> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
< 4670.5849> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1721, in showDefaultEPG
< 4670.5852> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1583, in EPGPressed
< 4670.5852> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1656, in openGridEPG
< 4670.5853> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1650, in multiServiceEPG
< 4670.5854> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 1641, in openEPG
< 4670.5855> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 329, in openWithCallback
< 4670.5857> dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 4670.5857> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 339, in open
< 4670.5859> dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 4670.5859> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 276, in instantiateDialog
< 4670.5861> return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
< 4670.5861> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 299, in doInstantiateDialog
< 4670.5865> dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
< 4670.5865> File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/JediMakerXtream/plugin.py", line 262, in EPGSelectionVIX__init__
< 4670.5876> jediEPGSelectionGrid__init__(self, session, epgConfig, isInfobar, zapFunc, startBouquet, startRef, bouquets, timeFocus)
< 4670.5877> TypeError: __init__() takes at most 8 arguments (9 given)
< 4670.5878> [ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method HelpableActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap instance at 0xb00b8cd8>>,('InfobarEPGActions', 'EPGPressed')) failed)

Tried sending the logfile via the option on the box, but it hung for a while whilst uploading, i haven't received the copy email so i assume support hasn't too

Problem already answered in posts 205 - 211

12-05-20, 10:23
It's not a required file you can use the skin without tabs

I’m aware that it’s optional to install the skin with or without the additional mods.

But as I was using the EPG tabs mod prior to to build 28 it is indeed a requirement to install epgselection-mod a required file for Slyk 1080 R19 skin! Within that setup.

I’m happy to stay with build 27 for now (as she who must be obeyed likes having the tabs epg mod), until Kiddac finds the approximate time to make the necessary changes.

But thanks for clarification.

12-05-20, 11:33
I’m aware that it’s optional to install the skin with or without the additional mods.

But as I was using the EPG tabs mod prior to to build 28 it is indeed a requirement to install epgselection-mod a required file for Slyk 1080 R19 skin! Within that setup.

I’m happy to stay with build 27 for now (as she who must be obeyed likes having the tabs epg mod), until Kiddac finds the approximate time to make the necessary changes.

But thanks for clarification.

Can you show me some pics of this Skin please? And where are Kiddac’s skins available to download, which site? Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-05-20, 11:35
Just a reminder from a week ago....

dsayers I have hacked my JediMakerXtream plugin to work with this new code for catchup. (that was fun). I will post the fix on my normal threads.

I will test all my skins and see if everything is still fine. Quick initial test, I had no problems.

12-05-20, 12:02
Can you show me some pics of this Skin please? And where are Kiddac’s skins available to download, which site? Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

This is the Slyk1-HD skin with the EPG tabs (from LinuxSat)


12-05-20, 12:06
I get that ist possible to add lots of extra code to adapt but since all was working fine with build 027
what was the reason to change all this since its breaking every skin there is for VIX???

You can try any skin thats in the image by default and they all are broken now.
And then we have OpenBlackhole thats built on the VIX source where all skins also are broken

And it would be an easy fix if i just could add a parameter code instead of adding lots of extra code into the screens
I also assume that VIX are consulting there own skinners before doing changes like this??

Last time this happend we did change the python code instead of changing 200 skins to adapt this error ;)

12-05-20, 12:31
I get that ist possible to add lots of extra code to adapt but since all was working fine with build 027
what was the reason to change all this since its breaking every skin there is for VIX???I'm not aware of it breaking every skin.

It maybe affecting skins once Kiddacs tabbed mod has been installed but this type of thing can happen anytime a mod is in place that changes existing vix files in someway.

I know as I was one of the users that kept trying to keep the coloured keys mod upto date. However, it it can be a lot of work keeping modded files upto date to reflect natural progression of changes to Vix (and other images).

The ultimate idea is that features like being able to re-assign coloured keys is hoped to be introduced, subject to approval, as standard to save this have to be modded so no need to keep modding things in same way.

12-05-20, 12:41
I dont have KiddaC mods or skin installed so its not because of that the multi epg screen is squashed togather
its probably because the scaling factor is adapted wrong and probably set to some old screen sizes like 570p and 720p

12-05-20, 12:45
I dont have KiddaC mods or skin installed so its not because of that the multi epg screen is squashed togather
its probably because the scaling factor is adapted wrong and probably set to some old screen sizes like 570p and 720pCan you provide more info about what issue you're having is including screenshot and how to create that issue so that we can look into it?

12-05-20, 12:58
I dont have KiddaC mods or skin installed so its not because of that the multi epg screen is squashed togather
its probably because the scaling factor is adapted wrong and probably set to some old screen sizes like 570p and 720p
Its the serviceName scaling that have to little room and should be larger, now set to 6.5


12-05-20, 13:18
Do you have a before screenshot for comparison? Were you running with a standard skin? What are your settings for the multi-epg?

12-05-20, 13:58
Accully i am on OpenBlackhole image but its built on VIX and after som research i found that OBH did a fix for this but of cause when image is merged with VIX this fix
gets over written and we are back to squashed multiepg ;)

This is how it used to look where thescale factor was set to: servScale, timeScale, durScale, wideScale = parameters.get('EPGMultiColumnScales', (11.5, 4.0, 4.5, 0.5))
Screenshot is from latest OpenVIX where i just change the scale factors in the new /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/EpgListMulti.py
Skin is YouVix Blue


abu baniaz
12-05-20, 15:06
If you post link to the fix, we can add it to our one. Will avoid issues if/when the other mods are added.

12-05-20, 16:18
I will tweak it a littlebit more and then upload the file here for testing :)

12-05-20, 18:39
I will tweak it a littlebit more and then upload the file here for testing :)Attached is a small little mod I've implemented to allow this to be adjusted to user preference based on things like skin used.

Could you test it for me and if okay, I'll submit this to Vix for possible inclusion (installation instructions in rar file)...


Instructions of use (once installed):
Press menu with MultiEPG and higlight "Service Name Length"
use left/right arrow to increase figure up/down. Default is 7 and is user adjustable from 5 to 20.

12-05-20, 18:42
Here is my suggestion for MultiEPG settings it can probably be even better tweaked but looks a lot better then before :)
Would be nice if some from the VIX skinning Team did a final tweak to match as good as possible :)

But before you do any testing be sure to backup the file /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/EpgListMulti.pyo
And to restore upload the backup file but first delete the file named EpgListMulti.py file or it will overwrite your restored EPGListMulti.pyo

YouVix Blue


This is YouVix NightHD


12-05-20, 18:46
Here is my suggestion for MultiEPG settings it can probably be even better tweaked but looks a lot better then before :)
Would be nice if some from the VIX skinning Team did a final tweak to match as good as possible :)

I've quickly done something that can be changed by user from MultiEPG menu. Feel free to test it and let me know please. It allows user themselves to change as they want directly from MultiEPG menu and it applies straight away. Ideal if skin in use differs on layout, etc.

See post #234 (https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?62653-New-EPG-files-User-trial-and-feedback&p=497571&viewfull=1#post497571)

12-05-20, 18:49
Can you highlight what the changes are or upload one that has got the same formatting please?<br><br><br>Scrub that. Service name length in config is the way to go, seeing as the grid EPG has it

12-05-20, 19:18
Service name length in config is the way to go, seeing as the grid EPG has itThanks. Once tested by several users, I'll submit a PR back to Vix dev branch for potentially future inclusion.

12-05-20, 20:46
Thanks. Once tested by several users, I'll submit a PR back to Vix dev branch for potentially future inclusion.

Excellent!!! this is just what i have been wanting for this works just perfect and now you saved about 200 skins
This should go straight into the next update

12-05-20, 21:28
Excellent!!! this is just what i have been wanting for this works just perfect and now you saved about 200 skins
This should go straight into the next updateThanks to you for highlighting this issue and providing reference to variable that needs to be adjusted :)

I've submitted a PR here (https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/pull/536).

12-05-20, 21:40
Thank you for taking care of it its an exellent fix for a long time issue and as a skinner i can say you just saved us from lots of work in the future.
I am using OpenBlackhole but image is built on the VIX core so we need to add our own setup.xml and UsageConfig.py but i have allredy fixed that
so really hope this goes into the next VIX update :)

13-05-20, 09:04

Is this the appropriate way to fix the issue? Given that the font sizes are adjustable varying the number of characters would seem to be the wrong way to restore columnar alignments.

I suggest a better way to fix this would be to add skin parameters that define the widths of the columns to ensure that no matter what the skin the columns can be made to align.


13-05-20, 10:48
Hi Ian,

I have replied back to this comment in the PR.

13-05-20, 12:28
Hi Bbbuk,

That pull request has been closed so I will copy my reply here.

I was proposing that there could be a skin parameter with three width settings one width for the service column, one for the progress or event times and one for the event name. Once the column widths are defined then the text in each column will naturally be truncated when the text string exceeds the allocated column width. There is no need to set or play with the actual string lengths themselves. By specifying the column widths as parameters in the skin the columns can be adjusted and aligned to match the visual design of each skin.


20-05-20, 20:57
Not sure if this is the right section, but I'm sure the autotimer popup used to say "2 Timers were added", not "2 Timer were added" as it does now.

20-05-20, 22:12
Programmer from Yorkshire, maybe :D

20-05-20, 22:33
Haha, very good :D

The text from that popup is in AutoTimer. It doesn't really do plurals!

21-05-20, 10:39
Programmer from Yorkshire, maybe :D

HaHa, a true Yorkshire programmer might make use of sheep counting lingo - Yan, Tan, Tethera and so on for the cardinals, so the message might read "tan timer were added", then the rest of the UK would need a translation package :D

21-05-20, 12:11
If this is the version of autotimer that ViX uses

then it's been "2 timer were added" for a long time. At least it doesn't say "2 timer was added".

21-05-20, 12:54
Is it not possible to construct a condition to print " one timer was added" or "two timers were added" etc?