View Full Version : cooltvguide and vix 2.0

10-02-11, 20:21
Anybody know how to get cooltvguide workign with vix 2 on duo, and also enable the picons on the epg guide just when i had 1.4 running sweet this happened!!!

guff daddy
10-02-11, 20:25
disable the VIX Coloured Buttons in menu\setup\VIX\Settings
Then install Multiquickbutton and configure it so that the Cool TV Guide runs when you press the EPG button

10-02-11, 22:28
No i need to install the cooltv guide plugin first where is that and how do i install it

10-02-11, 22:37
Ok i have manually installed Cooltv Guide, however i now have the problem that when i press EPG the box crashes! to green screen and restarts.
If could get the icons on the VIX EPG then i wont really need to bother with COOL TV GUIDE


10-02-11, 22:43
Ok i have manually installed Cooltv Guide, however i now have the problem that when i press EPG the box crashes! to green screen and restarts.
If could get the icons on the VIX EPG then i wont really need to bother with COOL TV GUIDE

when in vixepg have you pressed menu and enabled PIG and 5 channels only?

10-02-11, 22:57
No but i will as i have this new problem now..... i installed multiquickbutton and its kind of messed the epg button up as i was tryign to map the button to cooltv guide now when i press epg the event view comes up and when i press blue button channel selection how do i uninstall this crap pls dont say flash the box

10-02-11, 22:59
thinking out loud here but try going into plugin and if MQB is in there try uninstalling it.

10-02-11, 23:02
yeah its there m8 when i select it anyone know how to disable it

10-02-11, 23:03
There should be a colour button to uninstall / delete it?

10-02-11, 23:07
Ok dont ask but am back to square 1 now..

So is there anyway i can get the picons to load up in the EPG GUIDE as before if it was to be the VIX EPG then thats ok i wud prefer cool tv guide as i have it installed now expect its not mapped to the epg button, and theres no picons there either

10-02-11, 23:09
go into plugin browser and press red to remove plugins. find it in there prob under extensions and remove. also as far as i remember if you go into the multiquickbutton from the plugins menu there is an option to disable autostart. do this and restart enigma and all will be back to normal

10-02-11, 23:21
OK wicked ave doen that so how do i map Cool tv Guide to the EPG button and how do i load the picons in the EPG

10-02-11, 23:26
press epg and than menu>picture in graphics and no of channel to 5. restart and should work

10-02-11, 23:32
Cool its working with 8 thanks everyone Jobs a carrot,

ps Stan did u ream the pm i sent u

10-02-11, 23:45
Yes mate. sig is not my orginal work, If you highlight and copy you will be able to put it imto your sig.

10-02-11, 23:51
i need to copy the code for it otherwise it wont play it as a gif if u go in your user control panel or soemthing and copy the code from there pls

11-02-11, 00:30
There is no code, save the image to your locak drive and than upload to your sig, thats how I did it.