View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Network scan and mount point management not working properly

12-03-20, 17:39
I've had issues with network communications with my VUDUO2 box for years..
Gradually getting worse until now when the situation has become dire..
Firstly a network scan comes back with invalid data in as much as various network nodes will not expand when they should..
A workaround which sometimes worked was to define the NAS subpools manually as a new mount
More often than not this would result in an entry not being written to folder media\autofs\ with the name of the local share
Which results in the dreaded 'Directory media\autofs\'local share name' does not exist' error when trying to access the data
I've now lost access to all but one of my NAS boxes (The least important one of course)

Decided to bite the bullet and upgrade from Apollo 014 to version 5 thinking that would clear out all the corrupt control files or whatever
In fact it made matters worse...The corruption is still there but as the software seems to have been vastly improved in this area my workaround no longer works

Is there a way of clearing out all network definitions as a reflash does not appear to do this...
I'm quite happy to go through and recreate them all

I've been through this forum and a lot of people seem to be having very similar problems and I've tried all the suggested cures.
Does a reflash do a full blown Delete\Define of all the flash memory or just part of it...
If the former then maybe the network interface has it's own BIOS that has been corrupted

I don't know how many hundreds of hours I've spent trying to identify and rectify this problem over the years so any help would very much appreciated
In the past I was reluctant to ask for help as I was running an old version of Vix (Can't expect you guys to offer support every version that's ever existed)


12-03-20, 17:47
Flashing the latest ViX effectively starts again from scratch - a settings restore wouldn't have been an option as your old version of ViX was way too old.

I've had autofs working for years without problems, so it's back in your court.:)

Did you somehow attempt a settings restore??

12-03-20, 17:48
A fresh install with No restores wipes everything, but doesn’t wipe anything on your HDD. Because you have come from ViX Apollo to ViX 5.3.018 you wouldn’t have been able to restore any settings etc.

Enabling Logs (then a restart is required on your receiver) would be a good start and then attach some Logs here which may help with trying to help with your issue.

You’ve also installed Samba etc on ViX 5.3.018?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-03-20, 18:20
I don't think the underlying problem is with AUTOFS more likely with whatever creates the AUTOFS settings

No I didn't try a restore from the old backups..
I did it all manually and now have a new backup

12-03-20, 18:24
A fresh install with No restores wipes everything, but doesn’t wipe anything on your HDD. Because you have come from ViX Apollo to ViX 5.3.018 you wouldn’t have been able to restore any settings etc.

Enabling Logs (then a restart is required on your receiver) would be a good start and then attach some Logs here which may help with trying to help with your issue. WILL DO

You’ve also installed Samba etc on ViX 5.3.018?

Samba is running but then I get an error complaining about no internet connection..

12-03-20, 22:17
Enabling Logs (then a restart is required on your receiver) would be a good start and then attach some Logs here which may help with trying to help with your issue.

Is there any way of toggling Debug mode on and off without going through all the menus

13-03-20, 10:31
Is there any way of toggling Debug mode on and off without going through all the menus

Not that I am aware of - but I run with debug all the time and never notice any overhead issues, so don't see why you need to toggle.

13-03-20, 13:43
Not that I am aware of - but I run with debug all the time and never notice any overhead issues, so don't see why you need to toggle.

It's not machine overhead that I'm concerned about

Debug produces one hell of a lot of output and I just want to send you guys the bit where I know things aren't working properly..

13-03-20, 14:40
You just need to zip it up and attach here.

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14-03-20, 00:40
You just need to zip it up and attach here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

As requested


19-05-20, 16:37
Did you get sorted on this? I spent two hours last night troubleshooting a previously working NAS mount. Eventually sorted it with vers=2.1 (or vers=3.0) in the mount options. I had flashed a new image and restored my settings but the network browser seemed to default to vers=1.0 which is unsuitable for any newer NAS or PC running newer versions of SMB.