View Full Version : [Zgemma H7] Bug in EPG screen when adding a recording

04-03-20, 00:00

I wanted to report an "odd behaviour" in the EPG. when you do a +24 several times to get, say 4 days hence, and find a program you want to record. After setting the recording (either Autotimer or single record) the EPG jumps back to the current day/time. this means that you cannot immediately see if the recording has taken and more importantly you cannot carry on from that point and select further items to record without having to do a lot of keypresses to get back to 4 days hence (e.g. you may be going through the whole week to select recordings and this jumping back to the present day/time means that it is a much bigger chore with many more key presses than it needs to be).

I have tested this in OpenATV and on that image when you do this the EPG stays at the 4 days hence position so you can just carry on quickly and efficiently.

Is this a bug?

I am using KiddaC Slyk Onyx skin with his enigma2-plugin-extensions-openvix-epgselection-mod_2.0_all.ipk package however - it seems to do this even with this removed and using the default skin.


04-03-20, 00:06
Sorry. Appears that the KiddaC mod may be the cause. Please disregard this post for now and my apologies for wasting time.

abu baniaz
04-03-20, 00:16
I have already posted on the other two fora you have raised this that the official file does not have this. As you are a python programmer, best you add the hacks to the latest official file. bbbuk's fork may be nearest to the official one.

However, some work has been done to make the files modular and remove the spaghetti. We have not implemented or agreed how to test it yet.

04-03-20, 09:56
Hi, I am not a programmer myself so I assume that was directed at KiddaC ?

I have reverted to the original EpgSelection.py
I then ran a system update and rebooted

I then went into the EPG and went ahead a few days. I selected a program to record and I'm happy to report that it now works.

What would be really nice would be to have the ability to assign +24 and -24 hours to the buttons (like in KiddaC's mod) and then have the two recording options and IMDB search under one of the other buttons. It seems a lot more logical that way. It would also mean that KiddaC would not need to maintain the mod. I can live with the terminology of "Autotimer" rather than "Series link" but the other mods do seem to make a lot of sense.

Just saying :-)
what do you think?


04-03-20, 09:58
I have already posted on the other two fora you have raised this that the official file does not have this. As you are a python programmer, best you add the hacks to the latest official file. bbbuk's fork may be nearest to the official one.

However, some work has been done to make the files modular and remove the spaghetti. We have not implemented or agreed how to test it yet.

Hi, I am not a programmer myself so I assume that was directed at KiddaC ?

I have reverted to the original EpgSelection.py
I then ran a system update and rebooted

I then went into the EPG and went ahead a few days. I selected a program to record and I'm happy to report that it now works.

What would be really nice would be to have the ability to assign +24 and -24 hours to the buttons (like in KiddaC's mod) and then have the two recording options and IMDB search under one of the other buttons. It seems a lot more logical that way. It would also mean that KiddaC would not need to maintain the mod. I can live with the terminology of "Autotimer" rather than "Series link" but the other mods do seem to make a lot of sense.

Just saying :-)
what do you think?


04-03-20, 10:47
I've found that setting ordinary timers doesn't skip back.

TIP: when setting an autotimer, select the program in question, press yellow to do an epg search, and setup the autotimer from there.

Exit takes you back to where you were in the epg.:)

04-03-20, 10:53
Hi ccs,

With KiddaC's mod?

04-03-20, 10:54
Hi ccs,

With KiddaC's mod?

Sorry, probably misread the thread, this certainly works with the "standard" ViX implementation.

04-03-20, 10:55
Sorry, probably misread the thread, this certainly works with the "standard" ViX implementation.
No Worries mate :-)

06-03-20, 12:23
Inserting self.getCurrentCursorLocation = self['list'].getCurrentCursorLocation() after line 839 seems to work.

06-03-20, 12:45
Thanks Willo3092.

Sadly it looks like KiddaC is no longer actively maintaining the EPG mod as he is a busy man and has moved on to other projects so we will all have to make out own tweaks going forward by the looks of it :-(
He explains this in his skin thread here: https://www.linuxsat-support.com/thread/134771-skin-support-post-questions-for-all-my-skins-in-here/?postID=535634#post535634


06-03-20, 13:09
This is in the standard ViX epgselection, not KiddaC's version.

06-03-20, 13:25
Ahh. Understood :-)

I guess one could hunt for that line of code in his mod and tweak it too


06-03-20, 14:44
Hi Willo3092

Just to confirm. Is it in this line it needs to be inserted. (Just checking I have the right epgselection.py)

def eventViewCallback(self, setEvent, setService, val):
l = self['list']
old = l.getCurrent()
if self.type == EPG_TYPE_GRAPH or self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBARGRAPH:
self.updEvent(val, False)
elif val == -1:
elif val == +1:
cur = l.getCurrent()
if (self.type == EPG_TYPE_MULTI or self.type == EPG_TYPE_GRAPH or self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBARGRAPH) and cur[0] is None and cur[1].ref != old[1].ref:
self.eventViewCallback(setEvent, setService, val)
>>>> Insert Here?????

06-03-20, 14:50
I don't know, I'm at work now. It's just the standard epgselection with OpenViX. I just pressed return after line 839 and pasted it in.

06-03-20, 14:51
:-) No rush at all mate. When you next have the file open if you could let me know. Don't want to F it all up.

06-03-20, 16:05
Just save the original epgselection.py and overwrite it if it goes wrong.
The line in green is the one I added


06-03-20, 17:40

Glad I asked as my positioning was off
thanks for that.
I tried finding the same piece of code in KiddaC's modified code and further modified it but it didn't work sadly (just in case anyone reads this and thought to have a go - I can save you the bother).


abu baniaz
07-03-20, 02:41
My mistake, I can confirm the bug. However, the change suggested by willow does not fix it.

07-03-20, 12:31
Hi Abu, if and when it does get fixed I would love to know what code changes were made. That way I can retro-fit the code changes to KiddaC mod.


abu baniaz
07-03-20, 13:55
My preferred option is to make the file easier to read/edit/fix then fix the bug.

It may be prudent for you to look at the existing thread for the modification.

Will also be easier for you to set auto timers using Single EPG. Just press the Red button.

07-03-20, 15:56
:-) I have put my requests in that post (for them to be turned down possibly - but I can only ask). As an end user (rather than a developer) those are the options that would make the system much more usable for my (having come from freesat/sky) and using this as a replacement.

07-03-20, 16:04
My mistake, I can confirm the bug. However, the change suggested by willow does not fix it.

The attached epgselection.py is working for me, as far as setting the epg to go back to the previous screen rather than the current day/time.
I have swapped the 2&8 buttons with CH+/- so that the channel buttons are for going up and down a page in the epg.... and done some cosmetic renaming.
Maybe someone can try it?

07-03-20, 16:11
The Wife's watching the TV at the moment (under OpenATV as the KiddaC mod is working on that build so I have settled on that build for now) but when I get a chance I will multiboot over to OpenVIX and test it :-)
for me personally - the real need (desire) is the +24 and -24 hours in the EPG :-)

It seems to me that there are a number of people who would like different functions on the buttons and the "best" thing is for the VIX team to make it more configurable. I think there is a way in the setup however it looks like the options are quite limited (e.g. no +24hrs, -24hrs). I guess I am only looking at things from a very narrow perspective and so there may well be some good reasons for this not to happen - what do I know - ha ha!

07-03-20, 16:20
All the changes I've been faffing with are driven by Mrs Willo :rolleyes:
She wants to be able to use CH+/- to change pages in the epg and to have a clear idea of what to press if she wants to record anything. 'Add timer' means nothing to her!
Obviously because I have put page up and down on the channel keys I have had to put +/- 24 hours on the 2 & 8 buttons.

07-03-20, 16:23
Sorry I mis-understood I think. So by default are the Ch+ and Ch- buttons +24hrs and -24hrs then? and in your mod these are now page down/page up and 2 & 8 are now +24 -24?

Where the heck is all of this documented (I don't mean your mods above I mean the standard functionality). Is there a guide somewhere?


07-03-20, 16:30
Ch+ and Ch- are +24hrs and -24hrs in the standard ViX implentation.

I use a Harmony remote to get round any other "deficiencies". :)

07-03-20, 16:37
I wished I 'd known that before - I am kicking myself now. I use a All-for-one remote but have run out of buttons a bit (hense my slight obsession with the coloured buttons) :-(
Now --- If I could get the BBC old fashioned TXT button to work that would be awsome but I am guessing that its a hardware driven thing. It's definitely there somewhere in the transmission signal as it works on both Freeview and on freesat - On my TV and on my freesat box I can press TXT and it brings up the BBC text service (you know - the one they were due to stop but have since given a reprieve) and of course having the BBC red button would be just too much to ask.

The wife can't cope with buttons not doing what they say on the label - I would tell her that 2 & 8 are for +24 etc. It would then be totally forgotten a day later. However.... I have a chance with telling her that CH+ and CH- are in fact +24 and -24 :-)

07-03-20, 16:53
For info - the old teletext/Ceefax are normally carried as MHEG on digital transmissions. MHEG is subject to licence, so is not present on enigma receivers, but is available on Freesat/Freeview licensed receivers and TVs. The TXT button normally pulls up an on-screen keyboard on enigma.

07-03-20, 20:47
Hi fat-tony re: MHEG - that puts that one to bed then. Thanks for the info. So much to learn - so little time ........

07-03-20, 22:34
Attached is latest version of epg mod I'm currently using.

It's built to take into account changes for Vix 5.3 018.

You are expected to have some skills with finding and replacing existing files that this mod replaces and how-to do this (eg using FileZilla, etc)

Thanks to those that were involved in it's original creation and those currently keeping this alive/maintained.

Ensure you make a full image back-up first
Obviously, no official support from vix, myself or anyone else that had input into epg mod
This doesn't have tabbed EPG as used by kiddac skins
This isn't maintained by me so no asking "can you add..."
Use as is and at own risk
Should still be considered beta as not everything may have been tested

10-03-20, 11:09
The attached epgselection.py is working for me, as far as setting the epg to go back to the previous screen rather than the current day/time.
I have swapped the 2&8 buttons with CH+/- so that the channel buttons are for going up and down a page in the epg.... and done some cosmetic renaming.
Maybe someone can try it?

Hi Willo3092,

Finally got to test this and I can confirm that it DOES remember the position of the EPG after adding an AutoTimer recording. :-)

Can I just check. Was the only change (to make that part work) the one you mentioned above i.e. The one line at 840?
If so then I must have not made the change myself correctly as when I tried that it did not fix it.


10-03-20, 11:46
Hi Willo3092,

Finally got to test this and I can confirm that it DOES remember the position of the EPG after adding an AutoTimer recording. :-)

Can I just check. Was the only change (to make that part work) the one you mentioned above i.e. The one line at 840?
If so then I must have not made the change myself correctly as when I tried that it did not fix it.


If it is the only line of code change then annoyingly I tried to make the same line addition in Kiddac's version of the file and it didn't work (boo hiss). The only reason I wanted to try that is because his implementation shows the bouquet you are in at the top of the EPG screen and none of the other versions (default, your's or bbbuk's) show these. I am sure there is a way to know which Bouquet you are currently in (without the need to have the extra "select your Bouquet" screen at the beginning so I am probably missing something there.



10-03-20, 12:01
Maybe this guide will help....


10-03-20, 12:34
Hi ccs. Very helpful. Thanks for that.

10-03-20, 12:47
I am sure there is a way to know which Bouquet you are currently in (without the need to have the extra "select your Bouquet" screen at the beginning so I am probably missing something there.My EPG screen (the standard Vix one) has the current bouquet showing at the top left (two different skins checked).

10-03-20, 13:33
Hi Birdman,

You are completely correct. I was using the KiddaC Onyx skin and it was not in there (as of couse that skin has the tabs instead). I have now switched over to a fully supported (and I assume maintained) skin that I downloaded from the plugins section and plan to use that (or one of those) going forward. I am currently using the Blue HD skin and quite like it. In that skin it does indeed show the Bouquet in the top left.

I am sad as I liked onyx but....... Maintenance is everything and KiddaC has moved on to other projects so it may not be as "maintained" as needed. I have succumbed to the pressure :-) I was fighting a losing battle.

On the subject of skins...... Which ones are "fully maintained" and "compliant" with the current and future builds of openVIX? Is it only the ones that are in the plugins download section? What about the Chabs skins for example?

Thanks again,

10-03-20, 13:56
Attached is latest version of epg mod I'm currently using.

It's built to take into account changes for Vix 5.3 018.

You are expected to have some skills with finding and replacing existing files that this mod replaces and how-to do this (eg using FileZilla, etc)

Thanks to those that were involved in it's original creation and those currently keeping this alive/maintained.

Ensure you make a full image back-up first
Obviously, no official support from vix, myself or anyone else that had input into epg mod
This doesn't have tabbed EPG as used by kiddac skins
This isn't maintained by me so no asking "can you add..."
Use as is and at own risk
Should still be considered beta as not everything may have been tested

Hi bbbuk, Just an FYI. I also tested Willo's "self.getCurrentCursorLocation = self['list'].getCurrentCursorLocation()" fix in your mod files and am happy to report that it fixes the jumping back on Autotimer set in your mods too :-)

10-03-20, 14:09
On a related query Are these things here because I have a padding set?


If so is it possible to remove them and if so what bit of the code might it be located in?


10-03-20, 14:12
They are shown as part of your main recordings, so records a bit before, then records your main slot and records a bit after, simply to make sure your main recording is preserved.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-03-20, 14:44

Thought so :-)

10-03-20, 19:25
Hi bbbuk, Just an FYI. I also tested Willo's "self.getCurrentCursorLocation = self['list'].getCurrentCursorLocation()" fix in your mod files and am happy to report that it fixes the jumping back on Autotimer set in your mods too :-)Thanks. Which file and where about does this go and I'll add it :)

10-03-20, 20:01

Its in epgselection.py you need to search for this section and add the line at the end of the section just like this:


10-03-20, 20:15
This is the epgselection from ViX 5.3.018 with the autotimer fix. Nothing else has been altered.



04-04-20, 16:52
Apologies if this is what has already been achieved above. I'm not a programmer but did my best to try and understand what it was trying to do, grabbed a fresh copy of EpgSelection.py from kiddac's Dropbox extras and and apparently now have both tabbed Slyk Q epg and the jump problem on set recordings resolved.

First I did the above modifications "self.getCurrentCursorLocation = self['list'].getCurrentCursorLocation()"

Then within def onCreate(self) I added the second line to match:
if self.type == EPG_TYPE_GRAPH or self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBARGRAPH:
self.getCurrentCursorLocation = None

Within def addAutoTimer(self), def addAutoTimerSilent(self) insert this line after "self.refreshTimer.start(3000)" (2 occurrences)
self.getCurrentCursorLocation = self['list'].getCurrentCursorLocation()

Within def removeTimer(self, timer), def disableTimer(self, timer), def finishedAdd(self, answer) insert this line before self.refreshlist() (3 occurrences)
self.getCurrentCursorLocation = self['list'].getCurrentCursorLocation()

Reboot machine and following this it all seems to work. Obviously I would make a copy of the existing Epgselection.py before changing so you can put it back if it messes up and no guarantees ;)


04-04-20, 17:45
Apologies if this is what has already been achieved above. I'm not a programmer but did my best to try and understand what it was trying to do, grabbed a fresh copy of EpgSelection.py from kiddac's Dropbox extras and and apparently now have both tabbed Slyk Q epg and the jump problem on set recordings resolved.

First I did the above modifications "self.getCurrentCursorLocation = self['list'].getCurrentCursorLocation()"

Then within def onCreate(self) I added the second line to match:
if self.type == EPG_TYPE_GRAPH or self.type == EPG_TYPE_INFOBARGRAPH:
self.getCurrentCursorLocation = None

Within def addAutoTimer(self), def addAutoTimerSilent(self) insert this line after "self.refreshTimer.start(3000)" (2 occurrences)
self.getCurrentCursorLocation = self['list'].getCurrentCursorLocation()

Within def removeTimer(self, timer), def disableTimer(self, timer), def finishedAdd(self, answer) insert this line before self.refreshlist() (3 occurrences)
self.getCurrentCursorLocation = self['list'].getCurrentCursorLocation()

Reboot machine and following this it all seems to work. Obviously I would make a copy of the existing Epgselection.py before changing so you can put it back if it messes up and no guarantees ;)


Are you using KiddaC's file on ViX or ATV?
I've just tried the above mod on the ViX version and it just bootloops on my box.
If you're using ViX can you upload the epgselection.py please. I may have cocked something up :eek:

04-04-20, 21:01
VIX 5.3.019 Zgemma H7S

Is it boot looping the OS or just the GUI? (obviously if the latter replace the previous /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/EpgSelection.py)

I just diff checked the one downloaded from here and it's the same as the one running on my box.

04-04-20, 21:44
Sorry, didn't notice you'd already uploaded the py file. I'll try it later thanks :thumbsup:

04-04-20, 23:26
Yes that works mate :thumbsup:
Well it does now I've added the skin_user.xml with the option button and epg tabs :rolleyes:


05-04-20, 00:46
Cool, good to hear! Glad thats resolved was really bugging me.