View Full Version : [ET10x00] No autostart for Samba

29-02-20, 02:36
In menu -> setup -> network -> utilities -> samba

After the (couch) update to 5.3.18 I found that samba was stopped and autostart was disabled.

I can manually start and stop samba and when running I can see the box/HDD over the network on my Windows 10 laptop which indicates taht samba is actually working.

What I cannot do is to get samba to autostart - it remains in the disabled state. Pressing Yellow to enable autostart has no effect on the setting. A (spinning) VIX symbol is seen for a small fraction of a second.

The box has been re-booted and also has had a cold boot by removing the mains power for a couple of minutes with no change to autostarting samba. After the re-boot samba is again stopped but can be manually started.

29-02-20, 11:29
I'm still on 5.3.17, and samba autostarts ok. I'll have a try with 018 later today if I get time.

I have noticed over the last few weeks that samba is sometimes "stopped" (maybe once a week), but always starts again with the yellow button.

I've been double checking it's running before doing a settings backup + couch flash, I know how awkward it can be to get going again.

29-02-20, 12:04
I've couch flashed 5.3.018 (ET10K), and restored settings from 017, having manually stopped samba before taking the settings backup.

Samba autostarted ok and is running.

If I spot Samba not running (as opposed to me stopping it) I'll try that process again.

29-02-20, 14:52
Just for completeness, I'm now running 5.3.018 with a settings restore from 017 when samba was running ok.

No problems after a couple of reboots.

29-02-20, 20:02

Restored .016 from my backup and samba autostart enable/disable working.

Couch flashed again to .018 and autostart enable again stuck in the disabled state.

Then restored settings from my .016 backup (menu/setup/backup manager)
Now both samba manual enable and autostart can be changed.

29-02-20, 20:08
..... duplicate.

29-02-20, 20:11
Your solution kind of rings a bell, what's odd is that you needed it, but I didn't.

This one...

Flash image without a settings/plugins restore. Start Samba, and then do the settings/plugins restore via backup manager.

That usually works.


03-03-20, 01:34
As seen before, a couch flash followed by a restore of settings means that all my power timers are duplicated.

03-03-20, 22:24
If I spot Samba not running (as opposed to me stopping it) I'll try that process again.

Took a settings backup when I noticed Samba had stopped for some unknown reason, flashed 5.3.018 and restored the settings - Samba running ok.

19-03-20, 19:44
Samba was reported stopped again and this is what I've found when I restarted it at 18:27.....

root@et10000:~# cat /var/log/messages|grep mbd
Mar 19 18:21:54 et10000 daemon.err nmbd[620]: [2020/03/19 18:21:54.603631, 0] ../source3/nmbd/nmbd_become_lmb.c:397(become_local_master_stage2)
Mar 19 18:21:54 et10000 daemon.err nmbd[620]: *****
Mar 19 18:21:54 et10000 daemon.err nmbd[620]:
Mar 19 18:21:54 et10000 daemon.err nmbd[620]: Samba name server ET10000 is now a local master browser for workgroup WORKGROUP on subnet
Mar 19 18:21:54 et10000 daemon.err nmbd[620]:
Mar 19 18:21:54 et10000 daemon.err nmbd[620]: *****

Mar 19 18:27:19 et10000 daemon.err smbd[1073]: [2020/03/19 18:27:19.353513, 0] ../lib/util/become_daemon.c:138(daemon_ready)
Mar 19 18:27:19 et10000 daemon.err smbd[1073]: daemon_ready: STATUS=daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
Mar 19 18:27:20 et10000 daemon.err nmbd[1082]: [2020/03/19 18:27:20.502235, 0] ../lib/util/pidfile.c:197(pidfile_create)
Mar 19 18:27:20 et10000 daemon.err nmbd[1082]: ERROR: nmbd is already running. File /var/run/samba/nmbd.pid exists and process id 620 is running.

19-03-20, 20:19
Way OT, but lots of these every minute as well.....

root@et10000:~# cat /var/log/messages|grep ORPHAN |head
Mar 18 22:15:18 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 18:22:16 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 18:23:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 18:24:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 18:25:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 18:26:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 18:27:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 18:28:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 18:29:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 18:30:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
root@et10000:~# cat /var/log/messages|grep ORPHAN |tail
Mar 19 19:07:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 19:08:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 19:09:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 19:10:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 19:11:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 19:12:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 19:13:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 19:14:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 19:15:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)
Mar 19 19:16:01 et10000 cron.info crond[656]: (readme.txt) ORPHAN (no passwd entry)

Is this right/should it be there......??

root@et10000:/var/spool/cron/crontabs# cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/readme.txt
To use crontabs, please use the cron manager to setup your crontabs. Alternatively, manually create a file called 'root' and place your required items in there. # * * * * * command to execute
# Τφι Τφι Τφι Τφι
# Τφι Τφι Τφι Τφι ΤφφΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗ day of week (0 - 7) (0 to 6 are Sunday to Saturday, or use names; 7 is Sunday, the same as 0)
# Τφι Τφι Τφι ΤφφΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗ month (1 - 12)
# Τφι Τφι ΤφφΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗ day of month (1 - 31)
# Τφι ΤφφΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφ ΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗΤφΗ hour (0 - 23)

20-03-20, 13:06
At a guess I'd say that samba is complaining about a user without password being set up on the box. If you use samba server (as opposed to samba client) on the box it expects to work with a list of users (with passwords) if you have user level security set. Also, I noticed that your ET10000 is set to be a local master browser on your WORKGROUP domain. If you have a Windows PC hosting shares on the same workgroup it may cause clashes as Windows boxes like to be the master :D

20-03-20, 13:15
Way OT, but lots of these every minute as well.....Yes, the readme.txt is in the wrong place. But, apart from the log messages, it doesn't affect anything.

20-03-20, 14:16
There's another copy of readme.txt in.....


Or read the readme.txt file in /etc/cron/crontabs/.

Post was dated 5 years ago.:)

Is enigma likely to use these files (eg via the GUI), or is it safe to get rid of the one in /var/spool/cron/crontabs ?

I guess it will be recreated after every update.

20-03-20, 18:23
I guess it will be recreated after every update.It's part of the packaging for whatever cron is in.

The actual original bug report is:

(which might have limited access...)

20-03-20, 19:25
(which might have limited access...)

Correct. :p

22-03-20, 16:58
I just removed the readme.txt from the directory and that stopped the cron ORPHAN messages being written each minute. I couldn't find any GUI configuration tool on the system for setting the workgroup name and the master browser status in samba server. Is there one? Couldn't see any entries in the /etc/settings file either. Is it a case of editing the smb.conf file directly?

22-03-20, 17:12
I'm pretty sure you have to edit the smb.conf file yourself.

23-03-20, 00:39
I'm pretty sure you have to edit the smb.conf file yourself.

Normally (on other linux systems), you would edit the smb.conf file, but there is a warning not to edit it on enigma, but edit the smb-user file instead. I'm surprised that there is no user GUI for editing simple things like group membership on the system. My home LAN does not use the standard Windows WORKGROUP name, but other samba servers (with kodi or libreelec/coreelec distributions) allow editing of the default name. There are several variants of the smb conf available on the system, ranging from totally insecure (the default) to fairly secure, but no documentation/guidance as far as I can see.