View Full Version : Picons on VIX 2.0

10-02-11, 17:07
Hello wonderfull people :D

just installed the above image looks good and working well :thumbsup:

i usually install my lamenated picons to images, when i say mine of course i mean lichters, but for a change i thought i'd try the "flat" type that are downloadable from plugins, did a reboot and discovered that apart from maybe about 5 channels the remainder are still lamenated.

i've just checked and it appears that most of the channels do not have idents just the channel name.

does this mean i've got to go through the whole of 28.2 and add the idents? blimey what a labourious job :rolleyes:

and what a bloody long post:D
regards: canthackit

10-02-11, 18:08
This is possibly something that was missed.

10-02-11, 19:00

I'm in the process of editing them, if i can extract the 28.2 ones i'll upload them, 'cos i've got picons for 6 sats and trying to sort them is a real pain.

regards: canthackit

13-02-11, 03:08
as far as i am aware the transparent ones available from the downloads are symlinks and should show up as channel names