View Full Version : This Box Is Getting on My F-----g wick

Tony Batty
03-02-20, 21:54
Bought a box from ****** it went back cos the tuner box was knackered I got it back and tried to install the other satellites but I seem to be some satellites missing I have Hispasat 2 but it only has 16 channels Hispasat 1 is missing for a start. Can I do a Factory reset will it bring back the original settings with all the satellites or does it need to go back yet again to install the settings from a pen drive again it is a heap of useless expensive crap

03-02-20, 22:05
There's precious little point blaming the box when you haven't a clue. Factory reset doesn't do a lot - use the usb stick method to ensure a clean install. What satellite positions are you trying to receive? The birds at 30W are now known as Hispasat 30W-5/6

03-02-20, 23:08
Knowing which receiver it is would help but I suspect there are no problems with it, simply install the latest image for that model. Somehow I sense you should avoid any receiver that requires some patience and logic. An already programmed Freesat box is probably better for you.

03-02-20, 23:57
Vu solo2 is a fantastic twin tuner box and can run a motorised sat dish,How spot on is the alignment of dish i wonder.
Did you download the pdf guide for setting up boxes.

04-02-20, 12:51
I must admit that I am constantly amazed by the patience that mods show when replying to ignorant and rude posts such as this one.
I can't understand why some people spend good money on satellite receivers without first getting to at least familiarise themselves with basic knowledge on the hobby.

abu baniaz
04-02-20, 12:57
He is a 70 year old user. He does not seem to be able to go back to his latest threads and just starts another. Nor does he respond to his PMs.

04-02-20, 19:05
Bless him. I know what it is to get old, forget something you had no problems with before and frustration sets in. There have been times when I could have banged my head on the table because I was positive i had done everything correct. Often I had, just need a hard reset.