View Full Version : [VU+ Ultimo4K] Cant record an watch at the same time

26-01-20, 10:24
VU+ ultimo 4K
Canal Digital
2 LNB's (tuner A and B)

For some days it has not been possible to record and watch channels at the same time.
If recording is on, it is only possible to se the channel that is being recorded. If other channel is selected the screen is black.
In channel selection the other channels is not grayed out (as if no tuner is available).

Any ideas for fault finding ?

26-01-20, 10:37
setup tuners is wrong

26-01-20, 10:57
Has been working for months, havent changed anything (except for software updates).
Both tuner A and B are "simple" in the setup..

So ?

26-01-20, 11:17
maybe faulty tuner.Softcam ?

26-01-20, 11:29
DOes this happen also on free. (FTA) channels or just encrypted (Canal Digital) ??

26-01-20, 11:40
I am on 0,8 W so no free channels..
Noticed that on the bar that shows channel info in the right corner it says tuner A, should there not be a tuner B ? I can't recall the normal layout off this screen.

If I go into tuner menu I have signal on Tuner A and B.

26-01-20, 12:39
Just noticed that on some channels the subtitles are shown when there is a black screen. Could som change have happened to Oscam or the way Canal Digital encrypts ?
Using original cam and card from Canal Digital.

Have also made a new install from USB (reloaded backup from disk), no change.

26-01-20, 12:51
Check cable connections and then set preferred tuners (menu/setup/tuners & scanning/miscellaneous) - I would choose B for watching and A for recording and see what happens

26-01-20, 13:04
Noticed that on the bar that shows channel info in the right corner it says tuner A, should there not be a tuner B ?
If I press ok when watching live tv, I see all available tuner letters (bottom right of screen), and the one(s) being used highlighted.
Almost certainly skin dependent.

26-01-20, 13:08
why use cam if you have oscam ? Cam will be your problem.Same problem as canal digitaal NL and TVV.

26-01-20, 13:15
Think problem has been solved, moved card from cam to card reader in receiver , and can now receive and watch :)

Regards Claus