View Full Version : How to send/save Enigma Settings to the VUDuo using DBEdit

21-05-10, 10:47
Below is a quick low down on 'How to send/save Enigma settings to your VUDuo'

First off all you will need to have downloaded a version of dreamboxedit. Link is below...


Next you will need to download some Enigma1 settings. See link below.


Sending / Uploading

Launch the application once it has been setup and installed.

You should have something similar to the below.


Next you need to open up the settings, this is done by clicking 'File', 'Open' and then browsing to the locations where the settings are. Once you are in the folder where the settings are click 'OK'. You should see something similar to the below.


Now that the settings are loaded in DreamBoxEdit, you are ready to send over the settings to the reciever. However before doing this we will take a quick look at the options. Click on the 'Otions' button at the top and you should see something very similar to the below. Please note that the VuDuo uses the 'New Enigma2 settings' from the options panel. Below is an example of the settings panel.


Once confirmed come out and you are ready to upload the settings...

Click on 'FTP' and you get the below.


Now click on 'Send File to Dreambox' - you will be informed once the upload has been done.


To save a copy of your settings from your reciever. You need to Launch DreamBoxEdit and click on the 'FTP' button.


In the above you can see that you can select a folder location to save your settings too. Click 'Browse' and select the location you would like to backup your settings too. Once selected click on 'Recieve Files from Dreambox'

Done!!!!!!! :D