View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD+ PLUS] Front panel display blue tint and picons not transparent

22-01-20, 09:31
Since the latest update, I have noticed the front panel display has a blue tint to the background.

Also the picons have lost transparency, although I believe this happened on the update between 5.1 and 5.2.


22-01-20, 12:19
I thought that the colour on the clock had changed last night when I updated, but the issue with picon transparency happened several months ago. Are you saying your picons were ok (as in transparent) up to the latest update? I ended up re-saving all picons using an image editor in order to resolve the transparency issue. I'll have to have a look through other posts to recall what I did at the time, but my picons are still fine - just the background or clock time has altered colour slightly.

22-01-20, 13:03
Just an update on what I did. Back in October I downloaded Ocram's SNP 400x240 set. These were the ones giving trouble on my Quad Plus. I've used a utility called FastStone Image Viewer for many years now for editing my photos. It has a tool which allows you to batch convert image files, so I opened all Ocram's picons and re-saved them as 24bit png's. These work fine on my Quad plus. The downside is that the picon folder has gone from 50MB to 70MB. The Ocram SNP picon set has almost 5,500 images in it which covers many european satellites. I don't know of a set which just handles UK/Ireland satellite/terrestrial/cable. Here's a photo of my Quad Plus LCD: