View Full Version : [VU+ Duo4K] Picons not loading after full reboot

01-01-20, 11:39
Minor issue with picons loading. If the box is rebooted fully, the picons will not load. I always have to reboot Enigma2, and then the picons always load. This is a new problem with Duo 4k, I never had issues with Duo2 on older images with the same setup.

My picons are on a USB 3 stick on the back of the box and there's a symlink at /usr/share/enigma2 pointing to the USB device.

Log at bootup, same lines for full reboot and Enigma2 only:

[Picon] adding path: /usr/share/enigma2/picon/

And then a bit later:

Current Picon Path : /usr/share/enigma2/picon/

But still the picons will not load. There is no errors in the log regarding picons or the USB drive. After Enigma2 reboot, picons load and they continue to work just fine until the next full reboot. Also, it does not matter if there are any other USB devices plugged in or not.

01-01-20, 11:41
Why do you need the symbolic link??

01-01-20, 11:47
Not sure what you mean, how does it know picons are there without it? The picons are not at the root of the drive but in a directory.

01-01-20, 11:52
E2 will find the picons automatically by itself - thats why you should make sure that you only have one set installed - doesn‘t need a symbolic link
Just install in the base of the usb

01-01-20, 11:54
Like @Twol says. Picons just need to be in a folder called”picon” to the root of your usb3 flash drive, no nedd to complicate things with symlinks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-01-20, 12:31
Thanks, I always thought you'd need the symlink. So I removed the symlink and put all the picons in a "picon" folder. Now the log says: Current Picon Path : /media/usb/picon/

But still there's some weirdness here. I did some more investigating and the USB3 HDD which I have plugged in for additional recordings does now have some effect since without it plugged in the picons will load after full reboot. It's weird since I have set the mountpoints in the settings so that /media/usb is always the mountpoint for the picon drive and the HDD is /media/sdc1.

If I then copy the picon folder into sdc1, the picons will still not load and the log shows only one picon folder found: Current Picon Path : /media/usb/picon/

Maybe there's a timeout when doing a full reboot so that USB devices don't have enough time to initialize properly.

01-01-20, 12:42
why not put picons in root ? Much easyer.Just make backup so you can transfer them again after a flash.

abu baniaz
01-01-20, 13:09
OpenViX does not allow you to set picon paths. It checks a list of locations. If your storage devices have picon folders, delete the ones you don't want.

Yes, you can specify a specific set of picons for front display.

01-01-20, 13:23
I was just trying to see if the HDD would get erroneusly mapped as a picon location during boot but it doesn't since it couldn't find the picon folder in there either. /media/usb was there, it was found but somehow picons not displayed or loaded.

abu baniaz
01-01-20, 13:40
There is no "picon location" mapping. There is a list of locations that are checked.

Undo all the things you have done, enable debug logs, restart and then upload debug log here if you want people to look at it for you. Edit out IPTV details.

01-01-20, 13:55
Debug log attached. Only one picon folder now at /media/usb/picon, no symlinks or other picon folders in any of the other storage devices.

01-01-20, 14:09
It sounds like you have specifically mounting drives yourself. Was there a reason for this rather than let it automount?

Could you, from putty/telnet, type:

df -mh
and post back with results as I'm curious of mountpoints.

Also following command:

find / -name picon
This will search for anything named "picon". There should really only be one result and should match location of where your picons are.

01-01-20, 14:21
It sounds like you have specifically mounting drives yourself. Was there a reason for this rather than let it automount?

Could you, from putty/telnet, type:

df -mh
and post back with results as I'm curious of mountpoints.

Also following command:

find / -name picon
This will search for anything named "picon". There should really only be one result and should match location of where your picons are.

I have specified mountpoints inside OpenVIX, in the recording list view, press menu and then "Device mounts...". In there, my USB drive is mounted as /media/usb and USB HDD as /media/sdc1. Otherwise, during boot they can be either way around and so all the bookmarks etc. would be randomly different. And also, picons wouldn't load if the drive without picon folder would end up as /media/usb.

df -mh:

Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 3.5G 338.7M 3.0G 10% /
devtmpfs 268.9M 8.0K 268.9M 0% /dev
tmpfs 64.0K 0 64.0K 0% /media
tmpfs 277.1M 220.0K 276.9M 0% /var/volatile
/dev/sda1 930.4G 319.5G 610.8G 34% /media/hdd
/dev/sdb1 14.4G 1.2M 14.4G 0% /media/usb
/dev/sdc1 930.4G 359.8G 570.5G 39% /media/sdc1

find / -name picon:

01-01-20, 14:43
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 930.4G 319.5G 610.8G 34% /media/hdd
/dev/sdb1 14.4G 1.2M 14.4G 0% /media/usb
/dev/sdc1 930.4G 359.8G 570.5G 39% /media/sdc1
Am I correct in saying the mountpoints are:

sda1 internal HDD
sdb1 USB v3 stick
sdc1 external HDD

Do you use timeshift and if so, which are they mounted too?
Which one do you normally record too (ie default)?

01-01-20, 14:50
Am I correct in saying the mountpoints are:

sda1 internal HDD
sdb1 USB v3 stick
sdc1 external HDD

Do you use timeshift and if so, which are they mounted too?
Which one do you normally record too (ie default)?

Yes you are correct. I don't use timeshift but the settings for it point to /media/hdd/timeshift. /media/hdd/movie is the default record location. Mostly I record to /media/hdd/movie and transfer to /media/sdc1 if necessary.

abu baniaz
01-01-20, 14:54
The logs show this

< 16.072> [Picon] adding path: /media/usb/picon/
< 19.865> Current Picon Path : /media/usb/picon/

Can you please post a screenshot of the folder layout of the picon folder itself. Just in case you have a sub folder. Sorry to ask.

The larger device is meat to be mounted as HDD by default as this was the most logical approach at the time as people would have the HDD internally within the STB. However, you have an external device that has the same size as the internal one. There is a way to assign devices to specific mount points. I can't remember how. It stops devices changing order etc. This probably explains the jumping around of mount points.

I prefer df -Th, but not important now.

01-01-20, 15:13
In my previous message I replied to bbbuk, the place you probably remember is the same place I did it and it does work great when the system is up and running.

Here's the screenshot:


abu baniaz
01-01-20, 15:47
Can you attach the picon folder here please (zipped)? Are you using Linux4LCD?

01-01-20, 15:53
Yes I'm using LCD4Linux. Picon folder attached.

abu baniaz
01-01-20, 16:49
Do the picons work fine on the GUI? I don't know much about L4L. You don't need it though.

01-01-20, 16:53
In my previous message I replied to bbbuk, the place you probably remember is the same place I did it and it does work great when the system is up and running.So as it stands now the picon folder on /media/usb/picon, doesn't resolve issue?

If not, could you try unplugging external drive and reboot and see if that does?

Just trying to see if multiple HDDs cause it. It shouldn't as it's clear it know where the picons are from debug log.

01-01-20, 16:55
for LCD4 you need to specify path in second page "on" .

01-01-20, 16:58
Yes the picons look fine on the GUI, I actually do not use them on the LCD with L4L. They're only displayed on the infobar, channel list and EPG screens. I use L4L because it's easier to modify the screen layout rather than modify the xml files by hand. They each have their pros and cons though...

abu baniaz
01-01-20, 17:03
Yes the picons look fine on the GUI, I actually do not use them on the LCD with L4L. They're only displayed on the infobar, channel list and EPG screens. I use L4L because it's easier to modify the screen layout rather than modify the xml files by hand. They each have their pros and cons though...

Sorry, I don't fully understand. Is there ever a problem with the GUI and picons? I am trying to establish what problem we are trying to fix, "picons not displaying on front pane displayl" or "picons not displaying on GUI" or both those.

01-01-20, 17:05
Picons on GUI. Sorry, should have cleared that up before. So the picons do not display on the GUI after full reboot. Nothing related to the LCD or L4L.

01-01-20, 17:54
So if you do a restart of GUI (ie quick restart), picons work on GUI (for clarification this is infobar, epg screens, etc)?

If so, is it only when you do a full restart of entire box? What do you need to do to get them working or do they work after a short time (ie box is still busy in background)?

01-01-20, 18:00
So if you do a restart of GUI (ie quick restart), picons work on GUI (for clarification this is infobar, epg screens, etc)?

Yes that's correct.

If so, is it only when you do a full restart of entire box? What do you need to do to get them working or do they work after a short time (ie box is still busy in background)?

Yes, only after a full restart. Doesn't matter how long I wait, they will not be displayed anywhere on the GUI.

01-01-20, 18:05
If you put your picons on the main internal hdd (normally /media/hdd/picon ), removed ones on USB (put please leave USB stick plugged in - maybe just rename folder so it will not find them), and did a full reboot?

abu baniaz
01-01-20, 18:12
There was a similar thread some time ago where the mountpoints were getting confused, something to do with the USB 3 speed. MAybe @ccs can find it sa he is our expert searcher and link poster.

Until it is fixed, might be an idea to remove the extra HDD and. You can play recordings over the LAN.

01-01-20, 19:13
There was a similar thread some time ago where the mountpoints were getting confused, something to do with the USB 3 speed. MAybe @ccs can find it sa he is our expert searcher and link poster.

Not this year! The thread rings a bell, and the nearest I found was

but the OP stopped posting so there is no resolution.

It's the kind of problem @birdman sorts out, so maybe he can remember it (sorry!!).

02-01-20, 09:45
If you put your picons on the main internal hdd (normally /media/hdd/picon ), removed ones on USB (put please leave USB stick plugged in - maybe just rename folder so it will not find them), and did a full reboot?

Did that, and picons load and are displayed on the GUI properly every time after a full reboot.

02-01-20, 10:06
One thing I noticed. Still only one picon folder on /media/usb (/dev/sdb1). If the picons are not displayed, I also cannot set debug logs to be saved on the /media/usb or /media/sdc1 (USB HDD). If the picons are displayed properly, I can set logs to be saved into both of the mentioned USB devices. So, somehow the system (or GUI) is not actually detecting the USB devices at some point and hence picons are not loaded.

Debug logs show no change from the one I attached previously.

02-01-20, 12:33
There was a similar thread some time ago where the mountpoints were getting confused, something to do with the USB 3 speed. MAybe @ccs can find it sa he is our expert searcher and link poster.

Maybe this thread..... https://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?61452-HDD-and-USB-muddled-up-when-box-powered-on

02-01-20, 13:57
One thing I noticed. Still only one picon folder on /media/usb (/dev/sdb1). If the picons are not displayed, I also cannot set debug logs to be saved on the /media/usb or /media/sdc1 (USB HDD). If the picons are displayed properly, I can set logs to be saved into both of the mentioned USB devices. So, somehow the system (or GUI) is not actually detecting the USB devices at some point and hence picons are not loaded.It does look like its related to mountpoint then.

Do you have a USB 2 stick you could try instead to confirm if it because it's USB3 ?

02-01-20, 14:40
… the front port is usb2 so maybe try that?