View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] MP3Browser plugin – how to edit database file

13-12-19, 18:33
I use the MP3Brower plugin to play my mp3 files from the USB stick, including meta data info, cover pictures and lyrics. The whole is steered by a text file called database.

The fields are separated by 3 colons and by nature have different lengthts depending on the song title.
So far I have added new songs using the editor in dcc-e2 but more than once I made a small mistake and the box crashed afterwards.

How would you edit a file which looks like this?

ACKER BILK - Stranger On The Shore:::/media/hdd/Oldies/ACKER BILK - Stranger On The Shore.MP3:::2017-12-14 22:20:04.477446:::Acker Bilk:::Stranger On The Shore:::1:::Stranger On The Shore:::1961:::Easy Listening:::02:49:::160 kbit/s:::Acker Bilk.jpg:::

(this is one line for one song)

I was tempted to import the file into a spreadsheet with the ::: separator. How would I write the edited file back to a UTF8 file with the correct separator?

Or is there a tool available for this kind of format?

Thanks for any hint