View Full Version : AutoBouquetsMaker "Cannot read data" error when searching for Freeview channels

04-12-19, 15:31
When I run the Auto Bouquets maker all the free to air Sat channels are found without any problem.

The system then attempts to scan for Freeview channels on my DVB T/T2 Tuner and after a few minutes it fails with the message "Cannot read data"
I have my region set to Winter Hill (Lancashire) which should be the correct setting for where I live in Leyland.

If I use the Tuners & Scanning - Automatic Scan Section (instead of Auto Bouquets maker) and just scan DVB - C/T2 then the system finds what appears to be a full set of channels and all of them have a very strong signal strength.

Any assistance would be appreciated.


abu baniaz
04-12-19, 16:18
I have the same problem. Disable the second hybrid tuner (J) for ABM to work. You can then re-enable it.

04-12-19, 17:34
Ok Thanks so much, That did work.

Do you know if this problem is actually being looked at? I have mine setup to automatically scan during the night, So I will need to disable tuner J every night before I go to bed and then re-enable it when I get up in the morning, a bit of a faff I'm sure you will agree.

abu baniaz
04-12-19, 17:42
Why do you need to scan every night? Freeview changes are very infrequent. Sky changes are usually Tuesday or Thursday. Dead channels stay live for a few days anyway. Once on Thursday should be fine.

Probably a driver issue. Most likely why USB tuners don' find any services.

abu baniaz
04-12-19, 17:53
I am doing some works at home so cant test. Can you do the followoing please?

Enable debug logs in image, restart to take effect. Enable second Terrestrial tune. In ABM enable extra debug. Just set Freeview as the provider. Run ABM, it should fail. Then upload debug log to forum. No need to zip, but ensure you delete any IPTV/sensitive details

04-12-19, 18:44

Please find the debug log attached.

abu baniaz
04-12-19, 18:54
Thanks, but not not the right log. We need the one that fails while doing Freeview

04-12-19, 19:00
Ok, no problem do you know the location where this is created?

abu baniaz
04-12-19, 19:04
It's in the same location that you got that previous log from. Just to repeat, set it up as mentioned above in post 5. (second Terrestrial tuner must be enabled so it fails). Run ABM, make sure it fails with the error you reported, then get log.

04-12-19, 19:07
Home -> Root -> Logs, there is only the one file in there and the time stamp looks about right.

I will delete the log file and then try it again.

abu baniaz
04-12-19, 19:15
OK. thanks. Don't forget to refresh filezilla

04-12-19, 19:31
OK, Not sure where it is putting the log file, I have re-run ABM but it has not put the log in the Home- Root - Logs folder. I will keep investigating, it must be somewhere.

04-12-19, 19:35

Managed to find it, I think.

abu baniaz
04-12-19, 19:37
It is an Enigma2 log. There is no separate place. Did you refresh Filezilla? The button with the two circular arrows. If not, it will only show the folder contents of when you first connected.

04-12-19, 20:17
I came out of FileZilla between conversations , is it not the ABM.log file that I have attached either?

abu baniaz
04-12-19, 20:26
We need the debug log showing the fault.

abu baniaz
06-12-19, 17:17
< 272.843> [ABM-main][checkTunerLock] ACQUIRING TSID/ONID
< 272.945> [ABM-Manager][read] Reading terrestrial_uk_freeview (crystal_palace_____)...
< 272.945> [ABM-Tools][customtransponder] Transponder provider name terrestrial_uk_freeview
< 273.289> [ABM-Tools][customtransponder] 3 custom transponders found for that region.
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] Adapter 0
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] Demuxer 1
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] Frontend 9
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] DVBType dvbt
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] NIT pid: 0x10
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] NIT current table id: 0x40
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] NIT other table id: 0x0
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] Ignore visible service flag: 0
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] SDT pid: 0x11
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] SDT current table id: 0x42
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] SDT other table id: 0x46
< 273.290> [ABM-DvbScanner] Reading transponders...
< 276.964> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
< 293.334> [ABM-DvbScanner] Timed out reading NIT
< 293.335> [ABM-DvbScanner] Added/Updated 0 transponders with network_id = 0x-1
< 293.335> [ABM-DvbScanner] Reading services (LCN)...
< 313.382> [ABM-DvbScanner] Timed out reading SDT
< 313.383> [ABM-DvbScanner] No LCNs found. Falling back to service ID.
< 313.383> [ABM-DvbScanner] TSID list from SDT []
< 313.383> [ABM-DvbScanner] SID list from SDT []
< 313.384> [ABM-DvbScanner] Read 0 services
< 313.384> [ABM-DvbScanner] 0 valid services
< 313.384> [ABM-Manager][read] terrestrial_uk_freeview, Done
< 313.384> [ABM-main][doScan] Cannot read data
< 313.388> [Skin] processing screen MessageBox:
< 313.406> [GUISkin] warning, skin is missing element icon in <class 'Screens.MessageBox.MessageBox'>(Cannot read data)
< 313.408> [Pixmap] setPixmapNum(3) failed! defined pixmaps: []