View Full Version : Tuner B on 28.2E no longer recognised VU Duo Open Vix 5.3.011

01-12-19, 11:56
A strange problem started today, my tuner B ( fixed to 28.2E is no longer recognised (tuner Error). I first thought it was the static sky dish maybe the problem, but then I realised my motorised dish on Tuner A was also not able to get a signal on this satellite. So it cannot be a dish issue, but either hardware or software-related.

I have done a re-flash with backup so the channel list has been replaced, holding back on a full re-install at this stage.

Has anyone had this issue or any suggestions that may resolve this problem.

Any help would be much appreciated

My details:-

V U Duo 2
Fixed Sky Dish on 28.2E
Motorised 1m Dish
OpenViX 5.3.011 (2019-11-21)

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 12:59
What is the problem?
Module (card)
second tuner on a module.

Please post a screenshot of Menu > Information> devices to cut to the chase

01-12-19, 14:05
Hi, thanks for the response. I did forget to mention that I am using a one twin tuner module. I have tried removing the coax on both input A and B and the problem is still there, the motorised dish is fine even when coax is removed for input A, but zero signal on (B) which is the 28E satellite.

B input is configured as simple single.

01-12-19, 14:07
Hi, thanks for the response. I did forget to mention that I am using a one twin tuner module. I have tried removing the coax on both input A and B and the problem is still there, the motorised dish is fine even when coax is removed for input A, but zero signal on (B) which is the 28E satellite.

B input is configured as simple single.

Tuner A Vuplus DVB-S NIM(AVL6222) (DVB-S2)
Tuner B Vuplus DVB-S NIM(AVL6222) (DVB-S2)

In all cases, 28E on both motorised and single dish is a zero signal.

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 14:12
I am not fully following what you are saying. Are you saying?
You have only one module. This one module has two connections. Bottom connection is not working.

If so, have you tried to swap cables and reconfigure based on what is connected to it. Note "and reconfigure". Your post does not say you reconfigured, just that you swapped and problem remained. In any case, the receiver will always select the tuner with fewest satellites.

My test method would be to enable and configure only one at a time.

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 14:13
Here is my screenshot.

01-12-19, 14:17
Correct it is the configured (B) input which is simple single setup which is a fixed dish for 28E. But interesting if I remove coax from B, the motorised dish on A also gives a zero signal on all channels on 28E as well, but good on all other satellites. The problem is no signall on either the motorised dish or fixed on 28E.

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 14:19
Correct it is the configured (B) input which is simple single setup which is a fixed dish for 28E. But interesting if I remove coax from B, the motorised dish on A also gives a zero signal on all channels on 28E as well, but good on all other satellites.

Did you disable tuner B (set as not configued/nothing connected) when you removed the cable? If you have not, receiver will still try to use it.

And are you sure you are using Tuner A and motorised when you are doing these tests? Post a picture.

01-12-19, 14:23
Correct it is the configured (B) input which is simple single setup which is a fixed dish for 28E. But interesting if I remove coax from B, the motorised dish on A also gives a zero signal on all channels on 28E as well, but good on all other satellites.

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 14:32
Fundamental/basic rule of tuner configuration is that you must configure based on what is currently connected to the tuner. You are not very clear on what you tests method is. People always post on what they had set before, not what they have connected and set.

Please do the following:
Label the wire that has the motorised dish. Label the wire that has 28.2 only.
Disconnect all cables. Disable all tuners. (I am calling this zero stage)

Test 1.
Put 28.2 cable in top slot.
Set tuner A as simple, single 28.2
Tuner B still disabled

Do you have a problem receiving 28.2?

Test 2.
Zero stage
Put cable in bottom slot
Set tuner B as simple, single 28.2
Tuner A still disabled

Do you have a problem receiving 28.2?

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 14:36
Test 3.
Zero stage
Put motorised cable in top slot.
Set tuner A as motorsied
Tuner B still disabled

Do you have problems receiving 19.2e?
Do you have a problem receiving 28.2?

Test 4.
Zero stage
Put motorised in bottom slot
Set tuner B as motorised
Tuner A still disabled

Do you have problems receiving 19.2e?
Do you have a problem receiving 28.2?
Do you have a problem receiving 28.2?

01-12-19, 14:39
Ok, I have disabled the tuner on B (simple single) and now my motorised dish moves to 28E and I now have my channels back, but only one tuner. Do you think there is something wrong with my settings on tuner B, although it has been fine for years on that setting?

Test 1 fail
Test 2 Fail
Test 3 is a pass

Will Try Test 4

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 14:44
As mentioned already, tuner config must match what is currently attached to it. Removing a cable and not changing tuner config is wrong.

Please perform test above exactly as I have listed them and respond. We will know what the problem is instead of assuming. I have invested my time in posting to help you. If you do not wish to conduct the tests as listed, please say so.

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 15:10
Test 1 fail
Test 2 Fail
Test 3 is a pass

Will Try Test 4

Sorry to ask, please confirm if you are doing the zero stage between these.

01-12-19, 16:05
I will re-do all test again, can you explain what you mean by zero stage?

Your help is much appreciated, this issue is new to me, and I have been using V U Duo's for many years and this has never happened before. Steep learning curve on this one.

01-12-19, 16:10
can you explain what you mean by zero stage?


Disconnect all cables. Disable all tuners. (I am calling this zero stage)

01-12-19, 17:05
test 1 is a fail.
Test 2 is a fail
Test 3 is a fail
Test 4 is a fail

Zero stage implement and followed instruction to the letter, so must be tuner modual.

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 17:58
test 1 is a fail.
Test 2 is a fail
Test 3 is a fail
Test 4 is a fail

Zero stage implement and followed instruction to the letter, so must be tuner modual.

Your previous post said test 3 worked. So it 's not worked on the last test you did. One other thing you can test is the PSU.

01-12-19, 19:00
I can use the A tuner with B disabled for the time being, need to decide if try and repair or buy a new box,

Many thanks for trying to help with this issue, I do appreciate the time you have given. It is this great forum that keeps me with openvix.

abu baniaz
01-12-19, 19:02
I can use the A tuner with B disabled for the time being

How? You said it did not work. These were tests 1 and 3

26-01-20, 13:22
How? You said it did not work. These were tests 1 and 3

I have done more tests and have found that both cables need to be inserted in both A and B tuners for A to work. On the original test 28E did not work on the movable dish when tuner B was connected but did work on the other satellites, now it does not work at all. For me to get the use of the movable dish on tuner A I must have the fixed dish inserted in tuner B, disabled or enabled makes no difference.

A bit confusing I know, but that is the current situation, would be interested to find out if this issue has been reported by any other users?

26-01-20, 13:43
here my fixed is on A and rotor on B.No problems at all even in the box with 4 tuners . Only problem I had was after update some time ago I needed to change the cables and the config of tuner D because off problems cable D not working with old config disecq position satelites.Had to move 28.2 to disecq A instead off D.Strange because only on tuner 4 .

04-02-21, 15:53
Never did resolve this issue, convinced it is a hardware problem, perhaps power supply which is often mentioned on the VU Duo 2. So I am now looking to get a new box, and see you are using the Octagon SF808 which is on my list as a potential replacement for my duo2. As you have both receivers would be interested to know your view of the Octagon versus the duo?

04-02-21, 16:02
@psionguy - would you please start a new thread if you are looking for receiver recommendations. This thread references tuner problems and is over a year old.

05-02-21, 15:00
It was my thread and the problem is still there, bellejt was very helpful as he has a similar setup as me. I would have done a PM to him but suspect he would not remember this thread so this seemed a good way to make contact.

06-02-21, 10:36
think I replied to your mail :)