View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Flashing a newer image - is everything deleted?

16-11-19, 00:14
I updated my Openvix image in early September and saw a message telling me that the update to 5.2. something-or-other would be the last of that 5.2 series. It's been running fine until a few days ago when the blue spinner began appearing. The only two add-ons I have are DreamPlex and XTreamTV. XTreamTV is now not working any more, i.e. it will not validate.
But before I flash my VU+ Duo2 with Openvix 5.3. something-or-other (I have never done such a flash before), and after making a backup using dreamboxEdit), I would like to know whether - after flashing 5.3 from the USB stick - I will then have to get my dear son-in-law to set up DreamPlex and XTreamTV for me again, or are they kept in place? Or is all the necessary information and plugins etc in the backup I make using dreamboxEdit ?

Or could the XTreamTV problem be caused by something else ? My son-in-law also uses it with the same type VU+ and from the provider and his is working fine.

16-11-19, 14:33
Make a backup using OpenViX backup manager.

menu > setup > vix > backup manager.

Now when you flash the new image the first screen you will see should say restore from backup. Select your backup and press ok. Box should restart and immediately be configured how it was previously.

16-11-19, 22:05
Thanks so much, I will try that tomorrow. (The blue spinner is getting "worse" - more frequent for longer, so I hope the new image will fix things)

16-11-19, 22:13
Query would/could using settings restore not put back in the issue in question and a clean install be better.?
No harm in having a backup if needed.

17-11-19, 15:05
Well, I made the backup using vix > backup manager and also a files backup using DreamboxEdit, reflashed, restored the tar. thing from the Harddisk, all seemed to go well, but although it DID restore my DreamPlex, it did not backup my XTreamTV plugin.
In backup manager, I used the default settings for the files to be backed up.
In the excellent instructions for using the backup manager that I found here (a big hug to the person who wrote it), I notice the line "You can press the yellow button and add other files..." (the image in the pdf shows the list beginning bin, boot, dev, etc...)
Should I have selected one of those as well to make sure that my XTreamTV plugin was included ? Or do I need to get son-in-law to set it up for me again ?

17-11-19, 16:12
Wonder-oh-wonder, I actually got XTreamTV installed and working again all on my own.
But I would still like to know how I can do the backup and make it save the XTreamTV plugin as well.

The blue spinner seems to have disappeared and I can change my channels (from the sat dish) quicker again.

17-11-19, 16:16
You need to find out where XTreamTV stores its files, it clearly doesn't use the standard places otherwise it would have restored ok.

This link isn't very helpful, but maybe it'll prompt some feedback.
